i just tuk my TOEFL tday from 9AM til 1PM n i gotta say it ws th most f***in annoyin exam ive ever taken in my life. it ws TOO FREAKIN LONG n gah i hate it bt im glad its over. i need t get a 70 tho in order t be accepted t HELP University. so pray for me guys, thanks. amin
now i feel like doin a survey thing.th ppl r not in any specific order.
((One)) fajar
((Two)) hamzah
((Three)) matar
((Four)) cania
((Five)) nisa
((Six)) dhe3
((Seven)) MD
((Eight)) umar
Number One - fajar
((How old are they?)) 13
((Do they live near you?)) closest neighbour in sekompond.
((Any pets?)) yea, his nintendo DS
((Have you ever skipped school with them?)) err no bt tht wud be fun.
((Are they your absolute best friend ever?)) he used t be. i still want him t be.
((Or maybe you're dating.)) as if.
((Ever been to a concert with them?)) if we dd it wud be fun too.
((Best present you've gotten them?)) hmmh. GOTTEN. i think th p.e. bag. idk tho
((What's an inside joke of yours?)) 'allurbla3srbelongtous' 'bla3 horror' n lots of other stuff.
((Are they the only person who understands you?)) no he dusnt understand me AT ALL, bt he knows me very well.
((Describe them in one word.)) idiot.
((Do you comment this person a lot?)) comment? yes, all th freakin time.
((How often do you hang out?)) often always whenever we're not fighting
((Is this person funny?)) very funny in his own unique, idiotic way~
Number Two - hamzah
((How old are they?)) 14.
((Male or female?)) i cnt rele tell..
((Have you met their family?)) duh. t2h
((Do they hug you a lot?)) AUHAHUHUHAU t be honest he's hugged me bfore bt in my dream HLAUGHS
((How often do you see them?)) evryday =D i think.
((Ever seen a movie together?)) if its just us 2.. as in.. u kno.. a DATE, then hell no.
((Do you know their deepest, darkest secret?)) dear he never tells me anythin tht deep t2h
((Will you invite them to your wedding?)) DUH! he'd be like th man of honour. or wtever u call it
((Have you ever had a crush on this person?)) yea, th biggest one. *isnt afraid t admit it in public*
((Has this person ever had a crush on you?)) ..
((Your favorite memory with them.)) stuff tht happens in school. =D lots of em. i forgot rite now tho
((If they ran away, would you let them stay at your house?)) HLAUGHS wts th point his house is like 7 away from mine
((Why is this person number two and not number one?)) i sed th ppl isnt in any specific order.. or is it?
((Do you love them?)) sure i do~
Number Three - matar
((Age?)) 15.
((How long have you known them?)) literally my ntire life.
((Do they like polka dots?)) ohohoo she luks th type. she shud do.
((Their favorite store?)) MATAR DO U HAS? i never asked.
((Is this person single or taken?)) singleh
((If taken, by who?))
((Are they for or against gay marriage?)) she is for happy marriage bt against gay ones.
((Do they believe in ghosts?)) i assume she dus.
((Do they find Spongebob funny or annoying?)) WT RANDOM QUESTIONS U ASK ME ABT MATAR.
((Are they online a lot?)) bleargh yea.
((Do they dye their hair?)) no
((Ever stayed up ALL night with this person?)) all night is liek til 12AM so YER WE HAS.
Number Four - cania
((Age?)) 9. plus 5.
((What is this person's favorite color?)) BALUE
((Would they rather go to Six Flags or the mall?)) WTH MALL. no cania wud rather go t th bookstore .itoldu
((Are they a generally happy person?)) o yes she is. happier than i thts wt i kno.
((Who is their best friend?)) ME DUH! hlaughs . maybe. nisa thts who i kno ~
((How long have you known them?)) my ntire life too.
((Have you ever considered them your best friend?)) wtzehall i always has.
((Are they a funny person?)) BWAHAAHAHA I LAUGH EVEN AT TH QUESTION. XD she is th funniest person ever. n matar. i cnt dcide rele.
((What kind of movies do they like?)) hmmh. nt sure rele. bt she loves anime
((Can you see them moshing at a concert?)) wts mosh? .. LOOOL NO
((Are they double jointed?)) wts tht?
((Have you ever physically fought with them?)) gasp no. we just play around fighting.
((Is this person very sarcastic?)) when she is i dnt realise it.
Number Five - nisa
((Age?)) th mind of a 10 yr old. LAUGHS
((Siblings?)) brothers.
((Does this person have any strange pets?)) fadhli cud be.
((Has this person ever told you they love you?)) has u nisa? *bats eyelashes*
((Are they in a relationship right now?)) nisa dnt keep secrets from me. i kno u have one.
((Are they openminded?)) i think she is~
((A neat freak?)) *stares* no. not rele.
((Do they like rock music?)) duh t2h
((Rap?)) retarded attempt poetry....
