Hey everyone. Well basically Carisa, Cania and Hamzah [maybe Indira too?] 'cause they're the only ones in Qatar now and who are able to read my blog this early.
I'm gunna type about the boring that is Thursday 25th of June 2009.
Hamzah was pretty out of reach 'cause he was so busy doing secret things which I figured out what they were the next day. Me and Matar totally spammed mangas that day. I read Cherry Juice, Koko Ni Iru Yo!, Watashi Ni XX Shinasai and uhh... actually that's it but I take ages to read so yeah. I played Typing Maniac a lot too 'cause I was so dying of boredom. Dhea told me to print stuff for Iwan's photo album and I got really upset 'cause I'm leaving too you know. I didn't even get a Farewell Party, haaaah. Fajar was like online but he never changed his PM nor greeted so I thought he was out or busy or something. I kept panicking and getting moody over it. Oh all the minutes I spent thinking of him, wondering if he was back. I also got this red closet gift thing from Nisa but Fadhli delivered it. At night when I chatted with Arya [it was long woo] he told me Fajar's been packing and so was tired D; Yah, we didn't get to see each other or chat at all that day. I was sad. But then I was cheered up by Matar's Colonel Sanders twit thingy. Here's the reference. Before I went to bed which was at 1AM I opened the closet thingy's doors and was so surprised to see its contents. Totally unexpected. Thanks again you 3.

Hamzah was pretty out of reach 'cause he was so busy doing secret things which I figured out what they were the next day. Me and Matar totally spammed mangas that day. I read Cherry Juice, Koko Ni Iru Yo!, Watashi Ni XX Shinasai and uhh... actually that's it but I take ages to read so yeah. I played Typing Maniac a lot too 'cause I was so dying of boredom. Dhea told me to print stuff for Iwan's photo album and I got really upset 'cause I'm leaving too you know. I didn't even get a Farewell Party, haaaah. Fajar was like online but he never changed his PM nor greeted so I thought he was out or busy or something. I kept panicking and getting moody over it. Oh all the minutes I spent thinking of him, wondering if he was back. I also got this red closet gift thing from Nisa but Fadhli delivered it. At night when I chatted with Arya [it was long woo] he told me Fajar's been packing and so was tired D; Yah, we didn't get to see each other or chat at all that day. I was sad. But then I was cheered up by Matar's Colonel Sanders twit thingy. Here's the reference. Before I went to bed which was at 1AM I opened the closet thingy's doors and was so surprised to see its contents. Totally unexpected. Thanks again you 3.
Then, Friday 26th of June 2009.
I was hoping something good can happen between me and Fajar today 'cause... it was our last day, really. But he didn't go online at all, even at 10:30 which was the time I woke up. DnF rang the bell and gave me an awesome purple shirt and Iwan's photo album which I worked on for an hour. I was wishing I got one too.

I played my old computer games this morning too. I finished my page at 3 and like I had to draw for DnF and Fajar who are leaving at night so I had no idea if I had time [which I didn't]. DnF and CC appeared at 3:15 saying Fajar is leaving soon and I thought I was gunna cry 'cause I was so, so shocked. Immediately I started sitting by myself in the dining room and then my room writing a letter for him. It hurts to write a goodbye letter you know. I cried right at the end of it when I wrote that I love him. Dramatic much? But really, none of you has tried that before haven't you? So it isn't.
Since the rest already went to Iwan's to give the album I arrived late only to hear that they AREN'T goin' at 3:15 but at night, although the timing was still a mystery. I was so relieved and decided to do another letter after spending 5 minutes inside Iwan's house. I did so whilst chatting with Hamzah. Plus I made the 2nd version of the letter a lot more lighthearted 'cause I know Fajar doesn't like me being sad. I was still wondering where on earth he was and what he was doing.
At around 5 I went to DnF's and discovered they played with Fajar for a bit after I left... I was gutted .__. Soon me and Cania met up with Hamzah outside 'cause DnF and Matar were doing shnit Idk what inside and just talked. Mostly in front of Fajar's house in hopes he'll hear us and come out. But he didn't. Hamzah went in his house and came out looking very suspicious at one point and he and Cania were doing secret talk with like red faces which obviously showed they were hiding something. Then Cania gave me this handmade white envelope which was from Hamzah only he didn't give it himself, YOU LAME. I didn't open it yet then.
