so last nite at 8:40 i dcided t go t nisa's house n had quite a jolly time i guess. i remember fajar n umar talkin abt how hamzah has girls fawning over him now bt in th future he'll be begging umar for th girls tht will fawn over HIM. then umar dd a kneeling begging pose n it ws so cute. wait.. i think it ws a 'will u marry me' pose actually o__O;; anyway i went home at 10:40-ish. we dd rele random stuff. i kinda felt better bein ther.
last nite i had a memorable dream, it ws long cz i ditched kaifa n woke up at 9:40. i put up tht title cz hamzah ws playin tht song last nite n it relates t this entry's topic har2. its been months since i slept til tht late. ive been havin a lot dreams this week with certain ppl in it bt i only remember this one in a bit more detail. i tried recallin evrythin after i woke up bt now.. theyre kinda lost. ther ws a dream i had a few days ago wher it went smethin like this:
it ws a boy's birthday n i ws invited t join him n th other ppl he invited [ which wer just th boys, so i ws th only girl ] t go t CC n hang out. i dnt wanna mention any names, its a secret. in th dream i woke up suddenly n lukd at th time n realised i ws 2hrs late in joining th b-day celebration. i ws panicking n worried sick. apparently th grown-ups had an arisan or smethin in my house so i had trouble gettin ready cz th bathrooms wer occupied n i remember om bangun appearin from one of em.
suddenly th dream turned into a vision of me n one of th boy's friends talking. th friend told me 'u kno bs.. he [ th bday boy ] told me he keeps imagining tht whenever he turns around u'll be ther running t him'. when th friend sed tht, an image of th boy turning around n me running t him appeared. it ws th most sweetest image in a dream ive ever had. n th reason y th bday boy imagined tht ws cz i never showed up. i woke up rite after i finished gettin ready n left th house t grab a taxi. how sad is tht?
well tday's dream ws rele unusual. th 1st part ws us on a roof which apparently held an arcade n an entrance to a hotel. in here i remember tht me n fajar wer talkin abt things n we played tgether like old times. i think we threw our shoes at each other n played th games. bt i dnt remember tht in detail.
suddenly we wer in an area wher ther ws one creepy house with an extremely long corridor running thru th middle of it. so on each side of th corridor ther ws a door tht led t a room. th walls wer green n gray n lukd old. ther ws no entrance door so th corridor lead outside. th carpet ws red. ther ws a fancy lukin house bsides th creepy one n it ws dark inside, so it lukd creepy too. we stood in front of tht [ outside ]. i had no idea wt we wer doin ther bt md forgot smethin in th creepy house bt she ws too scared t get it. fajar went inside th fancy house alone n i sed 'gud nite fajar' which meant tht he ws goin t sleep in ther.
then evryone went 'LUK!!' n i saw ghosts. they wer going from one side of th corridor t th other [ i.e. from th rite side of th house t th left side ]. they appeared from th doors like how ghosts do. ther wer like 3 of em i think. when i luk back its freaky bt while i ws ther i ddnt feel fear. then someone sed 'lets go near them!' n we dd. when we got very close they dd terrifying stuff n i think ppl screamed. one of em ended up crashing themselves on th wall n ther ws blood all over. wth?
from th side of th house someone sed 'its just from a projector!' n evryone rushed themselves twards it. th science bhind tht dusnt make sense. whilst others wer lukin thru th projector i saw smethin on fire bt i forgot wt it ws. it ws a scary fire. red.
anyway th area ws grassy rite so i think ppl had a BBQ. bt i ws doin smethin else. oddly enuff, i stood bhind hamzah who ws wearin th same thing as yesterday bt nt facing him. so we wer back t back. all of a sudden he linked my arms n hoisted me up his back o____O;; like this:- ugh how bizarre. this is th 2nd time i've had 'piggyback rides' with him in my dreams >.>;; then th scene changed t me in my car. my dad ws driving. we wer in a city tht lukd like hong kong or smewher of th like. apparently he ws dropping off afdal t his house. WTH y is he in ther. oh wait, i think i kno. he lived in an apartment n it lukd old n worn-out. i dnt recall wt else happened afterwards.. or maybe it ended ther?
well anyway tday im gunna do my essays n study for maths. how thrilling. thank God thers a 1 month holiday.. i rele need t set myself straight. im so fed up of how life's been treating me. i wnted t make my last year of school memorable in a gud way. i wnted t have a sweet 16, even tho i kno its just a lie. ive been prayin from th bottom of my heart since th start of th year. i kno i have a lot of friends so y do i still feel lonely? i kno i always believe so y do i feel evrything's against me? i kno i dnt give up so y do i feel thers still no point in tryin? i kno im tryin t be an optimist so y do i still feel tht im a natural pessimist? i kno i cnt expect much from this friendship so y do i still feel tht things can work out? can things work out? r th conditions im havin now actually th start of my future? am i allowed t have a better life? its probably th only thing i want in earth now.
Requiem of a Dream
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 11:29 am 6 replies
Labels: basic emo, dream, kompond mingling
His Name is Umar
Friday, 28 November 2008
not umair-sama or muted mar or farouqy.
g tau. i just feel like makin an entry abt him. lgi 'brsyukur mode' nih.
hamzah went offline n i knew he wudnt rele wanna hear it so i realised i had no one t talk abt 'things' to. how lonely i felt. n wt happened t fajar? God knows wt on earth is wrong with him. i cnt talk t him nowadays either. God knows wt he's thinkin. me? i wish.
then i saw umar's msn. he seems t be ther.. n bsides, like wt i sed t nisa - i cn say th most randomest things t him. lemme paste my most recent random chats with him, shall i? [ nisa i think ull enjoy readin this ]:-
btw thers one abt me givin him nicknames n him rejecting them n stuff abt goin out bt i dnt bother posting those.
23 november
(15:36) × b i .es - : OH MY GOD UMAAAAAAAAR
(15:37) × b i .es - : U ARE IN LUURRRVEE
(15:38) S a k a t o ` : haha iexpected u tcomment my pm
(15:38) × b i .es - : WHO'S TH LUCKY GIRL
(15:38) S a k a t o ` : sooner
(15:38) × b i .es - : *i have a pop-up notification whenever someone changes their PM n nick
(20:36) S a k a t o ` : do u just stare at ur wlm window n wait for updates of ppl's pms
(20:36) S a k a t o ` : ?
(20:37) × b i .es - :i told u
(20:37) × b i .es - :i have a notification whenever someone changes their PM or nick
(20:38) S a k a t o ` :or am i tht famous haha (no u ddnt tell me tht)
25 november
(15:46) × b i .es - : i wonder if ure at th dentist
(15:47) × b i .es - : when i ws in yr2 in america th dentist gave me colourful gel pens n lots of candy n colouring books
(15:51) × b i .es - : when they dd stuff t my teeth they put some sweet substance n it tasted like bubble gum too
(15:56) S a k a t o ` : gud for u then/thts nice t hear <he sed one of these bt they ddnt have it in th log
-bs goes bla3-
(16:47) × b i .es - : u can be an interesting person if u try
(16:48) S a k a t o ` : im already an interesting person wothout doin anythin
-bs goes bla3-
(16:52) × b i .es - : hey nswer me honestly
(16:53) × b i .es - : do i annoy u
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : wt?
