God im so bored.. im supposed t be workin bt who works at nite on holidays?! so i lukd for surveys cz i have no life this december.. i dcided t do th survey for carisa&fajar cz they have different genders n i wanna see th outcomes for em. xD
Basic Info About Your Best Friend!
How long have you known each other? carisa- my ntire life wee; fajar- nearly 3 yrs
Is this the only best friend you have? well i guess i cn admit i have at least 2
When did you meet? carisa- lol i forgot duh! xD; fajar- i think january/february 06
How old were you both? carisa- we wer babies?; fajar- i ws 13 n he ws.. 10? wow thts so young o__O;;
Where did you meet? carisa- i rele rele forgot.; fajar- my house XD bt i ws too shy t appear so i ddnt rele meet him
How did you meet? carisa- forgot..; fajar- parents t2h
Did you get along instantly? carisa- DUH; fajar- no.. we wer sorta strangers for more than a month
Why do you feel you became best friends? carisa- bcuz we spend a lot of time tgether n we make each other laugh&happy! 8D; fajar- bcuz it just happened t2h
You were instantly friends: carisa- idk i forgot; fajar- no
Your best friend knows every single one of your secrets: nobody knows all my secrets cept God.. i do tell fajar anythin/evrythin bt theyre nt necessarily secrets either.
You think you know all their secrets: carisa- i dnt think she has much secrets do u matar? o=; fajar- i dnt kno all, bt im th only one who knows th ones he reveals =D
You believe that this person is the most loyal friend you have: im nt sure abt loyalty for any of my friends rele..
You believe this friendship will last until the end of time: amin for both! x]
This person is the most supportive person you know: carisa- of course matar is supportive! bt idk who's th most supportive person t me XD; fajar- idk o__O;;
This person is the one you call when you have a problem: i tell carisa a lot of my problems yes, bt i go t fajar when i talk abt personal issues
You have not slept with person: carisa- nt in th wrong sense!; fajar- uhh.. yes.. bt in th car ok o___O;; nt in th wrong sense either
This person is/was/will be your best man/maid of honor: they both sure will be! =D
There is nothing you do not know about this person: oh no of course nt.. for both of em
Well, let's test your knowledge! (these are all questions about your best friend)
Eye Color: theyre both dark brown
Hair color: both black
Hair style: uhh.. carisa is.. short? idk how t describe. fajar is like emo xD bt nt extreme
Height: carisa matar told me she's 152cm o-o fajar's probably 156cm >.>;; idk
Weight: carisa- uhh. am i allowed t reveal?; fajar- 40kg
Shoe size: carisa- 38/39? >: ; fajar- he sed 39
Favorite Color: carisa- omg i totally forgot. ws it white? o__O;; FORGIVE ME IF IM WRONG!; fajar- blue
Favorite TV show: carisa- lol disney stuff n her asian dramas i guess; fajar- KHR n gundam n since he just got mozaic.. maybe disney stuff too
Favorite Movie: i have noo idea. bt i think matar likes narnia? xD *ngarang
Favorite pair of shoes: matar probably enjoys her converse. fajar too~
Favorite Clothing store: lol matar.. H&M? *ngarang. fajar wudnt care abt such a thing
Favorite food: carisa- KFC?? O^O n fries. maaybe; fajar- he has a lot of fave.food i think xDD;;
Favorite animal: carisa- gosh i have no idea! DX; fajar- idk, bt he used t have an obsession with squirrels o__O;;
Favorite restaurant: LOL both of em like kfc XD
Favorite Band: matar dsnt listen t bands! n fajar likes guns n roses n dragonforce or smethin x__x;; o yea n sme indo bands bt idk~
Favorite Song: carisa- laughs her songs r rele nt my taste so idk. it changes a lot too.; fajar- WASURETEEE XD
Favorite Genre of music: carisa- pop n stuff o= ; fajar- rock..alternative..punk rock, bla3
Favorite city: ok i had no idea th survey ws this long.. idk for both of em
Who does he/she live with: their families
Parent's Name(s): carisa- bangun n catharina ninuk bla3 antariksa 8); fajar- siwi ratu or smethin n agus sudarsana xDD;;
Siblings names: cania n iwan.
Bedroom colors: uhh matar's is white n fajar's is beige?
First boyfriend/girlfriend: carisa- lol i totally forgot his name. XD; fajar- no one
First school attended: carisa- TK ISTIQOMAH? i totally forgot man.; fajar- idk
Totally Random stuff no one asks about your friend!
Weirdest gift you have received from your friend? they dnt give me weird stuff XD
Weirdest gift you bought for your friend? i buy them sane things.
When was your first sleepover? carisa- uhh like 2006. XD; fajar- never
What did you do? well with matar we watched ouran xp
Do you think you could live together? carisa- we cud; fajar- lol idk o___O;;
Why/Why not? carisa- if we go t th same uni n therfore be in th same dorm then yes! =D; fajar- we'd havta get married if we cud.
What thing does your best friend most often say? carisa- HMMH. wt dus matar say a lot? HUZZAH MATA?; fajar- he likes t say 'hey2'.. maybe other stuff bt i dnt pay attention
What thing does your best friend do that irritates you most? carisa- matar dsnt irritate me~; fajar- oh he dus a LOT of things.. no one needs t kno~
Nearing the end...
Did you have fun? i guess i dd cz i miss them n its nice recallin stuff abt em.
Did you get stumped? yea XD
Do you think your best friend will do this for you? lol they wont
Why/why not? cz they wudnt be bothered. XD
Bestest Buddy~
Thursday, 11 December 2008
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6 replies:
i em happy because at least i am mentioned once in this whole entry. and for a very stupid reason. XD
-searches ur name-
'cania n iwan'
Matar I like seaturtles. THEYRE MY FAVORITE ANIMAL. theyre so cute (:
and my fave color is yellow now and my fave movie is.. a lot and the first school i attended is TK NASIONAL KPS I was never istiqomah-ian.
I laughs at cania xD
LOL SEATURTLES SOUND RANDOM. XD bt i guess they are quite cute.
WEEE YELLOW. tht suits ur cheerful personality 8)
wuooo alrite then xDD ty for letting me kno
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