i kno u all hate seein my long ntries so i guess i shud type abt friday n saturday separately just in case.. XD
first of all ocha is now 11yrs old n she got an orange iPod nano for her bday WTZEHALL she is too young t possess such a fragile n wonderful object.
2nd of all tday ws th strength-based motivation SBM thang evrybody hated th questionnaire of [ 170 freakin questions ] n i wondered wt ws gunna happen.
i shall now write in bullets cz tht 'motivates' *TOENG2* me t type briefly. btw th bullet points tht blogspot gave me r so jelek so i make my own.
umar made a spectacular entrance with his awesome jacket which i cudve fainted over.
-i paid attention in th 1st half [ til Jumatan ] of th speech n nswered stuff sometimes n laughed at th dumb stuff tht ws being shouted across th place. th isynas sat at th back t2h n fajar sed things so loud it made me think he ws caper or prhaps he ws. hamzah from th back even smsed me indicatin how he can hear him.
-i tuk out paper n began drawing elang cz of idk y n he found out cz i kept lukin at him for reference. he smiled a lot of times n gosh its so sparkly. he ws quite impatient for th results tho or maybe cz i ws too slow?
i nearly totally lost th keyblade hamzah gave me .itoldu
matar's white kemeja n black pants so 'motivated' *TOENG2* me t imagine guys wearin th same thing. HIEK
-fajar ws offerin chocolate kisses n i turned t see n he lukd at me bt i thot he ws lukin at carisa so i lukd at her n asked 'is he talkin t me?' n when i lukd back at him he sed 'mau ga?' with a.. grin? holdin out th chocolates bt i ws like no thanks n matar went rage or somethin.
-th boys got ready t leave for Sholat Jumat n us girls wondered wher he got his jacket so i th brave one spoke up n asked 'umar wherd u get ur jacket?' n he sed bandung n then matar sed stuff abt distro n he xplained th shop is sndirian d pinggir jalan bla3 then i asked him somethin alone bt i forgot. then when he ws passin thru th chairs dhe3 sed aloud keren lho mar! n i watched as he dd a freakin THUMBS UP with a small smile n i ws like.. oh.. my .. God. words cant describe my fangirl mode then.
-th yellow soto we ate for lunch ws scrumptious. i wnted moar. me n matar sat outside. i tuk some nasgor bt i ddnt fancy it so i offered t ghabz who ws in fronta fajar who rejected so i went hue i dnt wanna waste it then matar sed y not give t fajar n i went bt im not talkin t him n she sed oh let me do it i think n i watched her pour th nasi goreng into his plate. she sed tht he sed 'tumpangin/tuangin aj' n i wndered if he knew tht nasgor ws mine.
-i saw hamzah at th back of th line with his Shade's Children book n i asked hamzah y r u back here? n he sed its bcuz he ws reading. *stares*
-after i ate cake i ddnt kno wt t do while waitin cz i cudnt catch up with th girls' convos so i borrowed hamzah's book n read on my chair.
-this stupid 5377502 or wtever guy kept callin me tday since 3AM n when i calld back t make sure who it ws all he dd ws MUMBLE n it ws liek some zombie. it totally freaked me out. i told abt it t hamzah who ws standin ther waitin for me t continue speakin abt shade's children [ i test-read it ] again we talkd abt quietdrive.
-when th 2nd session commenced i ws less concentratin than bfore n focused more on drawin elang .itoldu. i also found out tht im a thinker ;D i think. HAH SEE THT PROVES IT! o yea i used th same phrases at hamzah in msn.
-this time elang ws liek 2 rows diagonally behind me so i cudnt talk with him like wt i dd bfore. he had nice shoes n i noticed rite ther tht his legs r thin. iwan also disappeared t th back cz evrytime i talkd t elang he thot i ws talkin t him so he ws like 'pindah ah'! poor guy. fadhli ws so busy with his drawings of scrolls n matar ws drawin fairies twards th end. fortunately elang liked th drawin =D even tho his legs wer ugly.
-th guy with th awesome jacket transferred himself next t fajar n i got a better view teontetne. i also saw fajar drawin n i ws glad cz when th ABAH RAMA whose name starts with an A which means he's smart [ laughs ] asked him wt his bakat is n he sed kempo my head ws shoutin 'drawin u idiot, drawin!'. i peekd at his book once n th robots he drew wer jaw-droppin.
-soon he liek moved t a seat closer t th edge so ther ws a gap between him n umar who ws wonderfully listenin t an iPod i so hope he'll never read this in his ntire life. aaaanyway i who ws drawin athlete chibis n sometimes conversin with khalid n fadhli occasionally felt tht boy luk at me n no im not bein ge-er cz i aint t2h bt i cud be wrong anyhow.
-it ended at 2:45pm n since i wsnt sholatin i just wandered around. ppl wer collectin at th registration table n ther ws a deserted fresh polo packet on th table. nisa appeared with a polo inside a blue wrapper tied tgether with strings n when i observed it th wrapper ws face paper! she gave it t fajar who ws gunna eat it bt she stopped him n xplained evrythin. LAUGHS imagine if he dd eat it. all of a sudden he turned t me n sed casually 'i still have th candy from -censored-' n i totally forgot wt i sed bt sure enuff i had no idea wt i ws supposed t say so i immediately walkd off after blurtin out wtever i cud.
-me n nisa n ws ther matar? liek walked outside t feel th wind n fadhli n whoevers came along with us n th siblings fought cz of i forgot wt [ previously inside it ws bcuz fadhli scratched her hand with a red marker hmmh ] bt it caused fadhli's papers t get ripped n stuff. TEEHEE
-ther wer these random Cinta ITB newsletters in th folders n t dhe3 i ws like wth is this its october 2007 n then she sed tht her dad found them t be unused so y not dump em in th folders? so they dd.
-at home ocha sed she wnted t eat at bennigan's bt i ws damn tired so i cudnt go t celebrate her bday. insted i played anthemRO n blogged n dd my h/w n massive chatted.
-while i ws chattin with umar n cania in anthem fajar liek OPENED A CHAT WITH MEH n i went OMG wt cud he wana say?! n ws just abt t nswer him when he went OFFLINE! th stuff he sed wer such cliffhangers. gah im dead curious now.
OMG LOL th ntry is still long even with bullet points. XD
2 replies:
this was a scary entry bwahahahah. -for some reason it is-
oh btw umar might read it since hamzah might read it (most likely) and you know in RO how umar likes to be noticed with his jacket. XD
my word veri is sondrit. ISHDHAKAL.
err idk wts so scary.
prhaps th next one will scare u even more.
hamzah already read it n i hoped umar wsnt peekin at his screen in th process.
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