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : o
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : sometimes
(16:53) S a k a t o ` : when ur overchatting me
(16:54) × b i .es - : HAAHAHAHA
(16:54) × b i .es - : like now huh
(16:54) × b i .es - : well its just cz i like t get t kno my friends better
(16:55) × b i .es - : bt i shall leave u alone now
(16:55) S a k a t o ` : O K
26 november
(18:19) × b i .es - : do u like rain
(18:32) S a k a t o ` : yes i do
(18:32) × b i .es - : cnn predicted rain on saturday
(18:32) S a k a t o ` : o ok
27 november
S a k a t o ` your hair, fair and dark (
(20:49) × b i .es - : OHEMGII
(20:50) × b i .es - : TH GIRL U LIKE DUSNT WEAR A KRUDUNG
(20:51) S a k a t o ` : hhe no
(20:51) S a k a t o ` : its just a saying!
(20:51) S a k a t o ` : brb eat
(20:52) × b i .es - : LOL
(20:52) × b i .es - : th eye thang is better
(20:52) × b i .es - : i shall eat too
(20:53) × b i .es - : WAIT
(20:53) × b i .es - : -eliminates carisa n andin n dindor-
(20:59) S a k a t o ` : ...
(21:00) × b i .es - : am i rite
(21:00) × b i .es - :
(21:02) × b i .es - : .. i am rite
(21:34) S a k a t o ` : ok g2g
(21:34)S a k a t o ` your hair, fair and dark is now Offline
believe it or not, i cn say serious things t him too.
so i opened a chat with him.
i made it into a 'general discussion' kinda convo. ddnt wanna go in-depth like wt i usually do t ppl i talk abt 'things' with.
i think wt i sed n how i sed things made umar twitch. cz he sed..
(18:19) S a k a t o ` :ok wt happened NOW??
i wonder, dus he ask tht cz he's concerned or cz my attitude is annoyin him n he just wants t find out? [ wt d u guys think? ] then he sed he feels 'like father in a church in aconfession room' n i sed 'i just want a listener' n then he sed
(18:23) S a k a t o ` :im listening
srsly tht made me feel much better already. bt i told him 3/4 of evrything anyway. th other 1/4 i never got t say cz he ws too busy watching a movie n bsides i dnt rele expect him t wanna hear it all. or maybe he's waitin for me t continue? who knows.. i dnt wanna overchat him again XD i even put 'thanks umar' in my PM t show how appreciated i ws.
well thts all i guess. i dnt feel like socialising much in th next 24hrs. just kempo will do.
Essay by syania/bs at 6:27 pm 2 replies
Labels: emofajaring, log content
ever since yesterday ive felt awkard, wherever i am. kempo ws brilliant tho, me n dhe3 n carisa laughed so much abt numerous things. specially th sun, th moon, n maybe th stars. HAHAH. in th car me n hamzah had a nice long chat abt certain ppl. it ws fun. =D
we had a corniche walk this mornin n it ws absolutely nothin cmpared t last week's. ther ws a shortage of ppl tis y, n i walkd with dhe3 n hamzah mostly. har2 we made him wait for us.
anyway this entry is focusin on some incomplete story i typed prhaps a year ago or less. i feel like posting it, so do read it if u want. i wont post it anywher else =p th narrative changes from time t time.
A tale of identical twins [guy/girl btw]
“ISHA GET THE F*** OUT OF THERE!” I screamed through the bathroom door.
I heard her singing Good Charlotte’s ‘Dance Floor Anthem’ at the top of her lungs, either that was done on purpose or because she’s a little high from the PowerPuff Girl’s cereal we had this morning.
My patience was draining. I rattled the knob, it was unlocked. So I flung the door open and found myself facing something of more than my usual interest. More to say, I was utterly fascinated, ha-ha.
Isha, locks of wet hair painted her forehead while the rest of the sopping tresses curled into a bun, had stepped out of the misty shower; while my eyes caught onto the better parts. She was standing without a towel.
It looked like something out of Playboy. I whistled teasingly.
Isha let out one of those super-sonic screeches from superheroes, or super heroines, should I say, in movies, from her dainty little mouth, and it wailed across the house.
“PERVERT! THIS IS HARASSMENT! SEXUAL HARASSMENT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!? GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!” she half-stammered, half-screamed. I chuckled at the fact she was yelling questions out one by one without letting me answer.
“It’s your fault you took forever, AND didn’t lock the door.” My eyes scrolled up and down at her physique. “Get a towel,” I added.
It looked like a cape as she snatched a fluffy pink towel with blotches of… brown… and twirled herself in it.
Isha stuck out the finger at me. “Just because we’re twins, doesn’t mean I can’t have my own privacy, IN THE BATHROOM, WITHOUT MY CLOTHES ON, ESPECIALLY!” that girl ranted.
“You sure have grown the last time I saw you, exposed, which was like 5 years ago.” I wagged my brows with a seductive smirk.
“I WAS 10!” she said, and grabbed a rubber ducky from the sink and hurled it at my beautiful face. With ease, I caught the toy before it even hit my perfectly-shaped nose.
I walked out the room and turned my head around to face her. I grinned and said, “My brother-in-law will be very lucky to have married you,” then closed the door. As I walked to Mom’s bathroom I could’ve sworn that I heard her slip on the floor and land with a thud trying to chase me. Happened all the time when we were young.
I was so furious with that damned brother of mine. He does not have the right, even if he is 4 minutes older than me, to barge in the bathroom like that and FLIRT about my, yes, attractive figure. I shrugged on my grey and white uniform with the weird goat logo at the left bottom corner. I put in a packet of breath mints in the right chest pocket, hoping to see Liam in the bus, or maybe even SIT with him. I squealed like an obsessed fan-girl.
“What are you squealing around like an abused pig for?” Skythe yelled to me from the other room.
“Ooooh I’m telling Mooom.”
“Mommy’s boy!” I was so enraged that I ran to his room and found him putting on his socks. He smirked slyly.
Skythe said, “Oh, so now YOU wanna see MY sexy build? Sorry sis, but I am not unbuttoning this shirt again. Maybe after school when I get changed?”
I could feel my cheeks burning. Who does he think he is? A model for Sports Illustrated? Well then I’m a model for Playboy, aren’t I? “But, Skythe… How can I POSSIBLY wait 6 hours? Why don’t you show me your well-built six packs NOW?” I said.
“Wow, you’re that desperate. If it’s what you want…” his voice trailed off as he began undoing the first button.
