not umair-sama or muted mar or farouqy.
g tau. i just feel like makin an entry abt him. lgi 'brsyukur mode' nih.
hamzah went offline n i knew he wudnt rele wanna hear it so i realised i had no one t talk abt 'things' to. how lonely i felt. n wt happened t fajar? God knows wt on earth is wrong with him. i cnt talk t him nowadays either. God knows wt he's thinkin. me? i wish.
then i saw umar's msn. he seems t be ther.. n bsides, like wt i sed t nisa - i cn say th most randomest things t him. lemme paste my most recent random chats with him, shall i? [ nisa i think ull enjoy readin this ]:-
btw thers one abt me givin him nicknames n him rejecting them n stuff abt goin out bt i dnt bother posting those.
23 november
(15:36) × b i .es - : OH MY GOD UMAAAAAAAAR
(15:37) × b i .es - : U ARE IN LUURRRVEE
(15:38) S a k a t o ` : haha iexpected u tcomment my pm
(15:38) × b i .es - : WHO'S TH LUCKY GIRL
(15:38) S a k a t o ` : sooner
(15:38) × b i .es - : *i have a pop-up notification whenever someone changes their PM n nick
(20:36) S a k a t o ` : do u just stare at ur wlm window n wait for updates of ppl's pms
(20:36) S a k a t o ` : ?
(20:37) × b i .es - :i told u
(20:37) × b i .es - :i have a notification whenever someone changes their PM or nick
(20:38) S a k a t o ` :or am i tht famous haha (no u ddnt tell me tht)
25 november
(15:46) × b i .es - : i wonder if ure at th dentist
(15:47) × b i .es - : when i ws in yr2 in america th dentist gave me colourful gel pens n lots of candy n colouring books
(15:51) × b i .es - : when they dd stuff t my teeth they put some sweet substance n it tasted like bubble gum too
(15:56) S a k a t o ` : gud for u then/thts nice t hear <he sed one of these bt they ddnt have it in th log
-bs goes bla3-
(16:47) × b i .es - : u can be an interesting person if u try
(16:48) S a k a t o ` : im already an interesting person wothout doin anythin
-bs goes bla3-
(16:52) × b i .es - : hey nswer me honestly
(16:53) × b i .es - : do i annoy u
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : wt?
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : o
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : sometimes
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : when ur overchatting me
(16:54) × b i .es - : HAAHAHAHA
(16:54) × b i .es - : like now huh
(16:54) × b i .es - : well its just cz i like t get t kno my friends better
(16:55) × b i .es - : bt i shall leave u alone now
(16:55) S a k a t o ` : O K
26 november
(18:19) × b i .es - : do u like rain
(18:32) S a k a t o ` : yes i do
(18:32) × b i .es - : cnn predicted rain on saturday
(18:32) S a k a t o ` : o ok
27 november
S a k a t o ` your hair, fair and dark (
(20:49) × b i .es - : OHEMGII
(20:50) × b i .es - : TH GIRL U LIKE DUSNT WEAR A KRUDUNG
(20:51) S a k a t o ` : hhe no
(20:51) S a k a t o ` : its just a saying!
(20:51) S a k a t o ` : brb eat
(20:52) × b i .es - : LOL
(20:52) × b i .es - : th eye thang is better
(20:52) × b i .es - : i shall eat too
(20:53) × b i .es - : WAIT
(20:53) × b i .es - : -eliminates carisa n andin n dindor-
(20:59) S a k a t o ` : ...
(21:00) × b i .es - : am i rite
(21:00) × b i .es - :
(21:02) × b i .es - : .. i am rite
(21:34) S a k a t o ` : ok g2g
(21:34)S a k a t o ` your hair, fair and dark is now Offline
believe it or not, i cn say serious things t him too.
so i opened a chat with him.
i made it into a 'general discussion' kinda convo. ddnt wanna go in-depth like wt i usually do t ppl i talk abt 'things' with.
i think wt i sed n how i sed things made umar twitch. cz he sed..
(18:19) S a k a t o ` :ok wt happened NOW??
i wonder, dus he ask tht cz he's concerned or cz my attitude is annoyin him n he just wants t find out? [ wt d u guys think? ] then he sed he feels 'like father in a church in aconfession room' n i sed 'i just want a listener' n then he sed
(18:23) S a k a t o ` :im listening
srsly tht made me feel much better already. bt i told him 3/4 of evrything anyway. th other 1/4 i never got t say cz he ws too busy watching a movie n bsides i dnt rele expect him t wanna hear it all. or maybe he's waitin for me t continue? who knows.. i dnt wanna overchat him again XD i even put 'thanks umar' in my PM t show how appreciated i ws.
well thts all i guess. i dnt feel like socialising much in th next 24hrs. just kempo will do.
His Name is Umar
Friday, 28 November 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 6:27 pm
Labels: emofajaring, log content
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2 replies:
LOL umar.
you know i wanted to do the last bit but honestly i thought i was poking into unwanted business so i didn't ask you about it...
wt last bit cania? o=
actually sometimes i prefer it if ppl ask me abt my problems even if i wont tell them/wont tell em in detail. XD dnt ask y.
BT.. when i sed 'am i rite' HE DDNT NSWER so blom tntu kan.
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