th entry title's a pun on th word 'weekend' xD well th 'week'/'yaay' part dusnt make sense bt wtever~
my weekend ws beautiful T___T *well idk abt tday, saturday, bt thursday n friday ws perfect <3
they totally made up last week's sucky school fair n kempo n TOEFL =D
i tuk pictures on friday so i wnt bother describing in detail.
on thursday,
fajar ddnt talk t me at school even tho we wer baikan already bt i forgave him when he sed sorry later in chat. th day passed on normally til it ws time for kempo, my dad ws antering us. when we went t his house t pick him up he appeared n held up his hand th 'HUZZAH MATA' way n sed 'hello~' =D in th car he ddnt talk at all tho, bt me n dnf wer too busy jabbering on abt music n stuff.
in th running warm up thang i got t see hamzah's new glasses 8D they wer quite th cool type bt i prefer him in th other one. i also got t run next t umar which ws epic t2h XD
our sensei ws sensei hadi. i ws relieved cz sensei djodi's lessons r sometimes too intense n i wnted a nice 'relaxing' one since this is honestly th 1st proper kempo lesson with fajar actually communicating t me [ th other proper one ws ruined cz of my dying heart ].
anyway we dd tobireng geri n some other thing tht ws easy t memorise. we also dd this tangkis/punch for th legs n when sensei hadi dd it t me it hurted SOOO BAD! when sensei hadi told us t turn around t do partner work i faced fajar who ws behind me n he faced me n we dd a stupid grin at each other as if t say 'howdy we're partners now 8B' BUT then we noticed tht i ws supposed t turn t my RIGHT n turns out i ws meant t be with afdal, n he ws with .. hafiz? i greeted afdal n all n ws startin t kick when fajar sed t him 'hey bkan muhrim! ganti tuh, sma boii sana' or somethin so he went t boii n dhea went t me. bt later on me n dhea broke up cz carisa practised with her so then i just talkd with fajar.
soon th sensei told us t form a ridiculously enormous CIRCLE. it ws hilarious. i stood inbetween fajar n cania. he made us do tobireng geri n we wer like CRASHES INTO EACH OTHER n i seemed t pinch cania n step on fajar's foot xDD;; then we combined th punch/tangkis thing n th easy-t-memorise move tgether PLUS we added somethin else in th end.. it ws like a POWER RANGERS thing.. it ws so epic we laughed evry single time we do it n made stupid sound effects xDD;; *well me fajar n cania at least.
then when th sensei ws focusing on somethin else me n fajar watched boii n afdal do hilarious power rangers moves n when cania appeared we praktek-ed it xD. boii n afdal even dd random attacks at each other n th defenses wer actually reflex! o= they wer so entertaining, like circus ppl. HLAUGHS
back in th circle, we dd th power rangers sequence again. bt when th sensei ws busy doin th tangkis/punch thang at ppl me n fajar wer talkin abt so much stuff like adam n his [ fajar's.. not adam's ] school life. we wer afraid of th tangkisan thang n began running away t th start of th circle bt failed cz th other girls sed 'ih fajar genit dket2in cwek' or somethin
later on he taught us a new defense. i wsnt payin attention at all cz i ws too busy talking away bt after seein evrybody else do it i kinda got th idea altho fajar taught me most of wt t do >__>;; i ended up bein his partner tht day. carisa randomly appeared tho t be demonstration bt tht ws fail too so we dd it ourselves. i punched his stomach rele hard by accident cz i ddnt kno how t do it xD
at th end of th session umar ws actually sorta ignored so i told him one of my current secrets. he seemed t like it. then we went home separately~
on friday,
we had an epic morning walk at th corniche. i ws alone when i reached, waitin for evryone for like 10 minutes at th playground cz i came first bt then they all popped up tgether so yeaa. we immediately began walking, n then running/jogging for a bit. i noticed tht hamzah ddnt run at all, too busy takin pics like myself altho i take more pics of ppl.
