Me n matar wer gleefully chatting when suddenly i dcided t show her smethin from my mobile. Bt then i thot 'hmmh while th webcam loads let obama greet her' n so i put obama in front of th cam. n then i saw my gingerbread man, n dcided t put him too. n then they lukd like such a happy family so i put th gingerbread's house behind them. n then i put th peace hand bcuz obama is a peacemaker. n then i put th madagascar animal which carisa thot ws a freakin elephant as their pet. n then finally i put a flower above obama's head cz he's gay like tht.
Close up shot ;D
n thts when th abominable spiked monster destroyed their home >:
So anyway, ill state wt ive been doing for th past days. Facebook. Geo Challenge. Chatting. Chatting. Chatting. Facebook. Geo Challenge. Eating. Sitting in front of laptop doing laptop stuff. Nt working. Nt studying.
How unproductive! sigh im so lame .___.;; anyway th geo challenge ws only cz i wnted t beat umar cz he kept beating my high scores. D: bt anyhow its fun bein in cmpetition with a guy :D He starts t reply better in chat too, n im glad.
Yesterday CC n andin cme over t th kompond when i wnted t go t abid's, bt tht plan ws changed for tday insted, so i stayed at home. It ws nt until like 4 tht cania n nisa barged into my house. We facebooked n chatted n then dd smething soooooo funny we kept laughing hysterically bt i cudnt let out any tears of joy. Wts wrong with my tears these days?! So anyway tht probably lasted til like 7pm cz we had too much fun n ddnt wanna go anywher til we wer satisfied with it. O yea we webcam-an with Iwan n for a minute fajar appeared n his hair luks different. When he ws typing he wudnt show his face on th screen, typical. Gah i hate him.
Then we went t dnf's wher ther ws carisa andin dhea n frh. they wer doin facebook too bt then me n matar lead evryone else t nisa's house so she cn give out souvenirs.
We stayed in nisa's house for an hour or so, talking mostly. n hamzah n umar played th piano. we also gathered at th front of th house just talking. i ws mostly at th door :D CC n andin already went home at tht time.
Once i wnted t luk at th brisingr book cania got hamzah. turns out he ws lukin at it so i stood bside him waiting t see it whilst talking t him. all of a sudden tnte ita burst open th door n started talkin t hamzah who immediately jolted up n rushed off. When she ws gone, hamzah flopped on th couch n sed 'my reputation' i think, or smethin like tht, n we both thot of th same thing. It ws dreadful. my reputation ws at stake too. x__x;;
Anyway then we went t dnf's wher we ate pasta n massive karaoke-ed. it ws fun, cz we ALL sang. even hamzah. he sang much louder cmpared t umar bt umar amazingly kept dominating th mic. we teased khalid abt his facebook status n he ws actually smiling.
since it ws just karaoke thers nothin much t describe bsides tht umar is so cool when he sings, even tho i cnt rele hear him. he dsnt sound tht bad either, like how hamzah describes it >__>;; oh n hamzah's voice is actually ok too =D nisa had most passion n she dominated th mic a lot too, which lead me into suspicion as t y UMAR wnted t keep singing n takin over th mic.
It lasted til 10:45pm :D
How unproductive! sigh im so lame .___.;; anyway th geo challenge ws only cz i wnted t beat umar cz he kept beating my high scores. D: bt anyhow its fun bein in cmpetition with a guy :D He starts t reply better in chat too, n im glad.
Yesterday CC n andin cme over t th kompond when i wnted t go t abid's, bt tht plan ws changed for tday insted, so i stayed at home. It ws nt until like 4 tht cania n nisa barged into my house. We facebooked n chatted n then dd smething soooooo funny we kept laughing hysterically bt i cudnt let out any tears of joy. Wts wrong with my tears these days?! So anyway tht probably lasted til like 7pm cz we had too much fun n ddnt wanna go anywher til we wer satisfied with it. O yea we webcam-an with Iwan n for a minute fajar appeared n his hair luks different. When he ws typing he wudnt show his face on th screen, typical. Gah i hate him.
Then we went t dnf's wher ther ws carisa andin dhea n frh. they wer doin facebook too bt then me n matar lead evryone else t nisa's house so she cn give out souvenirs.
We stayed in nisa's house for an hour or so, talking mostly. n hamzah n umar played th piano. we also gathered at th front of th house just talking. i ws mostly at th door :D CC n andin already went home at tht time.
Once i wnted t luk at th brisingr book cania got hamzah. turns out he ws lukin at it so i stood bside him waiting t see it whilst talking t him. all of a sudden tnte ita burst open th door n started talkin t hamzah who immediately jolted up n rushed off. When she ws gone, hamzah flopped on th couch n sed 'my reputation' i think, or smethin like tht, n we both thot of th same thing. It ws dreadful. my reputation ws at stake too. x__x;;
Anyway then we went t dnf's wher we ate pasta n massive karaoke-ed. it ws fun, cz we ALL sang. even hamzah. he sang much louder cmpared t umar bt umar amazingly kept dominating th mic. we teased khalid abt his facebook status n he ws actually smiling.
since it ws just karaoke thers nothin much t describe bsides tht umar is so cool when he sings, even tho i cnt rele hear him. he dsnt sound tht bad either, like how hamzah describes it >__>;; oh n hamzah's voice is actually ok too =D nisa had most passion n she dominated th mic a lot too, which lead me into suspicion as t y UMAR wnted t keep singing n takin over th mic.
It lasted til 10:45pm :D
9 replies:
OLOLLOLOLOL. umar wants to sing with nisa? *0*
now I regret leaving early -sobs-
but nisa already has a man :D
LOL idk if he WNTS t sing with nisa, bt he dd wanna SING.
guh i want webcam.
oh i forgot to ask what did nisa sang at th mass karaoke ;D
i wouldve gone to your house too but because of dnf's addiction to WORD CHALLENGE i had to stay :'D
LOL nisa sang love songs.
umar sang love songs n old songs.
wuoo u wudve had tremendous roars of laughter if u joined us :>
u shall obtain webcam.
gosh, this is a one crazy post.
huee webcamnya lucu xD
lol i guess. XD
You don't know me k..
My Obama broke when I opened the bag *nooo
I shouldnt hav taken it out from the box..unwise decision indeed :|
ahahaha poor u xD
how cud it break tho?
u dnt pull th head out of th box..
oh, so r u just a person who randomly visited my blog?
huaa im curious who anonymous is xD
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