After more random talks I showed them the closet thing and brought an Atlas outside too to show people the USA map. Then Matar or whoever wanted to see our Broadmoor Elementary School yearbooks so I fetched 'em. Me and CC and often Hamzah were majorly lolling at all the comments and photos. I kept wishing Fajar would appear, you know. He would've had fun with us. However Maghrib came and thenI saw the boy walking towards the Musholla; me and Cania waved and he waved back but he was doing an emo face and that got me confused and upset 'cause....... You know. We spent more time Yearbooking 'til after Maghrib and like wondered when Umar was coming home from the Dentist but he never did 'til 9 or something. I tried giving the letter to Fajar by going to his house but he was in the bathroom...
At home we watched Ouran Remix and Naruto openings which made us squeal and laugh and stuff, ah nostalgia. I opened the envelope from Hamzah and it turns out to be some sort of Love Note except in the friendship way. He said 'Know thatwe I'll always love you - as a friend of course :P' God it was so sweet and thoughtful and like in the afternoon I was pouting how I wanted him to tell me he loves me and there it waaas. I love you Hamzah~ There will be a picture of it, ok.
I got extremely worried about Fajar's letter so I smsed him and he said he was leaving after Isya [I tried giving it to him again before but we heard clanking and thought they were eating]. We had KFC for dinner but I was so not in the mood for it. At 8:20-ish we decided to go to Fajar's house and alhamdulillah dear God You give such miracles, we were right on time to see the car just leaving the garage and them standing on the steps. Imagine if we went out a minute later, I wouldn't have seen him... nor for maybe the last time hear him say thanks as I gave the envelope, nor for maybe the last time see him smile as he went in the car and took it from me. As the car drove past we waved goodbye and that boy just kept grinning. We started walking to DnF's after to say bye too but you know what, I suddenly cried really hard just like how I did all those days ago. I even made crying noises... sobbing, basically. CC were patting me and stuff, thanks guys. But it was so difficult to stop.
In front of DnF's I was still weeping so I said that I didn't want them to see me like this. CC were like come on Syania don't let Fajar see you cry so when their car passed by again I covered half of my face and waved one more time to that best friend of mine, who smiled so big and waved so eagerly. I totally didn't expect our last moment in Qatar together to be like that at all. I wish it was more like last year where he didn't let me sit down on DnF's couch until I told him that I'll miss him, and where he wanted to take me to the airport but his mom didn't let him. That would've been perfect. But he's 14 now, so he won't say any of that feelings stuff anymore. In the end we didn't get to see DnF 'cause I kept sniffing.
Back at home I was still upset but Hamzah's note made me look on the bright side. Then, Carisa presented me this green book which turns out to be like Iwan's only smaller and is not actually a photo album. I looked and read every single page and couldn't stop laughing at what people [especially Cania] said. Some of the stuff Fajar wrote touched me a lot but he's still an idiot for mentioning him. Jealousy is a part of love, you know. Haha, I love you Fajar you idiot. I was smsing that guy before and his replies were so neutral. It still makes me wonder if he'll miss me that much anyway. But, he wrote stuff in there that let me know I'm still his best friend, which could be the happiest thing that happened to me today relating to him. Anyhow, that book totally lifted my mood and I was no longer so sad. It was the best gift I ever got, ever. I thank every one who wrote in it. (:
After CC left I majorly chatted, with brbs of course since he was packing, with Hamzah who stayed up 'til midnight, amazing. At 11 or something I started playing RO with Umar much later on joined by Hamzah. We were looking for Angeling then Deviling then Ghostring lol. They were SUPPOSED to sleep at 1AM but that got changed to 12 sadly. I read the book one more time and am totally thankful to receive it even if it was rushed and not big and colourful and full of photos like Iwan's. Wew, it's 1:20AM right now. I hope to see the twins today, amin.
Since the rest already went to Iwan's to give the album I arrived late only to hear that they AREN'T goin' at 3:15 but at night, although the timing was still a mystery. I was so relieved and decided to do another letter after spending 5 minutes inside Iwan's house. I did so whilst chatting with Hamzah. Plus I made the 2nd version of the letter a lot more lighthearted 'cause I know Fajar doesn't like me being sad. I was still wondering where on earth he was and what he was doing.
At around 5 I went to DnF's and discovered they played with Fajar for a bit after I left... I was gutted .__. Soon me and Cania met up with Hamzah outside 'cause DnF and Matar were doing shnit Idk what inside and just talked. Mostly in front of Fajar's house in hopes he'll hear us and come out. But he didn't. Hamzah went in his house and came out looking very suspicious at one point and he and Cania were doing secret talk with like red faces which obviously showed they were hiding something. Then Cania gave me this handmade white envelope which was from Hamzah only he didn't give it himself, YOU LAME. I didn't open it yet then.