I turned my head away and made a ‘stop’ gesture with my hand. “No. Please. You know I was just being sarcastic.”
He laughed. His jet black hair was blown by the wind as he walked past me, first button undone. A few red-highlighted strands brushed his baby-smooth face as he showed off his glinting, perfect teeth before exiting the room. I gotta hand it to you, he is very good-looking. Sometimes he makes my cheeks go pink when he ruffles his hair up spontaneously – OK now why am I talking about this?
Outside, we waited for the bus; which was meant to be coming at like 10 minutes later. The sign made a short shadow, indicating perfectly well the sun is and will be high. I was listening to Good Charlotte – Dance Floor Anthem from my Sony Ericsson w880i at full blast, humming along to the techno/dance rock beat. I began singing the chorus, and that’s when I caught Skythe glaring at me from the corner of my eye. He appeared to be torturing the buttons on his mobile which I totally forgot what brand it was, Motorola maybe, and furiously setting up his headphones, all tangled. I smiled at the line ‘I don’t wanna be in love’ because I am. By now my evil twin was blurting out random words from this Justin Timberlake song which obviously he does not memorise the lyrics of. His sharp purple contacts watched me as my curling mouth opened more so I can release a louder voice. Accepting the challenge, Skythe started singing louder, his voice seemingly a bit better now because he was singing a song he knew the lyrics of. We both kept singing, lyric after lyric, me hollering out ‘Famous Last Words’ and Mr. Popular chanting the sacred words of New Found Glory’s ‘Hold My Hand’, until suddenly we both said,
‘You and me, we like the same kind of music – that’s why we, make a good you and me.’
I pressed the small square button with clammy hands and hurried into the revving bus, not glancing at that boy. Instead, I shifted my attention to Liam, who apparently was sitting alone staring out the window as if the sky was beautiful. But you are more beautiful, Liam. I laughed at my thoughts. I felt Skythe’s icy stare behind me cooling my neck, therefore I hopped on next to my ninja in black ninja-suit (prince charming stuff is so gay). Twin brother hit the side of my head as he stalked by and it was the first time I didn’t know why he did. The idea of greeting Liam was rejected, because he appeared to be lost in thought and it would be rude to snap him back to reality.
The bus was the same as usual – everybody eating Wrigley’s and spitting them at each other’s seats, punks in the middle, emos at the corners, so-called Queens & Princesses at the front gossiping with the old bus driver who only nods and mumbles ‘mmhmmh’s, and all other sane teenagers elsewhere – that includes myself. It was different today because I felt tense with the Skythe thing and it has been a while since I was this close to Liam. I took a quick peek at the athletic boy. His hair was brown and short like a terrier that got gelled. A baby’s skin he had, but with those thick wooden arms, his slender branches grasping the window sill, it was no wonder why he was brilliant at boxing.
Skythe does not like Liam.
It was only about 13 minutes left ‘til the bell rings, I contemplated after staring at my red and black Adidas watch. I slowly looked back and found my sister prancing in front of the Loser, probably hoping to catch his attention. Huh, what’s so good about him? After 7 seconds, all the year 10 and 11 girls and a few guys swarmed around me. This happens every day.
Brenda, a tall blonde nerd with a Russia-sized ass shoved a piece of paper in my hand. Another poem for me to read. You know, she’s the only one I don’t like from all the fans I have.
‘Skythe, Skythe, did you do the English homework?’ my best mate Ryan clutched my shoulder. He’s always calling my name two times, I used to hit his head because of that but I got used to it anyhow.
I gave off a small nod and picked up some year 9s shouting ‘OhMyGod DID YOU SEE THAT? THAT WAS SO HOT!’ Sigh, they were talking about me obviously.
i love tht last paragraph. XD ill never continue this i think.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
feels a lot awkward, u wont talk bt we're nt fighting
y is this so? dd smethin happen? u in one of ur mood swings?
ugh.. pls dnt let this repeat all over again.. i thot we're fine
so talk t me, talk t me talk t me talk t me
friends make my day n if ure nt ther th day is incomplete
16 is a big number. bt it dsnt help me be enuff for ur time
*btw my chemistry mock sucked like hell cz it ws TOO FREAKIN LONG [ like 28 pages, n they gave us 1hr 15 mins t do it WTZEHALL ] n th questions wer confusin n hard.
Essay by syania/bs at 4:06 pm 0 replies
Labels: emofajaring
nice tuesday
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
we talkd abt th twins in th morning, which had an impact on my chemistry studies, which ws tht i ddnt do any. it ws so hilarious.
tday ws a nice n hilarious day =D in ict i ditched my eportfolio work t read articles abt psychology n stuff. they wernt tht useful bt i gained a bit of extra knowledge anyway =D
school magazine ws useless cz we wer sent t ms.andrew's room insted. i ddnt help with th BBQ at all TEEEEHEEE. bt i helped put away th big table n hamzah ddnt. he only put away th SMALL table.
th 7up me n ocha n carisa drank caused us t keep burping after evry sip.
hamzah lukd so stressed after th hot dog sale. his hair ws wet n he lukd red n frantic n he kept movin around n wavin his arms. he ws also holdin th 7up n motioned a bash at me/nisa as if he got drunk. =D
in ms.andrew's room i drew a 2-point perspective piano with th help of hamzah as both of us talkd abt our future collab comic n his own story. it ws a nice 1-to-1 convo.
farah lukd big in her sweater compared t her small head.
bs:- farah luks so plump
bs:- i wanna bash her
bs:- *does bashing motion at farah unconsciously*
dhe3:- PLUMP
*in th isyna mobile, umar's USB of music dominating*
bs:- hey dnt listen t sum 41 listen t somethin else
hamzah:- y?
bs:- i dnt listen t sum 41 anymore, i listen t other bands
nisa:- kevin?
bs:- wt kevin?
nisa:- who's kevin?
bs:- who th hell is kevin?
nisa:- i dnt kno
bs:- i dnt kno either
nisa:- who's steve then?
-2 minutes later-
both:- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *nisa red in th face n bs crying*
psychological stuff i found:-
There is a distinctive flavour to male and female friendships. Girls enthuse about their supportive and irreverent conversations with other girls, but they positively glow when they speak about friendships with boys.
Boys are known to have strong friendships with other boys, but these rarely involve the play of conversation that their friendships with girls do. Instead, with their male friends they play competitive games and "discuss issues". Friendship with a girl can offer a great release.
With girls, they can reveal their vulnerabilities and explore their own and others' inner lives. Boy/girl friendship can be so intimate that some boys say that when they learn their partner has had an 'affair', they are far more jealous of the talking that has gone on.
