Bummer: an experience that is irritating or frustrating or disappointing; A truck with two low wheels and long pole for hauling logs.
The twins left yesterday for real. Me and Hamzah didn't have a proper goodbye at all. The last time we saw each other in Qatar was in front of my doorstep, where he gave me back my USB and I insisted him to take the green book home so Umar can write his bio in it but he refused 'cause he doesn't wanna bring it to the Musholla so he'll come back later to fetch it but he forgot to; and when he was supposed to come back later turns out he had to go to the tailor's suddenly and when he came back he had to pack up his laptop, before I knew it he was offline. The last time I saw Umar in Qatar was outside; he was walking to the Musholla and I looked at him but he didn't. Or did he?
I woke up at 10:30 I think and played RO, alone, I was looking for Abysmal Knight. Umar was already on but was idle mostly I guess. I got obsessed with the Friends Chain Reaction Game in FB for a bit 'cause it made cute noises plus I love getting High Scores.
In the afternoon Cania appeared and she and Umar both went Niffing and went to the Pyramids before I decided to catch up with them. He was so talkative you know, I bet because Cania was there. The convos we had were very funny though. We talked about ice cream, the pronunciation of 'vehicles', mangas, loads. I feel like pastingsome a lot I find particularly amusing 'cause I have tons of RO logs and I won't be bothered to search through each one in the future when I read this entry. Oddly enough we didn't Skype .x.
For those who don't know, Sakurai Kito is me, Sakato is Umar, Aeiri is Cania and Katsuo Morogani is Hamzah (Y) Fajar, you should've stayed longer.
In the afternoon Cania appeared and she and Umar both went Niffing and went to the Pyramids before I decided to catch up with them. He was so talkative you know, I bet because Cania was there. The convos we had were very funny though. We talked about ice cream, the pronunciation of 'vehicles', mangas, loads. I feel like pasting
For those who don't know, Sakurai Kito is me, Sakato is Umar, Aeiri is Cania and Katsuo Morogani is Hamzah (Y) Fajar, you should've stayed longer.
Best Friend is Ice Cream
Sakurai Kito : my best friend in RO is fajar D":
Sakurai Kito : i need piano keeeys
Sakato : i hav
Sakato : 2
Sakato : i thot u hate him
Sakurai Kito : it makes me wnder wt its for
Sakurai Kito : wt
Sakurai Kito : who sed i did
Sakato : u always fight snt u
Sakato : *dnt
Sakurai Kito : dsnt mean i hate him
Sakato : aah a romantic comedy fight rite
Sakurai Kito : in fact th reasons y we fight is due to el oh vee ee
Sakurai Kito : hmmh comedy, maybe not
Sakato : LHURVE]
Sakurai Kito : friendship love, ya
Sakato : i luv
Sakato : ice cream
Aeiri : you luv.
Sakurai Kito : me too.
Aeiri : everyone does.
Sakurai Kito : -goes-
Sakato : take care of ur bodies girls-- just a message
Bathroom Fetish
Aeiri : well yu're going today right?
Sakato : toNIGHT
Sakato : yes
Sakato : i wish th flight will be longer
Sakato : i like being in planes
Sakato : especially th bathroom
Aeiri : LOL ME TOO
Sakurai Kito : BATHROOM?
Sakurai Kito : UMAR U GAYS
Aeiri : though sometimes i feel i want wings.
Sakurai Kito : n i just realised u sed bodies insted of health
Sakurai Kito : PEEEEEERV
Sakato : hey wt
Sakato : th bathroom is nice n small
Sakurai Kito : i hate plane toilets is so small
Aeiri : yeah it is.
Sakato : wt perv
Sakurai Kito : no space to walk around
Aeiri : perv what?
Sakato : its nice
Sakurai Kito : sigh u guys dnt get it
Sakato : i feel i want to sleep in it
Vehicle [this one took ages to colourise]
Aeiri : you asked veekel
Sakurai Kito : huh?
Sakato : u sed th second one
Sakurai Kito : cania wt ice cream flavour u eatin
Sakato : which ws veehighkel
Sakurai Kito : i sed veehikel
Aeiri : no he asked 'veekel' instead of 'veeheekel'.
