abt saturday.
◦ i had t go for my SATs, which i thot ended at 12:45pm bt they wer pricks n turns out it finishes at 2pm. then i discovered from mom n dad tht fajar's leavin at 3pm which made me realise i rele dnt have th chance t chat til 2009. sounds sad dsnt it? i reached at 7:45pm sharp n an ntire 1hr n 15mins ws wasted waitin for evryone t get in th hall t start th exam. ther ws a lot of ppl, QIS ones too.
◦ th exam went from 9 til 2pm n ther wer like 5 breaks inbetween. i got rele hungry after th 2nd break cz i had no food left. my stomach even dcided t play screamos. suddenly i heard rain n thunder, it ws rele loud n i liked it.
◦ my parents wer already waitin for me when i got out n i felt bad. stupid SATs liars. they already had hot chocolate n shawarma waitin for me; oh i love u mom n dad. in th car i asked em if i cud join them in takin fajar t th airport cz i wnted t go t jarir afterwards. they ddnt let me cz jarir mite nt be opened yet + th car wud be full. tht jarir thing ws an excuse btw just so i cn be longer with fajar. thruout th ntire journey i watched th sky cz it ws cool. idk another word t describe it bsides cool; bsides it fits anyway. th skyscrapers had brown clouds above it n one side of doha ws bright n th rest wer gloomy. it ws absolutely beautiful.
◦ when i got home it ws already asar n after prayin n rantin at hamzah i dcided t go outside t take pics. sadly th rain stopped already. then i perked up at th sound of my mom ordering me t go t fajar's house t titip an iPod nano case t them. wth is th english for titip anyway? -searches- ugh th dictionaries r useless. i also need t expand my vocabulary a lot more.
◦ i nervously rang th bell n om agus opened it n fajar turned around from his couch n just lukd at me even after i asked if i cud speak t him. they kept askin me t come in bt i felt rele weird so i intended t stay outside cz th weather ws breezy anyhow. when fajar walkd over t me after much 'fajar cme here' stuffs i had an awkward feeling cz he lukd so handsome. i babbled on abt th ipod case n all he dd t show he cmprehended ws nod n i felt stupid.
◦ then i brought up th missing HP chain thing cz i rele wnted it back n he sed with such unreadable expression tht it ws lost n i sed no i saw it yesterdays ago on top of ur desk n he went off searchin for it. finally i went inside cz tnte siwi urged me n i sorta talkd t her n iwan while waitin for fajar t find th chain. after a lot of minutes he cme back from his room n sed it wsnt ther n i think i sed 'its ok' bt he went inside th kitchen tht ws already locked anyway. he lukd so dedicated. btw iwan's vest ws awesome bt too small on him.
◦ i cudnt stand it in ther so i told em ill inform t my parents they wer ready. i tuk out my cmera n started takin pics. my parents brought th car over n i already sensed a twinge of sadness. he cme over t me presentin both th guy n girl chain, nt even a hearable/single word, n ws already walkin away bt i stopped him n gave th guy part. i told him nt t lose it. he never seems t want th guy chain n i keep wnderin y. ds he nt want t be th one who owns th other half? ._.
◦ tnte siwi wnted t take a group pic so tht 'ntar dtaruh d friendster' n she started reachin for fajar bt he refused n she sed 'ah fajar malu ya'. tht ws funny XD i stood around them talkin t iwan a bit n desperately hopin for fajar t say smethin t me. bt he never dd. he ddnt even luk at me. i told him again nt t lose th chain n dnt frget my titipans ok. tht ws sort of a lame attempt t spark up a convo. it failed. again he just nodded. so when my mom finally appeared n they started gettin in th car all i sed ws 'slamat jalan ya' n only tnte siwi n iwan [ i think ] replied [ om agus ws already in th car ]. he rele ddnt say anythin .__.
◦ i went t th other side n tuk pics of ocha n nadia. bfore th car left off i lukd at fajar n waved at him, smiling. he saw n dd a short, half-hearted wave back n immediately turned t face th front. i rele cn never ever tell wt tht boy is thinking. then they wer gone. i cnt believe we parted so silently. i never thot it wud be like this. i thot it wud be, us bein lively friends, more bright, if u get wt i mean. it ws also like this on th day i had t go t indo for th summer, bt back then its jst cz he ws sleepy i think. bt wt abt now? so, hamzah! our farewell ws nothin like ur imagination rite?
◦ from then on i tuk pictures til like 4pm n im very pleased with em. u cn see here. at home all i dd ws chat with hamzah non-stop again n it ws fun~
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 8:34 pm
Labels: emofajaring
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