Genuine romantic love should involve, however, profound reciprocity in which each person seeks the happiness and well-being of the other. The actions that result from such symmetrical care may be asymmetrical, as they take into account special personal and contextual deeds. We would find it hard to accept if only one partner gave the other birthday presents, remembered anniversaries, or offered cups of tea-while the other offered none of these symbolic acts of giving gifts. Here it is not the mechanical giving that matters as much as the symbolic act of gift giving or remembrance, acts that signify the other's significance. -lol complicated paragraph XD
One of the great secrets of life is that ‘it's not all about you.' When we interact with others, we tend to see ourselves as the cause of their reactions and emotions. The folly of this perspective is that, in truth, we are responsible only for ourselves, and our own feelings. We are not responsible for the feelings of others (although we are responsible to them), and we cannot, nor do we, cause those feelings to emerge. Unless we do something intentionally hurtful to another person, the feelings that they experience are those that they have created for themselves. Similarly, others do not cause the emergence of our own feelings.
"Familiarity is the root of the closest friendships, as well as the intensest hatreds." (Antoine Rivarol)
Essay by syania/bs at 4:13 pm 4 replies
Labels: humorous, log content, schoolness
Monday, 24 November 2008
if evrything t u is nothing.. dus tht mean i am too?
kaifa ws damn boring as usual i wish i skipped it. we have an effin h/w t do n i am so nt bothered t do it at all. th thought of havin a pnginepan on th 25th december annoys me like hell.
kempo ws very fun tho. elang appeared bt he ws partenered with calvin so i ws with fajar again. we had sensei hadi, again. bt ther wer no seniors so farah n cania kept disturbing us. fajar knew how t do evrything n i felt like an idiot cz i constantly sed 'i have no idea wt t do' n 'eh fajar gmn sih?' n 'aahh i cnt do it!' i always got th moves wrong too. th stupid thing ws fajar always dd th main moves, e.g. when we wer learning a tangkisan i hadta be th one t hold his wrist as he practised so i ddnt get a turn getting used t it at all. bein fajar's partner is nice tho cz we always talk. he told me abt how his parents wer when they wer young n it ws very entertaining. they wer total badass kids, which xplains fajar n iwan. twards th end tho we kinda got disintegrated cz i got mad at him for sayin im old, thus i kicked n hit him all th time afterwards. he calld me 'ganas' n i ws enraged bt elang supported me by tellin me t smile n stuff.
i am so busy starting from now =___= i have a maths test tmorrow which im a tad panicking for, bt my greatest anxiety lies in th chemistry mock held afta school on wednesday. y cnt it be on thursday's 2hr lesson? th grade ill get will affect my university acceptance. im so scared. God help me, amin. then thers tht maths mock next sunday, i forgot evrythin t do with curved graphs which is horrible n th physics on wednesday/tuesday. n dnt frget peachey's stupid essays.
a few minutes ago i felt weird so i went t my room n laid down on my bed only t find tears starting t fall. i finally cried after like.. 8 days? its quite a record since 2008 started. n th most idiotic thing ws tht i had no effin idea wt i cried for. maybe i felt horrible cz i ws ignored by fajar who is always paying attention more t his games n anime than his own best friend.. if he calls me one. i kno he's freakin 13 bt srsly he shud cnsider ppl cz theyre wt u rele need daily. i rspect him at school whenever he chooses t talk t umar n khalid n adam n keima even when im nearby. i just leave him alone. bt i cnt stand tht even in chat he picks somethin else. just bcuz we're already baikan dsnt mean u shud do this t me..
im also startin t feel things r gettin worse again or maybe its just cz im close t gettin my period? or maybe cz im stressed? who knows.
i wanna leave this country as fast as i can. i wanna be in college. i wanna do somethin different.
oh how i hate this life.. astaghfirullah.. if thts wt im supposed t say abt it.
Essay by syania/bs at 4:06 pm 5 replies
Labels: basic emo, emofajaring, happyfajaring, kemprot
Saturday, 22 November 2008
th entry title's a pun on th word 'weekend' xD well th 'week'/'yaay' part dusnt make sense bt wtever~
my weekend ws beautiful T___T *well idk abt tday, saturday, bt thursday n friday ws perfect <3
they totally made up last week's sucky school fair n kempo n TOEFL =D
i tuk pictures on friday so i wnt bother describing in detail.
on thursday,
fajar ddnt talk t me at school even tho we wer baikan already bt i forgave him when he sed sorry later in chat. th day passed on normally til it ws time for kempo, my dad ws antering us. when we went t his house t pick him up he appeared n held up his hand th 'HUZZAH MATA' way n sed 'hello~' =D in th car he ddnt talk at all tho, bt me n dnf wer too busy jabbering on abt music n stuff.
in th running warm up thang i got t see hamzah's new glasses 8D they wer quite th cool type bt i prefer him in th other one. i also got t run next t umar which ws epic t2h XD
our sensei ws sensei hadi. i ws relieved cz sensei djodi's lessons r sometimes too intense n i wnted a nice 'relaxing' one since this is honestly th 1st proper kempo lesson with fajar actually communicating t me [ th other proper one ws ruined cz of my dying heart ].
anyway we dd tobireng geri n some other thing tht ws easy t memorise. we also dd this tangkis/punch for th legs n when sensei hadi dd it t me it hurted SOOO BAD! when sensei hadi told us t turn around t do partner work i faced fajar who ws behind me n he faced me n we dd a stupid grin at each other as if t say 'howdy we're partners now 8B' BUT then we noticed tht i ws supposed t turn t my RIGHT n turns out i ws meant t be with afdal, n he ws with .. hafiz? i greeted afdal n all n ws startin t kick when fajar sed t him 'hey bkan muhrim! ganti tuh, sma boii sana' or somethin so he went t boii n dhea went t me. bt later on me n dhea broke up cz carisa practised with her so then i just talkd with fajar.
soon th sensei told us t form a ridiculously enormous CIRCLE. it ws hilarious. i stood inbetween fajar n cania. he made us do tobireng geri n we wer like CRASHES INTO EACH OTHER n i seemed t pinch cania n step on fajar's foot xDD;; then we combined th punch/tangkis thing n th easy-t-memorise move tgether PLUS we added somethin else in th end.. it ws like a POWER RANGERS thing.. it ws so epic we laughed evry single time we do it n made stupid sound effects xDD;; *well me fajar n cania at least.