Sakurai Kito : o
Aeiri : then i said oh no
Sakato : thts th same pronounciation
Aeiri : i'm eating chocolate duh.
Sakato : rain
Aeiri : no it is NOT.
Sakato : veekle n veeheekle
Aeiri : ...
Sakato : so very very similar
Sakurai Kito : wts with th random rain
Aeiri : NO
Sakato : chocolate rain
Aeiri : it's not the same...
Aeiri : whut chocolate rain
Sakurai Kito : some stay dry n other feel th pain
Sakato : wt th...
Sakato : who says veeheekel
Sakurai Kito : i do
Aeiri : I SAY IT...
Sakato : its either veehighkel or veekel
Sakurai Kito : actually bo
Sakurai Kito : *no
Sakurai Kito : i sed VEEHIKEL
Sakurai Kito : th hi is very misheard
Sakurai Kito : i mean u cn hardly hear it
Sakato : is tht veehighkel
Aeiri : NO
Sakato : yes no
Aeiri : yes?
Aeiri : or no.
Sakato : no
Sakato : warp her woman
Aeiri : butyou said yes no.
Sakato : she needed niff
Aeiri : no way
Aeiri : she who
Sakurai Kito : WT?
Penyets [Flats]
Sakurai Kito : im already imagining my future house *-*
Katsuo Morogani : LOOL
Aeiri : it's a gubuk with a straw roof
Sakurai Kito : itll have wooden floorrrrrrrrr
Sakurai Kito : SHUT UP U
Katsuo Morogani : wt makes u so sure ull get one
Sakato : back
Katsuo Morogani : liek
Sakurai Kito : HAMZAH?!!??!?
Katsuo Morogani : wt if tis a FLAT
Sakurai Kito : go die
Katsuo Morogani : ZOMG FLAT
Sakurai Kito : i want round
Aeiri : but i live in a flat now...
Sakurai Kito : ok tht ws a rele lame joke
Katsuo Morogani : VERY LAME
Sakurai Kito : XD
Aeiri : you guys are mocking my home -cries-
Katsuo Morogani : round isnt even associated with flat
Sakurai Kito : yu uh
Aeiri : it is for us girls
Sakurai Kito : sorry cania i dislike flats
Sakurai Kito : OMG URE RITE
Aeiri : i like flats.
Sakurai Kito : me too.
Sakurai Kito : i mean th girl kinda flat
Sakurai Kito : nt house flat
Aeiri : -changes topic-
Sakurai Kito : n btw gubuks r RELE UGLY
Caps Mar
Sakurai Kito : discovery: umar caps when he has financial crisis
He caps at something else but I didn't save that log );
Well that's basically all of yesterday, ROing I mean. I chatted with Hamzah too as usual and at night when he suddenly had to go I was so surprised and we were caps locking and so dramatic. However at 11-ish they went online at the airport which was good news but Hamzah and I only got to chat 'til 12 and that wasn't long T-T
Today I made a mage called Aya Toshiro and trained with Cania's Swordsman for some time. It's so hard, you know. I'm still level 33 I think HARHAR. I got to chat with Farah and Nisa and yesterday Iwan too [only it ended quickly]. Dhea smsed me but I was hoping it was Fajar. I wonder if he'll remember my birthday this year, if he'll ever sms me [hope he hasn't been with Farah or else I'll kill him for not doing so with me -__-;], what he's been doing and if he misses me and especially what he thinks of the letter.
