th 3 magical words tht will describe him :)
anyway i feel like typin abt my dream guy [ as of 1st half of bein a 16yr old ] laughs. i am such a girl & dreamer. even my chem classmate ahmed almeer sed t me 'syania stop bein such a girl' - well thts cz i kept squeaking when we wer doin experiments. anyway i realised tht my early-16 dream guy is a lot different from my current one. i guess 16 rele is when th changes r significant.
first of all i used t nt care abt appearance bt now i do LAUGHS. thts nt a gud thing bt wtever idc. its just a DREAM anyhow so ill always accept wtever i get in th future.
i want my dream guy t be thin or skinny. like umar will also do [ LAUGHS ] bt he hasta be tall. like 10cm taller than me. I WANNA MARRY A TALL, SKINNY GUY. yes. BT NT LANKY EITHER. i hate lanky guys. they luk so weak n lame.
this may sound stupid bt i want him t have strong n/or bony shoulders. dnt ask y. i sorta think abt shoulders cz i totally dnt want him t slump like somebody i kno .itoldu emote - thts a hint btw.
hands r also important. he must have totally awesome manly hands like th ones u see in bishounen in animes. his fingers must be thinner than my fat ones. o yea, u kno tht bone tht sticks out at th wrist? yea i want his t show. furthermore, a very necessary factor, i wanna feel safe n protected when we hold hands. if u wer t take a pic of it it hasta luk sweet. like, it wud make u think th guy goes: 'hold my hand; ill always protect u n never let u go' altho he wudnt havta SAY it. just by holdin hands id understand. KIEHKEIHKEIKHEIKHE -fantasises-
ok another one is hair. I LOVE GUY HAIR >: ther is no specific preference, as long as it luks awesome on him. btw im nt exactly fond of iwan, hariz, fadhli, khalid n indra's hair. tht is all.
2nd t last one - CLOTHES! gyahhahaa clothes actually kinda matter a bit t me. KINDA. he hasta wear cool clothes. hoodies, abstract shirts, un-nerdy polos, KEMEJAs, stuff like tht. well he dusnt HAVTA.. bt.. UGH u get wt i mean.
th final one is... A CHARMING SMILE! =D lol tht is so different from th other ones XD even tho i have nasty thots abt appearances im still a girl lukin for a sweet guy n wt else is ther from th physical tht is cuter than a guy's smile? :] so yea. smile smile smile
here's a random song quote tht kinda fits with th above blabs:-
'mungkin kau kan ku tinggalkan bila tak ganteng lagi' - HAHAHA THT IS SO EVIL. its actually 'tak CANTIK' bt i changed it cz im straight. taken from ST12's Tak Dapat Apa Apa (My Hot), tht song abt bulan n bintang; dhe3's fave.
*o yea i forgot t mention tht i prefer a guy tht cn be described as 'cute' n 'gnteng'/'cool' than 'sweet' n 'handsome'. if u get wt i mean XD
err so now abt th actual personality of th dude. u cnt exactly find ppl tht fits ur preferences bt then thts wt soulmates r for rite? so u cn accept them however they r.
u kno wt i changed my mind, im nt gunna type abt personality simply cz its a tad too long t be put in here. so ill just leave it at th physical XD KTHXBYE time for bed
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 8:01 pm
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12 replies:
lol my word veri is locklhem
YES I LOVE TH BONY WRIST THANG. thts y i tend t stare at my own n poke it.
LOL locklhem XD it sounds so game-ish
O WOW. you dreamer. :P
i don't think about those stuff yet honestly. but it was fun reading it bwahahah
yes i sure am. thers nothin wrong abt dreams tho, cz evrything goes ur way 8)
u shall think of those stuff later in life .jreng
u nt thinkin of it rite now is wt makes u cania.
you know what? it reminds me of 'him' AHAHAHAH
and i hope you know who im talking about XD
bs suka2 aj sih figureny dia, tpi TRLALU skinny. XD
iya sih. terlalu kurus. and tall! 0_o
tp sering pk baggy pants gt. aku aja tau skinny dr adenya. huahua
iy, klo dia make skinny ntar kliatan kyk bsa patah tuh kaki. XD
wuoo ~ i knew skinnies from u guys 8)
ga juga sih bee. aku liat di fb nya ga kecil2 bgt. haha
what dyou mean "i knew skinnies form you guys"?
o yea i just realised he dus wear skinnies. g mrhatiin gtu t2h
bs tau ttg skinnies dri klian~ klo klian g suka ngomongin or wear it bs g bkl tau itu apaan. XD get it?
ahah yesh i get you
but what i meant here is.. i know that he's skinny from adenya.
bkn ttg 'skinny' wears xD
AHAHHAHAHAHHA. aduh bs payah bgt
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