then when th sensei ws focusing on somethin else me n fajar watched boii n afdal do hilarious power rangers moves n when cania appeared we praktek-ed it xD. boii n afdal even dd random attacks at each other n th defenses wer actually reflex! o= they wer so entertaining, like circus ppl. HLAUGHS
back in th circle, we dd th power rangers sequence again. bt when th sensei ws busy doin th tangkis/punch thang at ppl me n fajar wer talkin abt so much stuff like adam n his [ fajar's.. not adam's ] school life. we wer afraid of th tangkisan thang n began running away t th start of th circle bt failed cz th other girls sed 'ih fajar genit dket2in cwek' or somethin
later on he taught us a new defense. i wsnt payin attention at all cz i ws too busy talking away bt after seein evrybody else do it i kinda got th idea altho fajar taught me most of wt t do >__>;; i ended up bein his partner tht day. carisa randomly appeared tho t be demonstration bt tht ws fail too so we dd it ourselves. i punched his stomach rele hard by accident cz i ddnt kno how t do it xD
at th end of th session umar ws actually sorta ignored so i told him one of my current secrets. he seemed t like it. then we went home separately~
on friday,
we had an epic morning walk at th corniche. i ws alone when i reached, waitin for evryone for like 10 minutes at th playground cz i came first bt then they all popped up tgether so yeaa. we immediately began walking, n then running/jogging for a bit. i noticed tht hamzah ddnt run at all, too busy takin pics like myself altho i take more pics of ppl.
thers lots t say abt it bt thers pictures so wts th point? ther ws an adorable scene which i ddnt capture tho when nisa gave a water bottle t umar at th water machine. IT WS SO FREAKIN CUTE. i wish i tuk a pic of it T__T *bangs head on wall in regret*
we only walkd til th oryx bt th boys advanced further cz us girls wer too busy takin pictures, altho they wer sent back. i talkd mostly with fajar n carisa n hamzah [ well we talkd only when he hadta show me his photos ] n listened t music all th way. th boys wer listenin t music too. umar ws so hot dammit *i hope he never reads this in his ntire life*
here r 43 out of 106 photos:- click
th afternoon-evenin ws normal. i stayed in bed for 45 minutes cuddlin with my blanket n listenin t music cz i ws freakin tired bt i felt way better after tht. i also ditched my h/w. bfore maghrib i went t nisa's house t speculate her shoe [ it ws cool ] n her chat log with boii n tht ws hilarious, srsly.
then th space sisters n nisa came over n we wnted t go outside bt i ws takin forever cz of hamzah's chat. so nisa n cania went first, t nisa's house. me n matar left later on n wondered if we shud go t iwan's house, so we dd. we went in n dd some random stuff at fajar's computer at first then saw vids in iwan's laptop bfore he went t sleep [ when we realised tht ther ws no noise comin from his room we wer like wt's iwan doin? n we went ther n ws like OMG HE'S SLEEPING n stuff XD we tried t disturb him by makin his laptop at full volume n nudging him in msn. it failed xD ].
it ws all random til 9pm. we watched youtube vids n saw counterstrike n laughed at th stupid Titit names n th ugly hostage. in fact it ws TOO RANDOM i have no idea wt else we dd tht cud be described here, bt it ws hilarious n fun cnsiderin th fact tht it ws just th 3 of us n we wer th only ones laughing in th quiet household. several times we tried t wake iwan up bt he wudnt budge.
we 3 fought a LOT over th keyboard. XD carisa n fajar fought most tho. he actually bit her too o___O;; we wer shoving each other's arms away from th keyboard n typing gibberish all over nisa's chat i think. it ws very foolish. we also talkd abt skin colour at one point n tht ws stupid too. we FACEBOOKED too n tht ws even more random.
then fajar sed he ws hungry n wnted t make nasi goreng so we wer like SURE bt he ddnt have any rice. so we went t nisa's house n they wer doin their TV drill. they ddnt have any so we went t my house n i tuk 2 containers of fridged rice. back at his house, we started makin th fried rice. he used leftovers of somethin for th bumbu thing n added 1 egg n onions n pepper n th rice. he dd not cry when he chopped th onions. th air ws so FREAKIN SPICY or however u say it tht we all started coughing n coughing n coughing. me n matar watched as Chefajar [ chef fajar ] cooked. nisa n farah appeared in his garage askin wt we're cookin n stuff tellin us t eat at dnf's bt we wer like nah. when it ws done we tuk fail pictures n tried it n CRIED n COUGHED at how freakin pedas it ws. bt it tasted gud =D we sat n ate peacefully n dcided t invite andin n dhea over. andin ws quite red n teary cz she dsnt like/cnt eat spicy stuff xDD;;
we then speculated more utube videos n found adam's utube homgah bt his video ddnt make any sense. at around 9:45pm it ws time t go home, i checkd out nisa's house n found nothin interestin goin on altho wt hamzah told me contradicts tht matter. soo tht ws it! XD its been a while since i typed a long entry khekhiehe.
here r th nasi goreng chronicles pics:- click
Essay by syania/bs at 6:22 am 4 replies
Labels: essay entry is essay-ish, eventised, happyfajaring, humorous, kemprot, kompond mingling, youknowho
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
ey2 guess wt pepols!
me n fajar r like friends again. XD
i guess this time its 'idk n make up'
cz srsly th way we baikan ws rele weird n g jelas.
i just put 'r we still fighting o__O;;' in my PM
then he nswered
n we chatted.
yea. back t normal.
Essay by syania/bs at 6:23 pm 0 replies
Labels: happyfajaring
Kill and Make Up
th pic below is given th title 'Kill and Make Up'
bt his PM is like.. this:
accordin t my intellect i assume th 'target' is me. yea, he wnts t erase me from his life probably.
derive th meaning of th pic for urself :) ther r lots of ways.
Essay by syania/bs at 3:43 pm 9 replies
Labels: emofajaring
In Harmony
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
tday i felt very emotionless. like.. not sad or happy or angry. just.. blank. so when somethin triggers me t do an emote i just do it bt with hardly any feeling. xcept when i chatted with hamzah [ n kinda umar ] in th evening, i ws very chirpy n SURPRISED then. XD
ther ws no magazine n i ws kinda relieved cz i just wnted t go home t2h. in th car me n hamzah listened t music from each other's HPs~
sammy is no longer existing in QIS ._. my last time seein her ws yesterday, n i think th last thing i sed ws 'SEE U IN MALAYSIA!' after tht i shed one tear. i havent cried this week [ prolly cz of th emotionless-ness ]
on monday&tuesday i kept searchin n listenin t new music, so now my playlist n phone is filled with so much songs xDD;; most of em r indonesian too, like from REPVBLIK n ST12.
o yea on monday's 4th n 5th period i visited Texas A&M. th trip shudve been a bit longer cz th tour around th campus ws very lame n uninteresting. they only showed us th BBQ place, library, student lounge aaand.. th general layout. i wnted t see th pro labs n classrooms T~T th meeting room ws effin cool tho cz th chairs wer bouncy n evrythin appeared from ceilings PLUS th microphone ws nifty. i got a shirt 8D also, ther ws no riko in th primary thang ;__; bt me n hamzahe [ n a bit of dhea ] always had somethin t laugh at.
me n fajar chatted tday. drumroll..
wt a ridiculous n pointless log i kno. we always have such ones anyway.
Essay by syania/bs at 8:29 pm 0 replies
Labels: emofajaring, log content, schoolness
i found this link in dA : ColorGenics
try it guys. its th flash rite on tht page, just click th 'it's free' button thing.
this is wt i got..
