ever since yesterday ive felt awkard, wherever i am. kempo ws brilliant tho, me n dhe3 n carisa laughed so much abt numerous things. specially th sun, th moon, n maybe th stars. HAHAH. in th car me n hamzah had a nice long chat abt certain ppl. it ws fun. =D
we had a corniche walk this mornin n it ws absolutely nothin cmpared t last week's. ther ws a shortage of ppl tis y, n i walkd with dhe3 n hamzah mostly. har2 we made him wait for us.
anyway this entry is focusin on some incomplete story i typed prhaps a year ago or less. i feel like posting it, so do read it if u want. i wont post it anywher else =p th narrative changes from time t time.
A tale of identical twins [guy/girl btw]
“ISHA GET THE F*** OUT OF THERE!” I screamed through the bathroom door.
I heard her singing Good Charlotte’s ‘Dance Floor Anthem’ at the top of her lungs, either that was done on purpose or because she’s a little high from the PowerPuff Girl’s cereal we had this morning.
My patience was draining. I rattled the knob, it was unlocked. So I flung the door open and found myself facing something of more than my usual interest. More to say, I was utterly fascinated, ha-ha.
Isha, locks of wet hair painted her forehead while the rest of the sopping tresses curled into a bun, had stepped out of the misty shower; while my eyes caught onto the better parts. She was standing without a towel.
It looked like something out of Playboy. I whistled teasingly.
Isha let out one of those super-sonic screeches from superheroes, or super heroines, should I say, in movies, from her dainty little mouth, and it wailed across the house.
“PERVERT! THIS IS HARASSMENT! SEXUAL HARASSMENT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!? GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!” she half-stammered, half-screamed. I chuckled at the fact she was yelling questions out one by one without letting me answer.
“It’s your fault you took forever, AND didn’t lock the door.” My eyes scrolled up and down at her physique. “Get a towel,” I added.
It looked like a cape as she snatched a fluffy pink towel with blotches of… brown… and twirled herself in it.
Isha stuck out the finger at me. “Just because we’re twins, doesn’t mean I can’t have my own privacy, IN THE BATHROOM, WITHOUT MY CLOTHES ON, ESPECIALLY!” that girl ranted.
“You sure have grown the last time I saw you, exposed, which was like 5 years ago.” I wagged my brows with a seductive smirk.
“I WAS 10!” she said, and grabbed a rubber ducky from the sink and hurled it at my beautiful face. With ease, I caught the toy before it even hit my perfectly-shaped nose.
I walked out the room and turned my head around to face her. I grinned and said, “My brother-in-law will be very lucky to have married you,” then closed the door. As I walked to Mom’s bathroom I could’ve sworn that I heard her slip on the floor and land with a thud trying to chase me. Happened all the time when we were young.
I was so furious with that damned brother of mine. He does not have the right, even if he is 4 minutes older than me, to barge in the bathroom like that and FLIRT about my, yes, attractive figure. I shrugged on my grey and white uniform with the weird goat logo at the left bottom corner. I put in a packet of breath mints in the right chest pocket, hoping to see Liam in the bus, or maybe even SIT with him. I squealed like an obsessed fan-girl.
“What are you squealing around like an abused pig for?” Skythe yelled to me from the other room.
“Ooooh I’m telling Mooom.”
“Mommy’s boy!” I was so enraged that I ran to his room and found him putting on his socks. He smirked slyly.
Skythe said, “Oh, so now YOU wanna see MY sexy build? Sorry sis, but I am not unbuttoning this shirt again. Maybe after school when I get changed?”
I could feel my cheeks burning. Who does he think he is? A model for Sports Illustrated? Well then I’m a model for Playboy, aren’t I? “But, Skythe… How can I POSSIBLY wait 6 hours? Why don’t you show me your well-built six packs NOW?” I said.
“Wow, you’re that desperate. If it’s what you want…” his voice trailed off as he began undoing the first button.
I turned my head away and made a ‘stop’ gesture with my hand. “No. Please. You know I was just being sarcastic.”
