this shall be an entry abt my days from th 8th - 11th of december *titles a pun on 'holy-day'
ok so th 8th ws eid. on th 7th i ddnt do anythin of course.
for pics n vids go t FB and flickr
it ws a gud eid =D even tho ther ws only umzah t play with, i had fun.
th isynas n my family went t th masjid tgether in th mornin t pray. it ws soo cold! i sorta talkd with hamzah on th walk ther bt nt much cz i ws too sleepy for tht.
then at 8:30 or wtever we went t smeone's house idk who bt turns out ther ws kika! i liked wt she ws wearin. her house is so nice.. i ddnt wanna go at first bt when mom sed theyll be gone ALL DAY i dcided t come n im glad i dd.
i talkd t her n ate delicious food. th isynas just sat down n watched TV. then at 10:30 we left bt rite when we dd so dinda, dita, donny, gilang n smeone else i forgot came! oh well, its nt like i ws gunna talk t them anyway.
then we went t salma's house. i stayed in her room with th others watchin anime laughs. it ws funny. then i sorta hung out with hamzah cz he wnted t spam my cmera.
rite afta tht we travelled t alkhor. i slept without intending to.
we only went t 1 person's house bt it felt like a looooong time. at first we stayed in t eat n talk n take random pics [ well, me n hamzah.. i totally bugged him t take pics of umar thruout ] which u can see in FB n flickr. then umar n khalid n ali went out t th playground, me hamzah n ocha caught up later cz hamzah waited for me t finish my food.. dd he?
well anyway he kept takin pics thru th ntire playground time =___=;; n i kept takin vids laughs. well since it ws a playground wt cn i describe bsides th fact tht we played? all th older isynas tried t jump off th swing n i tuk vids of them =p
later on we moved our site to th grassy shady place, n umar found a hideous worm bug thing. we spent like 15 minutes observing it n finding more [ ther wer 3 ]. all in all tht alkhor session ws very relaxing. nthin much t talk abt cz i already have th vids n pics. o ya umar gave me gud impressions, bt idk how so.
soon at 3:30 i think th parents cme with their cars n i ran with hamzah t them xD
ther ws an open house at tnte rian's afta maghrib bt i ddnt go cz i ws too lazy n th isynas ddnt come so y bother. turns out they went ther after pickin up om hanif from th airport -o-;; hohs well. i sorta regretted.
on th 9th hamzah left at 12pm. it ws meant t be a 'dramatic departure' [ quote hamzah ] bt failed. i ws officially alone n had no one t chat 24/7 with anymore. from then on i engaged myself in activities such as readin webcomics n wastin life in facebook. i even dcided t start on my comic Worst December which i totally suck at doin, bt ill keep tryin. adam came t th compound on th 10th, they wer at th tennis court. on th 11th i even wnted t follow a schedule bt tht failed too, altho honestly i dd get sme work done so im proud of myself. o yea iwan went online tday n i ws sad fajar ddnt. bt even if he dd id have no idea how t start th convo. smetimes i find it odd how i find him my closest guy friend bt we have more silences, distances n 'shy moments' than how i do with hamzah. y is tht so anyway?
ugh i feel so anti-social x___x;;
p.s. OMG I JUST RMEMBERED LAST NITE I HAD A DREAM.. THT UMAR TOLD ME THT HE LIKES NISA HOMGAH o___O;; it felt so real n i ws disappointed i think. XD n just now i rmembered n thot OMG UMAR DSNT LIKE NISA CZ IM AWAKE NOW. so yea. also ther ws another dream yesterday, i told it t dhia so i paste th stuff i typed here [ its indonesian ]:-
kan malem2 d kompond.. kta lgi hang out d dpan security [ tau tuh knp dsitu ]. trus bs lgi ngobrol sma cwek2ny trus yg cwok2 sma farhan. tiba2 one of th girls sed adam bru aj lewat *lewat kta biar dia bsa kluar pulang. trus bs lgsung HAAAAAAH MANA? kykny bs wktu itu lgi makan toast deh.. *trus stlah bangun tdur jdi pngen buat toast . n then md bawa mobil tiba2 - mobilny putih jelekk bgt. tua lgi. trus bs lgsung msuk [ kykny md bawa mobilny biar kta bsa ngejar adam deh ]. then some other ppl hopped in th car. kykny sih ad fajar sma hamzah n farah.. g tau deh. md lgsung nyetir kluar kompond *nyetirny mantabz euy 8) kyk mobil balap- kta kan naik mobil at th speed of light. bs kykny d ujung kiri trus view jendela kanan ke-block sma yg lain.. n theeen tiba2 yg lain teriak2 'TUH ADAM TUH ADAM'!! gara2 gelap n mobilny trlalu cpat bs g liat dgn jelas, tpi adam make kaos yg d primary fotony d FB XD trus kykny dia gendong adekny deh o___O dia JALAN. ksian bgt. th end 8D
evilday so far..
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 3:11 pm
Labels: dontwelovehamzah, dream, eventised
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