Name: Syania
Date: 11/18/2008
Colorgenics Number: 07136254
At this particular time, you are feeling that you are or were unjustly and undeservedly treated and/or betrayed in your hopes and dreams. You feel that everything is against you. But look on the bright side for you are, whether you believe it or not, a survivor.
Always anxious to accept the role of the leader, as indeed you often work well with people - but try to stay out of the limelight. You'd like a life of ease with no one to rock the boat and someone who understands you is so important in your life.
The way things are, you feel that you are stuck in a rut and there is not much you can do about it. You feel frustrated and inhibited but if you can find a way to let yourself go, you may find that things aren't quite so bad as perhaps you thought they were. One consolation is that since you are an extremely emotional individual, with the right person you may be able to release some of that frustration and tension with some mutual tender loving care.
For some time now your hopes and expectations have been denied and because of this you are becoming withdrawn and introverted. Continual disappointment has manifested itself in you becoming both suspicious and restrained you have become withdrawn from others and have receded more and more into yourself. You seem to have lost your innate enthusiasm and imaginative nature, for fear that you may be carried away by it only to find that you are wasting your time. You are loath to trust people, as in the past your trust has been misplaced. You seem to be keeping yourself cautiously aloof from others. At this moment in time your attitude is to trust nobody - until they can prove themselves to you.
You are moody and depressed at this time but it will pass. All of your hopes and dreams seem to have gone astray and you are fearful of planning further for the future. Disappointment at the non fulfilment of your hopes and the fear that to formulate fresh goals will only lead to further setbacks have resulted in considerable anxiety and you try to escape from this by withdrawing into yourself. But that is not the answer. You have the power to succeed, believe in yourself... all is possible to him who believes.
hlaughs quite depressing. bt its very true.
Otak vs. Hati
Sunday, 16 November 2008
in th midst of conducting shiatty peachey essays, i chat with indra abt my thots [ brain ] n feelings [ heart ]. i feel like posting it here, simply bcuz im debating as t whether i shud follow my heart or my brain in this 14th fight [ est. thursday 13th ] n our log kinda.. supports.
bt 1st of all, id like t say tht my day ws sure cheerful n splendid =D i dnt rele kno y. i ws a very bad girl in ICT cz i cheated my h/w by using my yr11 essay t hand in cz i ddnt do a proper 1 last nite n in maths i totally felt like an evil person. i sed i wnted t be a delinquent n planned schemes as t how i can get a bad reputation. God, i ws weird. thruout th day i also felt like a positive person n kept thinkin 'im fine, im fine' n u kno wt i rele ws. me n jana laughed a lot in physics cz of stupid things n i measured my height with a stand ruler n got 149cm WTZEHALL THEY LIE. as u all kno i have a bad memory so i cnt quote all th funny things we sed.
even so, despite my smiley n happy self, i still felt something ws missing n tht a part of myself contained grief. i always do. part of my nature.
i dcided t delete th log simply cz i felt like it.
u kno.. it feels rele nice t talk abt things t ppl. i rele miss how me n fajar used t tell each other anything. rele, anything. in fact, just this wednesday he ws talkin t me abt his private feelings. dus he rele have no heart n feelings.. tht he dusnt remember evrything we've been thru?
im nt clinging t him or anything, honest. its just tht.. after i got so down since 2008, he ws always th one ther t bring me back up. im so used t havin him around it seems weird when he's not with me. u can kinda say he's my guardian angel.. wait no way, guardian devil. a mean guy, bt somewt.. 'heroic'.
neverthless, ill just .. let God show me th way..
Essay by syania/bs at 6:39 pm 6 replies
Labels: basic emo, emofajaring, schoolness
Saturday, 15 November 2008
3 ppl tht have been talkin t me abt somethin
+ th 'I' list
have motivated me
frget all th swearing ive been doin in my PMs
im gunna take a step forward
even if its as small as 1cm
even if somethin gets in th way after a second
cz i kno i dnt easily give up
its in my nature
thts all i wanna say rele.
Friends.. maybe
i just tuk my TOEFL tday from 9AM til 1PM n i gotta say it ws th most f***in annoyin exam ive ever taken in my life. it ws TOO FREAKIN LONG n gah i hate it bt im glad its over. i need t get a 70 tho in order t be accepted t HELP University. so pray for me guys, thanks. amin
now i feel like doin a survey ppl r not in any specific order.
((One)) fajar
((Two)) hamzah
((Three)) matar
((Four)) cania
((Five)) nisa
((Six)) dhe3
((Seven)) MD
((Eight)) umar
Number One - fajar
((How old are they?)) 13
((Do they live near you?)) closest neighbour in sekompond.
((Any pets?)) yea, his nintendo DS
((Have you ever skipped school with them?)) err no bt tht wud be fun.
((Are they your absolute best friend ever?)) he used t be. i still want him t be.
((Or maybe you're dating.)) as if.
((Ever been to a concert with them?)) if we dd it wud be fun too.
((Best present you've gotten them?)) hmmh. GOTTEN. i think th p.e. bag. idk tho
((What's an inside joke of yours?)) 'allurbla3srbelongtous' 'bla3 horror' n lots of other stuff.
((Are they the only person who understands you?)) no he dusnt understand me AT ALL, bt he knows me very well.
((Describe them in one word.)) idiot.
((Do you comment this person a lot?)) comment? yes, all th freakin time.
((How often do you hang out?)) often always whenever we're not fighting
((Is this person funny?)) very funny in his own unique, idiotic way~
Number Two - hamzah
((How old are they?)) 14.
((Male or female?)) i cnt rele tell..
((Have you met their family?)) duh. t2h
((Do they hug you a lot?)) AUHAHUHUHAU t be honest he's hugged me bfore bt in my dream HLAUGHS
((How often do you see them?)) evryday =D i think.
((Ever seen a movie together?)) if its just us 2.. as in.. u kno.. a DATE, then hell no.
((Do you know their deepest, darkest secret?)) dear he never tells me anythin tht deep t2h
((Will you invite them to your wedding?)) DUH! he'd be like th man of honour. or wtever u call it
((Have you ever had a crush on this person?)) yea, th biggest one. *isnt afraid t admit it in public*
((Has this person ever had a crush on you?)) ..
((Your favorite memory with them.)) stuff tht happens in school. =D lots of em. i forgot rite now tho
((If they ran away, would you let them stay at your house?)) HLAUGHS wts th point his house is like 7 away from mine
((Why is this person number two and not number one?)) i sed th ppl isnt in any specific order.. or is it?
((Do you love them?)) sure i do~
Number Three - matar
((Age?)) 15.
((How long have you known them?)) literally my ntire life.
((Do they like polka dots?)) ohohoo she luks th type. she shud do.
((Their favorite store?)) MATAR DO U HAS? i never asked.