((Do you see them often?)) yes i do 8)
((Do you ever just plain hate them?)) gasp never! who wud?!
((Are they a good dancer?)) AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAHA *derive th nswer from tht response
((If they called you at 3 am, would you listen to their problems?)) yes.. it wud probably be somethin t do with her revision or h/w HAHA
Number Six - dhe3
((Age?)) 13.
((Have you met their parents?)) bleargh yea
((Do you get along with their siblings?)) her siblings r very entertaining.
((Do they drink a lot?)) yes she dus. dnt we all?
((Like crappy music?)) laughs at least she likes some of th songs i like unlike dnf t2h
((Do you hang out a lot?)) hmmh no.
((Do they like to take pictures?)) i chose th rite person for this! XD yea
((Are they photogenic?)) HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH. idk.
((Single or taken?)) single n desperately lukin AM I RITE?
((Have they ever been your best friend?)) i think so.
((Have you ever dated?)) WTZEHALL
((Who would they love to meet?)) george sampson. t2h
((Do they tell you everything?)) no. who dus rele?
Number Seven - MD
((age?)) 81. reversed. LAUGHS
((Do they look like any celebrities?)) hmmh no.
((Hair color?)) like th indonesian she is.
((Would you lie with them and just forget the world?)) WTH THT SOUNDS SO GAY.
((How did you meet?)) idk. i forgot.
((Do they comment you a lot?)) is comment a gud thing or a bad thing? bt yes she dus
((Do you comment them a lot?)) aint bothered t2h
((Do you love them?)) she is my sister.
((Would you invite them to your wedding?)) duh! she'd sit at th front.
((Who are they going out with?)) roti tawar
((Do you wish you lived with them?)) no. she's in indo.
((Could you live with them?)) yes i cud if i universitise in indo.
((Have you even met them?)) DUUUUUUUUUUUUUH.
((Do you have their phone number?)) i has
Number Eight - umar [ th number 8 is luck in china OHOHOH ]
((Age?)) 14 n smokin. LAAAAAUGHS i hope he never reads this
((Are you related?)) i wudnt mind being. LAUGHS NO.2
((Have you ever dated?)) id love to if dating ws allowed. LAUGHS NO.3
((Have you ever seen a movie together?)) ROMANCE MUCH? AHAHAHA I WISH. LAUGHS NO.4
((Have they been to your house?)) TOEEEEEEENG YES HE HAS. got a problem with tht? *i so chose th rite person for this
((How long have you known each other?)) this is our 6th year =D
((Where did you meet?)) his house. TOENG
((Have you ever slept in the same room?)) SSUTEHSAONRE HAAHAHAH NO. i think.
((When was the last time you talked to them?)) yesterday in th fair t2h
((Do they have strange taste in music?)) nope nope like a normal teenage boy's.
((Have they ever been arrested?)) no way.
((Do they have a pool?)) AHAHAHAHAHAH no
((How do you like their parents?)) HOW do i like their parents?! theyre just PARENTS.
((Do they play any sports?)) football n badmin is all i kno.
In Conclusion...
((Who is your best friend?)) th 1st 5. bt im nt sure abt th 1st person.
((Are any of them in your top eight for no reason?)) hmmh. no i dnt think so.
((Who has dated the most people?)) umar. he had like 30 dates n still counting. LAUGHS
((Who is the most innocent?)) cania. hamzah used t be innocent too u__u
((Who's the funniest?)) ddnt i say matar n cania aka cuna? theyre all funny tho rele.
((Who did you comment last?)) hamzah in dA? nisa's blog? idk
((Who commented you last?)) nisa~
((Who has the best house?)) dhe3 =D
((Who has the coolest parents?)) hmmmmh. th space sisters. XD n dhe3
((Who is/would be your concert buddy?)) nisa n hamzah n fajar n umar =DD
((Who gives the best hugs?)) cania?~
((Who's the most gothic?)) WTZEHALL GOTHIC HAHAHA
((Who's the best dancer?)) I WISH UMAR WS. HHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAA. well idk rele prhaps th space sisters.
((Who would be the best actor?)) th space sisters.
((Who would win American Idol?)) all of em cept fajar n md LAUGHS
((Who is the most original?)) hmmh. nisa n th space sisters =D
((Who is the most popular?)) nisa n umar. LOL UMAR nahh nt rele. bt he just has a popular aura IMO
((Have any of the people in your top eight ever dated?)) nope
((Who is the biggest partier?)) MD. laughs
((Who's the most laid back?)) nisa n fajar.
((Who are you going to tag?)) th bloggers tht bother t do it.
Friends.. maybe
Saturday, 15 November 2008
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6 replies:
-reads over again for the sake of entertainment-
i am glad it has entertained u.
*humode:- humour mode
this survey thing is quite amusing.
my word veri is inger= ingka your swedish masseuse
it is. u shall conduct it along with th perfect gay which u shall not delay no longer.
((Are they in a relationship right now?)) nisa dnt keep secrets from me. i kno u have one.
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