this ntry is freakin long n idc! =D
okk its abt time i type abt thursday. as u all kno, im totally alone in this country as of saturday altho thers always th hamzah exception bt we obviously wont be playin tgether u see. neverthless he keeps meh company in msn n is still gunna be here in eid so yay! =D
thursday ws a nice 'farewell' day for me. too bad CC wsnt ther afta school n in th kompond ._. speakin of CC, afta assembly [ when green bag ws calld up i ws like HBAEKJFGSAG ] i talkd t hamzah n fajar abt th CC thang. turns out th twins rnt allowed t watch n wer just gunna eat insted so we aint gunna watch. i still dcided t go anyway cz i wnted t jln2. better than bein bored at home rite? [ btw my report ws.. a C for physics n chem [ lol pdhl dpet E in both mocks AHAHA ], B for ICT n A for maths. parents wer fine with it bt they keep dronin on abt studyin this holiday. I KNO OK. ]
so then i calld my mom t say im goin with tnte ita t CC. i planned t go t city lifestyle n tht art shop near xtreme, n maybe lukin at shoes n kipling. when fajar sed he ddnt wanna go cz umar wsnt goin, i went rock-bottom D=. first CC now him?! if he dsnt go id feel totally weird bein th only non-isyna. also, it wud be waaaaay less fun. i totally tried t cnvince him by sayin its umar's own mother thts gunna take em t CC so y wudnt he go? then fajar sed he [ umar ]can go home with me lah n i went bt if he cn go t CC y dnt u go too? then i sulked. fajar g prnah mau main sma bs ah! i thot. pdhl bsok blom tntu k corniche jg kmu. g akan ktemu lgi ampe kmu blik dri indo. mau kyk gtu hah hah hah? bforehand i sorta hugged CC bye n told em ill miss em which is smethin i rarely do btw. then we wer sent either t h/w club or cars, n we went t th car duh.
in ze isyna mobile [ ther ws cute ol' dasa ] i listened t music intently [ hurr i ws in sulk mode wt u xpect ] whilst helpin tnte ita luk for parking. it ws so freakin PACKED! ther wer hardly any spaces at all. whenever we found a car revving back thers always another car waitin for it. she finally dcided t drop us off at th xtreme world wing n it ws 1:40 already for guten tag.
i sped off t city lifestyle still in pout whilst th boys went up t pray. then i too went up n strolled past th art shop, saw a hand model tht caught my eye bt kept on walkin. i stopped in my tracks n dcided t luk around th place sme more. so i walkd back. i smsed hamzah wher he ws by th time i got inside th store n he sed they wer behind me across th 'bridge' n i saw em n they too. they ddnt even bother nyampering me >.>;; i spent a while in ther n bot a wooden hand for QR85. ther goes my overflow of cash. then i went t sun n sand sports n lukd for vans. i found one. it ws a bit too big bt i loved it so i hadta buy it - for QR159 *sigh* i love shoes tho! TAT here's wt it luks like:
i bot only ice cream n sat down next t hamzah. i showed em th hand thing n fajar n umar started playin with it. i told fajar abt how thers a smaller version n he sed he wnts it so i went alrite ill buy it for u, bt i think i also went on abt how un-nice they wer by ignorin me when they saw me at th art shop n fajar sed tht he sed t th rest 'eh itu ad bs' bt th twins ddnt wanna cme over. grah. then he dd th middle finger n i ws ranting at him. umar dd rock on. ali wore a paper bag on his head n walkd around th place with it XDD it ws so dumb n cute. we talkd abt teachers n how we saw some tday n other random stuff. i felt so free n myself n normal around them.
thers a few more vids in facebook if any of u wanna see.