thers lots t say abt it bt thers pictures so wts th point? ther ws an adorable scene which i ddnt capture tho when nisa gave a water bottle t umar at th water machine. IT WS SO FREAKIN CUTE. i wish i tuk a pic of it T__T *bangs head on wall in regret*
we only walkd til th oryx bt th boys advanced further cz us girls wer too busy takin pictures, altho they wer sent back. i talkd mostly with fajar n carisa n hamzah [ well we talkd only when he hadta show me his photos ] n listened t music all th way. th boys wer listenin t music too. umar ws so hot dammit *i hope he never reads this in his ntire life*
here r 43 out of 106 photos:- click
th afternoon-evenin ws normal. i stayed in bed for 45 minutes cuddlin with my blanket n listenin t music cz i ws freakin tired bt i felt way better after tht. i also ditched my h/w. bfore maghrib i went t nisa's house t speculate her shoe [ it ws cool ] n her chat log with boii n tht ws hilarious, srsly.
then th space sisters n nisa came over n we wnted t go outside bt i ws takin forever cz of hamzah's chat. so nisa n cania went first, t nisa's house. me n matar left later on n wondered if we shud go t iwan's house, so we dd. we went in n dd some random stuff at fajar's computer at first then saw vids in iwan's laptop bfore he went t sleep [ when we realised tht ther ws no noise comin from his room we wer like wt's iwan doin? n we went ther n ws like OMG HE'S SLEEPING n stuff XD we tried t disturb him by makin his laptop at full volume n nudging him in msn. it failed xD ].
it ws all random til 9pm. we watched youtube vids n saw counterstrike n laughed at th stupid Titit names n th ugly hostage. in fact it ws TOO RANDOM i have no idea wt else we dd tht cud be described here, bt it ws hilarious n fun cnsiderin th fact tht it ws just th 3 of us n we wer th only ones laughing in th quiet household. several times we tried t wake iwan up bt he wudnt budge.
we 3 fought a LOT over th keyboard. XD carisa n fajar fought most tho. he actually bit her too o___O;; we wer shoving each other's arms away from th keyboard n typing gibberish all over nisa's chat i think. it ws very foolish. we also talkd abt skin colour at one point n tht ws stupid too. we FACEBOOKED too n tht ws even more random.
then fajar sed he ws hungry n wnted t make nasi goreng so we wer like SURE bt he ddnt have any rice. so we went t nisa's house n they wer doin their TV drill. they ddnt have any so we went t my house n i tuk 2 containers of fridged rice. back at his house, we started makin th fried rice. he used leftovers of somethin for th bumbu thing n added 1 egg n onions n pepper n th rice. he dd not cry when he chopped th onions. th air ws so FREAKIN SPICY or however u say it tht we all started coughing n coughing n coughing. me n matar watched as Chefajar [ chef fajar ] cooked. nisa n farah appeared in his garage askin wt we're cookin n stuff tellin us t eat at dnf's bt we wer like nah. when it ws done we tuk fail pictures n tried it n CRIED n COUGHED at how freakin pedas it ws. bt it tasted gud =D we sat n ate peacefully n dcided t invite andin n dhea over. andin ws quite red n teary cz she dsnt like/cnt eat spicy stuff xDD;;
we then speculated more utube videos n found adam's utube homgah bt his video ddnt make any sense. at around 9:45pm it ws time t go home, i checkd out nisa's house n found nothin interestin goin on altho wt hamzah told me contradicts tht matter. soo tht ws it! XD its been a while since i typed a long entry khekhiehe.
here r th nasi goreng chronicles pics:- click
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 6:22 am
Labels: essay entry is essay-ish, eventised, happyfajaring, humorous, kemprot, kompond mingling, youknowho
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4 replies:
iddn bother reading the kempo.
Dhea already told me thatt part when u had t be partnered with the person on the right hand side thing.
her side was funny, HAHAHAHAHHAHAH.
and OOH SO THAT WAS WAT U WER MUMBLING ABT WITH.. who was it.. crisa or sth?
wat was so cute abt it ? . _ .
and HAHA the chatlog. it was STABBING at the time XD XD XD .
friday WAS a nice day wasn it *__*
oh come on nisa its not like URS isnt long n im gunna read it *stares*
this entry is like 1550 words n urs is 1548!
yes i ws mumbling with carisa abt it of course 8) we're total nisaumar OTP fandoms~ it ws cute bcuz.. idk.. u guys wer like.. DIEM n stuff.
it ws nice indeed
th thing abt kempo.
WHEN I WS SKIMMING TH SENTENCE I WS LIKE 'apaan nih y is nisa typing this phrase here' N THEN I NOTICED TH DUMB NEVER
i dnt even kno dhea's side of th partnering thing XD
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