I was soooooooooo bored so I decided to read/waft through all my 135/136 blog entries just incase any of them needed any label updates which they did. It felt kinda weird reading about my life berturut-turut, it was like a book. At some points where there wasn't explicit detail about me and Fajar's continuous fights I would search through my chat logs or photos, even. It was funny [I don't mean humorous funny btw] seeing the order of the chain of events he and I encountered up 'til this point in both of our lives. Our friendship kept going on and off and on but there was always love, you know [and hatred, but that was only from me maybe]. There were so many memories in all those entries I totally forgot about so it felt great reading them again. I spent from 2 'til 9pm doing that you know @@; Well with breaks and stuff inbetween obviously. It makes me grateful that I own a blog. (Y)
So! Tomorrow is me and CC's big sleepover day :D There's loads of stuff we wanna do and I'm meant to make a list but let's just do stuff spontaneously, OK. We shall has fun, ya (Y) Oh and below is like my Colorado School of Mines [CSM] 2009-2010 Calendar. I don't know if I took the right dates though, hehe. As you can see I don't get that much holidays unlike MD and QIS which is unfair, stupid American University -__-; So you guys are lucky about that. But this might mean I won't visit as often as my older sister, you know. Maybe just once/twice a year? D: 'Tis sad. But I pray very hard to Allah when I do, I will make brilliant memories (Y) Amin. Thank God the Winter holidays are long - SO YOU GUYS BETTER STAY PUT THERE. Full view will hurt the eyes less.
Today I made a mage called Aya Toshiro and trained with Cania's Swordsman for some time. It's so hard, you know. I'm still level 33 I think HARHAR. I got to chat with Farah and Nisa and yesterday Iwan too [only it ended quickly]. Dhea smsed me but I was hoping it was Fajar. I wonder if he'll remember my birthday this year, if he'll ever sms me [hope he hasn't been with Farah or else I'll kill him for not doing so with me -__-;], what he's been doing and if he misses me and especially what he thinks of the letter.
I was soooooooooo bored so I decided to read/waft through all my 135/136 blog entries just incase any of them needed any label updates which they did. It felt kinda weird reading about my life berturut-turut, it was like a book. At some points where there wasn't explicit detail about me and Fajar's continuous fights I would search through my chat logs or photos, even. It was funny [I don't mean humorous funny btw] seeing the order of the chain of events he and I encountered up 'til this point in both of our lives. Our friendship kept going on and off and on but there was always love, you know [and hatred, but that was only from me maybe]. There were so many memories in all those entries I totally forgot about so it felt great reading them again. I spent from 2 'til 9pm doing that you know @@; Well with breaks and stuff inbetween obviously. It makes me grateful that I own a blog. (Y)
Random excerpts I twitted:
Me: "Does anyone have any pants I can borrow?"
Umar: "Me" -puts on whoops face- ; that was from November 2008 0.0
When me and Dhe3 in Kempo laughed so hard 'cause of 'LET'S HAVE A BEACH PARTY. IN LONDON'.
Abah Rama.
The fake letter I typed to Fajar; 'Yeah, I'm always waiting for you. It's so uncool for me as a girl. You need to do the work next time.'
My commentary on exam papers; 'The paper looked friendly. They used happy fonts and the boxes were round and stuff :D Cute.'
'Abdominals - In pursuit of a perfect midsection.'
Nameless RO Chronicle [really forgot this happened]; Fajar: .Guardian Angel. | Me: Devil Protector | Carisa: Vigilant Being
Hamzah randomly opening a MSN chat saying 'help me label sex organs'
Walkathon; 'Once I wanted to say something to Hamzah but his pace was comparable to a dead lizard so I said 'Hamzah walk faster!' - that made me LOL
From a chat log; 'I care about your feelings. You just don't get it.'
So! Tomorrow is me and CC's big sleepover day :D There's loads of stuff we wanna do and I'm meant to make a list but let's just do stuff spontaneously, OK. We shall has fun, ya (Y) Oh and below is like my Colorado School of Mines [CSM] 2009-2010 Calendar. I don't know if I took the right dates though, hehe. As you can see I don't get that much holidays unlike MD and QIS which is unfair, stupid American University -__-; So you guys are lucky about that. But this might mean I won't visit as often as my older sister, you know. Maybe just once/twice a year? D: 'Tis sad. But I pray very hard to Allah when I do, I will make brilliant memories (Y) Amin. Thank God the Winter holidays are long - SO YOU GUYS BETTER STAY PUT THERE. Full view will hurt the eyes less.
Fajar, when I'll be living in the US, will you still read my blog?
2 replies:
OMOO, uni life looks awesome, The schedule I mean. Sort of.
I srsly loled at your umar financial crisis thing
and the yes no she who no way.
hurray for lollage.
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