anyway, all of a sudden adam n arif appeared o____o;; i thot i ws abt t drop my jaw. fajar started standin up n shakin hands with him, goin hey adam n stuff like tht n then they 3 walkd off t burger king. extremely flabbergasted, i ws like OMGOMGOMGMG HE IS SO COOL GYAA WTH IS HE DOIN THER LUK AT WT HE'S WEARIN I TOTALLY WANNA PRETEND T BUY SMETHIN IN BK NOW *rummages in bag for wallet* lol i bet they all thot i ws a total psycho XD fajar ws already back by then so he heard my fangirlism too. he went smethin like 'ah susah ya jdi tmenny adam', cz of th fangirls he has. well anyhow i wsnt rele payin attention cz i dcided t buy chicken fries so i asked em th price n fajar ws like 9 n i went YOSH I SHALL BUY KHEIHKEIHKE n whoosh i went. when i luk back at it i rele do think i ws nuts XD
i like, waited at th cashier with adam :B i ws sneakin glances at him cz i wnted t check out his outfit LOL. he wore a freakin heart necklace. bt th blue shirt he wore ws awesome 8) then out of th blue he sed at me 'hey, whers fajar' n i sed 'uh over ther' or smethin. th way he sed fajar's name ws unique. fajar ws standin up lukin at us i think. when adam went off my head ws like: WTH DD HE ASK ME THT FOR HE ALREADY KNOS WHER FAJAR WS AOHOEAUUAGN faint. i saw a burger n chicken fries on their tray .itoldu
when i got back t my destined area i put away my chicken fries [ lol rmember i just bot it so i has excuse t be with adam ] n ws like 'he tlkd t me~' in a dreamy voice laughs. fajar went dia blng ap n i told em th story. then fajar told me abt how he told adam tht he has fangirls n he sed i ws one of em n i ws like WUAT bt he ws just jokin. he also xplained abt th heart necklace; it ws amusing XD it ws past asar now n hamzah sed we're goin t olympic sports bt bfore we jet off i ws like wanna see my shoe n they ddnt seem t want to bt i showed em anyway. fajar point-blank sed it wsnt cool cz it wsnt red. >___>;;
ok our journey t olympic sports n beyond ws totally random. hamzah ws stressed most of th time cz we hadta hurry up bt we tuk our time laughs. i rmember when we wer goin down th escalator, umzah ws like at th bottom of it n me fajar n dasa wer still at th top n hamzah glared at me n i went 'cmin hamzah~!' in mock sweetheart tone XD me n fajar wer talkin abt our typical personal n life stuff n dasa liked t ask us loads of teenage-related questions. since olympic sports ws waay on th other side we talkd a lot. we had lots of stops cz hamzah had t talk on th phone n cncentrate. i had no idea wt we wer doin in olympic sports, i thot hamzah had t luk for underwear or smethin cz he seemed t say smethin along those lines. even til now i still dnt kno wt he lukd for [ or i forgot ]. i casually admitted stuff t hamzah one time n his reaction ws so normal t it hlaughs. fajar heard i think n started goin on abt things t do with th matter n thts when i bgan attemptin t kick him n stuff, sayin 'dnt make me repeat it again' or wtever n t console he patted me as usual. we actually walkd back t th cinema foodcourt again n idk y o___O;; [ too busy talkin lol ]. hamzah ws furious by then cz he wnted us t rele hurry up cz it ws already 3. XD salmaniye n umar wer isolatin themselves as me fajar n dasa had a nice chat. i told dasa my ntire crush list n their stories n fajar went 'ure actually tellin this t a kid!' n i went so wt he's just a kid. i forgot wt else we talkd abt, bt tht dsnt matter cz it ws a lot of fun. i wish i tuk more videos ):
in th end we went downstairs t th carrefour area n met up with tnte ita. i rmember talkin t fajar at th parking lot n after i ws done hamzah went 'when u talk t smeone ure deaf t th world' or smethin like tht n he's rite.