((Is this person single or taken?)) singleh
((If taken, by who?))
((Are they for or against gay marriage?)) she is for happy marriage bt against gay ones.
((Do they believe in ghosts?)) i assume she dus.
((Do they find Spongebob funny or annoying?)) WT RANDOM QUESTIONS U ASK ME ABT MATAR.
((Are they online a lot?)) bleargh yea.
((Do they dye their hair?)) no
((Ever stayed up ALL night with this person?)) all night is liek til 12AM so YER WE HAS.
Number Four - cania
((Age?)) 9. plus 5.
((What is this person's favorite color?)) BALUE
((Would they rather go to Six Flags or the mall?)) WTH MALL. no cania wud rather go t th bookstore .itoldu
((Are they a generally happy person?)) o yes she is. happier than i thts wt i kno.
((Who is their best friend?)) ME DUH! hlaughs . maybe. nisa thts who i kno ~
((How long have you known them?)) my ntire life too.
((Have you ever considered them your best friend?)) wtzehall i always has.
((Are they a funny person?)) BWAHAAHAHA I LAUGH EVEN AT TH QUESTION. XD she is th funniest person ever. n matar. i cnt dcide rele.
((What kind of movies do they like?)) hmmh. nt sure rele. bt she loves anime
((Can you see them moshing at a concert?)) wts mosh? .. LOOOL NO
((Are they double jointed?)) wts tht?
((Have you ever physically fought with them?)) gasp no. we just play around fighting.
((Is this person very sarcastic?)) when she is i dnt realise it.
Number Five - nisa
((Age?)) th mind of a 10 yr old. LAUGHS
((Siblings?)) brothers.
((Does this person have any strange pets?)) fadhli cud be.
((Has this person ever told you they love you?)) has u nisa? *bats eyelashes*
((Are they in a relationship right now?)) nisa dnt keep secrets from me. i kno u have one.
((Are they openminded?)) i think she is~
((A neat freak?)) *stares* no. not rele.
((Do they like rock music?)) duh t2h
((Rap?)) retarded attempt poetry....
((Do you see them often?)) yes i do 8)
((Do you ever just plain hate them?)) gasp never! who wud?!
((Are they a good dancer?)) AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAHA *derive th nswer from tht response
((If they called you at 3 am, would you listen to their problems?)) yes.. it wud probably be somethin t do with her revision or h/w HAHA
Number Six - dhe3
((Age?)) 13.
((Have you met their parents?)) bleargh yea
((Do you get along with their siblings?)) her siblings r very entertaining.
((Do they drink a lot?)) yes she dus. dnt we all?
((Like crappy music?)) laughs at least she likes some of th songs i like unlike dnf t2h
((Do you hang out a lot?)) hmmh no.
((Do they like to take pictures?)) i chose th rite person for this! XD yea
((Are they photogenic?)) HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH. idk.
((Single or taken?)) single n desperately lukin AM I RITE?
((Have they ever been your best friend?)) i think so.
((Have you ever dated?)) WTZEHALL
((Who would they love to meet?)) george sampson. t2h
((Do they tell you everything?)) no. who dus rele?
Number Seven - MD
((age?)) 81. reversed. LAUGHS
((Do they look like any celebrities?)) hmmh no.
((Hair color?)) like th indonesian she is.
((Would you lie with them and just forget the world?)) WTH THT SOUNDS SO GAY.
((How did you meet?)) idk. i forgot.
((Do they comment you a lot?)) is comment a gud thing or a bad thing? bt yes she dus
((Do you comment them a lot?)) aint bothered t2h
((Do you love them?)) she is my sister.
((Would you invite them to your wedding?)) duh! she'd sit at th front.
((Who are they going out with?)) roti tawar
((Do you wish you lived with them?)) no. she's in indo.
((Could you live with them?)) yes i cud if i universitise in indo.
((Have you even met them?)) DUUUUUUUUUUUUUH.
((Do you have their phone number?)) i has
Number Eight - umar [ th number 8 is luck in china OHOHOH ]
((Age?)) 14 n smokin. LAAAAAUGHS i hope he never reads this
((Are you related?)) i wudnt mind being. LAUGHS NO.2
((Have you ever dated?)) id love to if dating ws allowed. LAUGHS NO.3
((Have you ever seen a movie together?)) ROMANCE MUCH? AHAHAHA I WISH. LAUGHS NO.4
((Have they been to your house?)) TOEEEEEEENG YES HE HAS. got a problem with tht? *i so chose th rite person for this
((How long have you known each other?)) this is our 6th year =D
((Where did you meet?)) his house. TOENG
((Have you ever slept in the same room?)) SSUTEHSAONRE HAAHAHAH NO. i think.
((When was the last time you talked to them?)) yesterday in th fair t2h
((Do they have strange taste in music?)) nope nope like a normal teenage boy's.
((Have they ever been arrested?)) no way.
((Do they have a pool?)) AHAHAHAHAHAH no
((How do you like their parents?)) HOW do i like their parents?! theyre just PARENTS.
((Do they play any sports?)) football n badmin is all i kno.
In Conclusion...
((Who is your best friend?)) th 1st 5. bt im nt sure abt th 1st person.
((Are any of them in your top eight for no reason?)) hmmh. no i dnt think so.
((Who has dated the most people?)) umar. he had like 30 dates n still counting. LAUGHS
((Who is the most innocent?)) cania. hamzah used t be innocent too u__u
((Who's the funniest?)) ddnt i say matar n cania aka cuna? theyre all funny tho rele.
((Who did you comment last?)) hamzah in dA? nisa's blog? idk
((Who commented you last?)) nisa~
((Who has the best house?)) dhe3 =D
((Who has the coolest parents?)) hmmmmh. th space sisters. XD n dhe3
((Who is/would be your concert buddy?)) nisa n hamzah n fajar n umar =DD
((Who gives the best hugs?)) cania?~
((Who's the most gothic?)) WTZEHALL GOTHIC HAHAHA
((Who's the best dancer?)) I WISH UMAR WS. HHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAA. well idk rele prhaps th space sisters.
((Who would be the best actor?)) th space sisters.
((Who would win American Idol?)) all of em cept fajar n md LAUGHS
((Who is the most original?)) hmmh. nisa n th space sisters =D
((Who is the most popular?)) nisa n umar. LOL UMAR nahh nt rele. bt he just has a popular aura IMO
((Have any of the people in your top eight ever dated?)) nope
((Who is the biggest partier?)) MD. laughs
((Who's the most laid back?)) nisa n fajar.
((Who are you going to tag?)) th bloggers tht bother t do it.
