ok this shall be an enraged/moody/ladida entry.. NOT EMO
day of normality&happiness. when i went in th girl's block fajar loudly sed 'HI' n so i sed hi back. he followed th wish i asked abt on saturday. on th way up th stairs i hit him with my maths book as promised n i think it hurted.
after school we had t do iA evaluations n i typed 3 pages ALONE yet they wer used for my ntire group.
i played my laptop on my bed again cz my legs wer still kinda aching. i ws freakin stressed cz of th stupid magazine layouts bt chattin with fajar n hamzah n CC obviously made it better. cant remember anythin else.
monday - PMS day
school ws fun tho my current mood dusnt support th way i type abt it. he passed by me with a large smile n sed '7B' n i smiled rele big back *he ws talkin abt his maths grade. he sed he ddnt study for it either. i ws impressed. then i remembered tht i ws meant t hit him with both my chemistry n math books bt tht smile made me forget.
i discovered i got 2% away from an E in my chemistry exam ._. [ total opposite of fajar's grade x.x ] afta school hamzah seemed so alone so i just poked around n talkd t him abt any random stuff i cud think of. at a point when i ws talkin t him fajar appeared n sed 'jgn pacaran ah' angrily.
tday marked th 1st day i take care of primary with hamzahe. it ws so much more lively than th last time i dd it =D i thank u for ur presence~ me dhea n hamzah wer squealin over th cute lil japanese riko girl. her smile is so big it influences u. me n hamzah smiled cz of her numerous times XD we played with balls n hulla hoops. i found an entertainin kid. later on dhe3 described t me her wondrous story which made me melt.
at home fajar ddnt chat with me at all n i ws very confused as to y bt i thot maybe he ws too busy with maplestory like he always is with any other game. then i got into a bad mood for no reason.. i ws feelin so enraged n full of fury. i wnted t scream n emotes wer erased from my chat vocabulary for quite a while. then after chattin with iwan i realised i ws probably in th bad mood for no reason mode cz i just got my thing yesterday. this is wt they call PMS. bt then carisa n iwan made me laugh anyway.
i intended t sleep at 7:30pm bt slept at 10:30 insted cz i ws readin nakayoshi u___u
tuesday - bad mood with a reason day
tday me n fajar ddnt talk t each other T~T i ws so worried. well we hardly walk tgether on tuesdays anyway so.. bt after school! ther ws no chance either! so i talkd t hamzah. i ws focusin on wt happend on my way t physics last lesson.
*hamzah sees bs lukin at him*
hamzah:(mouthing) What?
bs:(smiles at him)
hamzah: -says somethin bs dusnt get-
bs: wt?
*they reach a closer distance*
hamzah: y r u wearin a skirt?
bs: (utterly bewildered) so wt if im wearin a skirt?!? graaah!
*curtain call*
We talkd abt my skirt matters for a while n then moved on t DT or somethin n then t his maths class n then if i shud go t school mag [ he sed i shud go ] n somethin else n stuff. eventually i ran out of topics so i went t talk t indra dhea n andin. bt soon afta we hadta go t school mag [ which i ended up goin to after much confusion ].
school mag ws hectic. i fixed th layouts i worked my a** off on sunday n got a job t do th mag cover which i finished already. i think its wonderful~ hamzah sed 'imagine if u ddnt come t school mag tday' or somethin like tht. i thot he ws talkin abt fajar.
anyway me n nisa blabbed on th way t th masjid n after sholating us 2 lukd at th twins' DT folders. umar's work is striking bt hamzah's room thingy is soo cool *____* then he talkd abt cameron bein able t draw [ o ya he ws talkin abt how cameron can solve this epic hard math equation tht nobody else cud do ]. n then i pointed out tht hamzah is such a cameron fanboy [ i shan't get into explicit details cz i dnt wanna embarass th poor boy ] n me n nisa laughed at tht thot n talkd abt it for th next 5 mins.
at home i got in a bad mood with a reason. fajar finally chatted with me bt then he got busy with maplestory n i acted all ignorant. bsides i ws busy doin th cover. later on when he got back we started chattin abt normal stuff bt since i ws still PMSing my replies wer lame.
then he got mad at me cz i started tellin him 'stupid stories'. -_____-;; i gave him reasoning bt he wudnt wanna listen or try t sort things out, he either ignored wt i sed or just replied 'gud'. i made a 'confession' if ud like t say it - bt he ddnt even say anythin abt it! thts when i got enraged. th confession is tht i try t make him jealous on purpose.. by various ways btw. i wont tell wt they r. bt i told him tht straightforwardly n y i wanna make him jealous - so he can talk t me more. he ddnt reply tht at all! n i thot it wud actually MEAN somethin t him. gah. he went offline at 6pm after puttin PMs abt me n thts when i went wtever i dnt care bla3. tho unlike himself, i wud never not care.
soon after i talkd abt my matters with him with th space sisters. i talkd abt it with cania in more detail cz carisa ws quite idle n cania is better t talk to when it comes t these kinda stuff. then bla3. i dd random stuff. eventually i felt better cz of idk wt, bt meh, tht ws tday n idk wt will happen tmorrow n th next day between me n tht guy bt hamzah's advice ws t leave him alone so thts exactly wt ill do! *altho th space sisters want me t say hi t him. .Stares emote
note i aint cryin cz im fighting with him tho idk if ill be sad later on. cz surprisingly enuff he's th one tht made me stronger.
cania actually compared me n him t husband n wife. .Stares emote again
2 replies:
yes i am better at these stuffs. thank my good observing skills.
ignore hamzah's advice and say freakin hi.
LAUGHS. i shall thank them.
if u observe any other stuff whilst we are still diem2an do tell.
i sed freakin bye t him when i left his car bt it made no difference.
so wt difference wud it make if i sed HI? D=
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