at home i dd normal home stuff n ditched kempo cz i ddnt wanna go. iwan told me abt th robot he made with his lego mindstorm. i dcided t cme over t his house insted cz i wnted t check out wt th kids wer doin anyway [ they sed they wnted t make a movie with th gorilla mask ]. it ws pretty cold outside n very cloudy. i rang their bell n iwan opened it n fajar appeared soon aftawards, with shorts n a freakishly thin white shirt. i wondered how he cn survive th tmperature. th intended plan ws for iwan t bring th robot over t th doorstep bt they invited me in insted. ther wer no parents either. i saw th robot in iwan's room n he sed prepare t laugh n i thot wt cud be so funny? then he turned th robot on n THEN i started laughin so hard til my stomach hurted. it ws freakin HILAAAAAAAARIOUS. th robot ws supposed t walk bt it DANCED INSTED. AHAHHHAHAHAHAHA XDDDXDXDD i kept laughin n laughin n laughin. i wish i had a video of it. th design ws cool tho bt still.. IT FREAKIN DANCED!! failed attempt t make a robot walk. even on th floor it moved like 5mm/secs. fajar stayed in th room for a bit n ran off t his own [ when i visited him he ws just playin with his DS ] til it ws time for me t leave.
i walkd twards th isyna household cz thts wher th kids shudve been. i saw dhia n nisa n hamzah in th distance n dcided t ajak th sudarsana bros outside. iwan stayed in obviously bt fajar walkd out BAREFOOT AND in his current thin n short clothes n i totally cmmented on y he's nt cold n tht he shud change n stuff. i also showed him venus in th sky, if it ws venus tht is. th clouds disappeared already. th kids wer already done with their gorilla thang n it ws awesome n funny. th video cn be seen in dhia's facebook. fajar ran off n i ws like bye bt he ddnt nswer so i thot gah, idiot. bt after a minute he cme back with a jacket n long pants n i smiled. later on th crowd dissipated n us older kids n fadhli n ocha i think wer left. we transferred ourselves t nisa's n dd rele undefined stuff ther like wearin th gorilla mask n talkin abt it n acting out stuff with it. i think we talkd too bt i forgot abt wt. it ws funny n so random xD
soon we literally barged in th house [ nisa disappeared inside it like a long while ago bfore we realised ] n started playin with her piano. she ws busy talkin on th phone. hamzah dominated th piano n fajar i cn tell had a lot of fun annoying him, like changin th sound mode n turnin off th power n unplugging th cable; stuff like tht. it ws fun wtchin him do it n hamzah bein annoyed [ sorry hamzahe ]. i laughed most of th time with fajar bt later on rele wnted t hear how hmzah plays so i tried t stop evry evil deed fajar wnted t conduct. he moved on t th TV anyhow. khalid n umar appeared too. nisa then tuk over th piano n i listened t her a bit then sat down n talkd t dhia abt her issues xD;; i forgot how it started. th boys wer so concentrated with th TV. at around 7:45pm or smethin i dcided t go home cz i felt sleepy.
so tht ws my thursday =D *2.3k words lol. im glad it happened th way it dd cz on friday n saturday i ddnt have any fun + i ddnt have any dcent time with fajar ):
5 replies:
pgn dong. kta tmn ku, ms sabbagh mau bkin phtography activity and i bet hes going for that. HE SHOULD!! huahua (i told him abt that anyway :p)
oia, what abt the necklace theen?
dhia baca smuany ato wktu ngeliat nama tas ijo baca itu doank? XD *jst curious
WAAH. PHOTOGRAPHY ACTIVITY? MAU MAU MAU! x] ntar klo ad berita lbih lnjut ksih tau bs ya ;DD
ah, th necklace.. ktany fajar d skolah kan necklaceny sering kluar dri kaosny gtu [jdi dia hrus msukin lgi], pas fajar ngeliat dia tanya 'tuh kalung dri siapa' tuh ktany tas ijo dia beli utk dri sndiri. AHAHAHAHAH XD hati lgi! aneh bgt tuh cwok xp
*trus ktany tas ijo
iyaa. ktanya sih term 2 mau dimulai. tp tau deh.
CM GR2 LIAT NAMANYA XD XD and some of the top parts though hehe. bcs your entries are soooo looong to read :p:p
ahaha, it might means that he loves everyone. or he's lovable. wkwkwkwk
aaah, i wanna see how it looks xD
yea i kno. bt IMO theyre nt tht long t read klo dbaca. i bet ppl r just lazy t2h
LOOOL nah it just means he loves himself! ad ko photo necklaceny d FB. liat aj
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