School Unfair
Friday, 14 November 2008
th school fair is a lie. its unfair.
i had an effin horrible time in th beginning even after tryin t make things better bt later on when i hung around with afif hamzah n cania n walkd around n ate n drank at th Cafe Du France i felt a lot better.
we ddnt do much rele. bt it wsnt wt i call bad. we stood at th balloon darts place lots of times cz th boys wer always ther.
issues occured bt theyre too personal t be put in public altho 4 ppl already kno abt it.. n 5.. altho im nt rele sure abt tht person.
i even changed my PM into somethin along th lines of 'i cnt believe i cared abt a F***** RETARDED B****** like u. ure so GAY u kno tht? wt a loada c***' -altho it ws uncensored.
n nisa laughed at it... *stares*
shortest entry ever eh?
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
cz yesterday n th day bfore we mentioned how his mother is ALWAYS takin over his laptop n then he sed 'maybe she reads our chat logs' n i go yea t see y we fight n stuff or somethin like tht. so now he signs out whenever his mom takes over so she dusnt read our current convos.
N THEN I WS BEWILDERED. DNT TELL ME SHE SRSLY SEES OUR CHAT LOGS? i thot he ws just joking bforehand!
so i opened up a chat n askd him abt it. TURNS OUT SHE FREAKIN DOES!!! N OM AGUS TOO!!
we wer like AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH n rant rant rant n discuss furiously.
n since we wer in an intense mode we talkd abt 2390238 other stuff in th process.
i told md abt this matter n sed how now tht fajar is with iwan's laptop we can chat abt wtever we want cz iwan's chat logs r SO uninterestin compared t mine n fajar's anyway. t2h
(19:53) × b i .es - : | NOW OM AGUS IS USING IWAN'S LAPTOP |
(19:53) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | like she did it on purpose |
(19:53) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | i think |
(19:53) × b i .es - : | HE FOUND OUT IM CHATTIN WITH FAJAR |
(19:53) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | HAHAHA |
(19:53) × b i .es - : | NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |
(19:53) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | LOL |
(19:53) × b i .es - : | N WE SED SO MANY STUFF |
(19:56) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | OLOLOLOOL |
(19:59) × b i .es - : | HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA |
(19:59) × b i .es - : | TNTE SIWI = FAJAR'S LAPTOP |
(19:59) × b i .es - : | OM AGUS = IWAN'S LAPTOP |
(19:59) × b i .es - : | MOTIVE = TH SAME ![]() |
(20:00) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | ![]() |
(20:00) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | ROF |
(20:00) // + . نضيرا ¤ м: | L |
goin on abt normal life, i got my first A tday in my AS history! =D my other test results wer like.. B.. B.. C.. D.. B.. n i got an A tday! =D in MATHS! w00t. i knew i had somethin in maths. i ws like 7 marks away from 100% boohoo. it ws cz of my silly mistakes.. like 9y=-3 .. i put y=3. WTZEHALL
n chemistry ws AWESOME!! we dd flame tests. so we burnt group 1 compounds in bunsen flames n they gave out SUCH FREAKIN COOL COLOURS like green n lilac n red. n parry even let us play with lithium!! XD th guys wer like choppin em up n throwin em into th waterbath n i recorded. th guys also tuk pictures of th flame tests XDXD
he even turned off th lights so tht th place luks like a ritual area o__O;; cz thers like 2 bunsens on each table n thers 3 tables.. so it lukd holy. n th bunsens wer ON too, in their orange flame. too bad my HP tuk a bad pic of it >__>;;
this week lacks after school activities. i only went t primary which ws great as usual~ n i ddnt kno ther ws magazine so i ditched tht too. n i ditched maths n music. n tmorrow thers no badminton T~T
Essay by syania/bs at 8:01 pm 10 replies
Labels: happyfajaring, humorous, log content, schoolness
- University of Alberta - canada
THOTS:- i have no problem with this uni. bt i wish thers PICTURES t show me wt it luks like.
PROBLEM:- ERR NOTHIN RELE. I JUST WANNA SEE PICTURES. - University College Sedaya International (UCSI) - malaysia
PROBLEM:- I NEED TH FKIN A-LEVELS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD I DNT WANNA GO T YR13! - University Teknology PETRONAS - malaysia
PROBLEMS:- i dnt wanna stay in qatar!! srsly. I WANNA BE IN A CAMPUS n live independently! thts th POINT of goin t unis rite?! n they sed 50% of th students r qatari. NO WAY!!
Essay by syania/bs at 5:47 pm 11 replies
Th Perfect Gay
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
.. i mean guy.
friendster's bulbos r collectin dust so i shall post this in meh blog.
Section 1
Hair color? black pl0x
Eye color? err natural
Height? like 10cm taller than me at least
Six pack? err no thanks
Long hair or short? hmmh..nothin like ghabot's o__O;; or longer
Glasses? dsnt matter
Piercings? neverr
Eyebrows? wt abt em?
Big butt or little? which butt part r u talkin abt.. *scared*
Chest hair? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buff or skinny? skinneh ~
Teeth? as long as he has em..
Section 2
Funny or serious? serious when he's confessin stuff *TOENG2* n when he shud be n definitely funny at any other time =D
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home? err a balance between both bt NOT PARTIES
Should he be able to bake or cook? hmmh.. both wud be nice. i am impressed with guys tht can cook x]
Does he have a best friend? err.. sure..?
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends? GASP NO!! let it be me!! *selfish ckck
Out-going or shy? shy is cuute bt outgoing is better~
Sarcastic or sincere? nahh i shall be th sarcastic one XD
Does he love his mother? MUST TOTALLY!
Should he watch chick-flicks? ..... no thanks..
Would he be a smoker? NEVER!!
How about a drinking? hih as if!
And swearing? nooooooooooooooooooo
Would he play with your hair? even if i get married i wud still be disgusted if my husband does tht XD
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time? he wud have NO GIRLFRIENDS in his ntire life
Would he pay for you when you're on a date? of course t2h bt it wud be nicer if we joked abt it first
Does he kiss on the first date? he dusnt go t dates actually. until he gets married
Where would you go for dinner? hmmh.. idk~
Would he buy you flowers? i dnt think so.. bt id love some =D
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? LOL @ TH RANDOM PHILOSOPHIES!! no thanks. th lay under th th stairs is cuute tho >______<
Would he write poetry about you? no th other way round! XD
Would he use endearments? preferred ;D
Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends? hmmmh dusnt matter rele! bt he hasta like em at least
How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends? nguoo if ther r any hot ones sure AHAHAH no2
Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening? err.. no need
Would you hold hands? when we get married!! x]
i deleted Section 3
Section 4
Does he use the word dude? only when he feels like it. not like th surfer dudes .. DUDE
How about tight? tight.. wtever t2h
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you? LAUGHS how corny
What kind of car does he drive? an SUV ;D or somethin cooler
How old is he? as long as he's like.. within my 3yrs older/3yrs younger range.
fit any of these criterias? then U cud be my dream guy! ;D
*wth XD th only guy readin this wud probably be hamzah XD
n i think my dream guy changes evrytime too XD