He laughed. His jet black hair was blown by the wind as he walked past me, first button undone. A few red-highlighted strands brushed his baby-smooth face as he showed off his glinting, perfect teeth before exiting the room. I gotta hand it to you, he is very good-looking. Sometimes he makes my cheeks go pink when he ruffles his hair up spontaneously – OK now why am I talking about this?
Outside, we waited for the bus; which was meant to be coming at like 10 minutes later. The sign made a short shadow, indicating perfectly well the sun is and will be high. I was listening to Good Charlotte – Dance Floor Anthem from my Sony Ericsson w880i at full blast, humming along to the techno/dance rock beat. I began singing the chorus, and that’s when I caught Skythe glaring at me from the corner of my eye. He appeared to be torturing the buttons on his mobile which I totally forgot what brand it was, Motorola maybe, and furiously setting up his headphones, all tangled. I smiled at the line ‘I don’t wanna be in love’ because I am. By now my evil twin was blurting out random words from this Justin Timberlake song which obviously he does not memorise the lyrics of. His sharp purple contacts watched me as my curling mouth opened more so I can release a louder voice. Accepting the challenge, Skythe started singing louder, his voice seemingly a bit better now because he was singing a song he knew the lyrics of. We both kept singing, lyric after lyric, me hollering out ‘Famous Last Words’ and Mr. Popular chanting the sacred words of New Found Glory’s ‘Hold My Hand’, until suddenly we both said,
‘You and me, we like the same kind of music – that’s why we, make a good you and me.’
I pressed the small square button with clammy hands and hurried into the revving bus, not glancing at that boy. Instead, I shifted my attention to Liam, who apparently was sitting alone staring out the window as if the sky was beautiful. But you are more beautiful, Liam. I laughed at my thoughts. I felt Skythe’s icy stare behind me cooling my neck, therefore I hopped on next to my ninja in black ninja-suit (prince charming stuff is so gay). Twin brother hit the side of my head as he stalked by and it was the first time I didn’t know why he did. The idea of greeting Liam was rejected, because he appeared to be lost in thought and it would be rude to snap him back to reality.
The bus was the same as usual – everybody eating Wrigley’s and spitting them at each other’s seats, punks in the middle, emos at the corners, so-called Queens & Princesses at the front gossiping with the old bus driver who only nods and mumbles ‘mmhmmh’s, and all other sane teenagers elsewhere – that includes myself. It was different today because I felt tense with the Skythe thing and it has been a while since I was this close to Liam. I took a quick peek at the athletic boy. His hair was brown and short like a terrier that got gelled. A baby’s skin he had, but with those thick wooden arms, his slender branches grasping the window sill, it was no wonder why he was brilliant at boxing.
Skythe does not like Liam.
It was only about 13 minutes left ‘til the bell rings, I contemplated after staring at my red and black Adidas watch. I slowly looked back and found my sister prancing in front of the Loser, probably hoping to catch his attention. Huh, what’s so good about him? After 7 seconds, all the year 10 and 11 girls and a few guys swarmed around me. This happens every day.
Brenda, a tall blonde nerd with a Russia-sized ass shoved a piece of paper in my hand. Another poem for me to read. You know, she’s the only one I don’t like from all the fans I have.
‘Skythe, Skythe, did you do the English homework?’ my best mate Ryan clutched my shoulder. He’s always calling my name two times, I used to hit his head because of that but I got used to it anyhow.
I gave off a small nod and picked up some year 9s shouting ‘OhMyGod DID YOU SEE THAT? THAT WAS SO HOT!’ Sigh, they were talking about me obviously.
i love tht last paragraph. XD ill never continue this i think.
4 replies:
ah you guys went jalan pagi again? XD
shortage of people... YOU MEAN ME? *0*
i'll read that thing if i have time. :D
i meant umar n fajar n dhea n frh.
just kidding lol. u too.
gud luking ppl haaa *0*
btw th twins r yr 11 rite?
wee hamzah u rele like it? XD
its th first time i made a story abt gud lukin ppl. HLAUGHS
yes they r.. 15
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