After more random talks I showed them the closet thing and brought an Atlas outside too to show people the USA map. Then Matar or whoever wanted to see our Broadmoor Elementary School yearbooks so I fetched 'em. Me and CC and often Hamzah were majorly lolling at all the comments and photos. I kept wishing Fajar would appear, you know. He would've had fun with us. However Maghrib came and thenI saw the boy walking towards the Musholla; me and Cania waved and he waved back but he was doing an emo face and that got me confused and upset 'cause....... You know. We spent more time Yearbooking 'til after Maghrib and like wondered when Umar was coming home from the Dentist but he never did 'til 9 or something. I tried giving the letter to Fajar by going to his house but he was in the bathroom...
At home we watched Ouran Remix and Naruto openings which made us squeal and laugh and stuff, ah nostalgia. I opened the envelope from Hamzah and it turns out to be some sort of Love Note except in the friendship way. He said 'Know that
I got extremely worried about Fajar's letter so I smsed him and he said he was leaving after Isya [I tried giving it to him again before but we heard clanking and thought they were eating]. We had KFC for dinner but I was so not in the mood for it. At 8:20-ish we decided to go to Fajar's house and alhamdulillah dear God You give such miracles, we were right on time to see the car just leaving the garage and them standing on the steps. Imagine if we went out a minute later, I wouldn't have seen him... nor for maybe the last time hear him say thanks as I gave the envelope, nor for maybe the last time see him smile as he went in the car and took it from me. As the car drove past we waved goodbye and that boy just kept grinning. We started walking to DnF's after to say bye too but you know what, I suddenly cried really hard just like how I did all those days ago. I even made crying noises... sobbing, basically. CC were patting me and stuff, thanks guys. But it was so difficult to stop.
In front of DnF's I was still weeping so I said that I didn't want them to see me like this. CC were like come on Syania don't let Fajar see you cry so when their car passed by again I covered half of my face and waved one more time to that best friend of mine, who smiled so big and waved so eagerly. I totally didn't expect our last moment in Qatar together to be like that at all. I wish it was more like last year where he didn't let me sit down on DnF's couch until I told him that I'll miss him, and where he wanted to take me to the airport but his mom didn't let him. That would've been perfect. But he's 14 now, so he won't say any of that feelings stuff anymore. In the end we didn't get to see DnF 'cause I kept sniffing.
Back at home I was still upset but Hamzah's note made me look on the bright side. Then, Carisa presented me this green book which turns out to be like Iwan's only smaller and is not actually a photo album. I looked and read every single page and couldn't stop laughing at what people [especially Cania] said. Some of the stuff Fajar wrote touched me a lot but he's still an idiot for mentioning him. Jealousy is a part of love, you know. Haha, I love you Fajar you idiot. I was smsing that guy before and his replies were so neutral. It still makes me wonder if he'll miss me that much anyway. But, he wrote stuff in there that let me know I'm still his best friend, which could be the happiest thing that happened to me today relating to him. Anyhow, that book totally lifted my mood and I was no longer so sad. It was the best gift I ever got, ever. I thank every one who wrote in it. (:
After CC left I majorly chatted, with brbs of course since he was packing, with Hamzah who stayed up 'til midnight, amazing. At 11 or something I started playing RO with Umar much later on joined by Hamzah. We were looking for Angeling then Deviling then Ghostring lol. They were SUPPOSED to sleep at 1AM but that got changed to 12 sadly. I read the book one more time and am totally thankful to receive it even if it was rushed and not big and colourful and full of photos like Iwan's. Wew, it's 1:20AM right now. I hope to see the twins today, amin.
The paper with the heart on the left is that Love Note from Hamzah daww~
I quote what I said to Hamzah in MSN [in proper English];
'I have a gut feeling and a faith in God and a trust in my friends that even if I'm gone we'll still be tight' - amin
We will, right guys?
'I have a gut feeling and a faith in God and a trust in my friends that even if I'm gone we'll still be tight' - amin
We will, right guys?
8 replies:
zomg the quote (':
i kno most of it t2h
of course u do cuz we chatted all day t2h
reminds me of u
bt ure nt fat ya
i was there so what else should i say.
i need more manga recommends when special A is done
i will await the day i sleep ovr
the quote is very true ok.
it shall be true.
n it ws touchy awesome yes.
u dnt havta say anythin else rele XD
that quote is so true, me and you are living proof syania XD
LOL SYANIA. we wanted to make you a huge album but was scared of you being overweight and having to pay for it later in the airport so instead we brought you a hilarious book. >D
ooo gtu, actually i do prefer a small book cuz its easier t bring around :D
HAHAH iwan farewell's party was arranged by iwan himself,
we ran out of time fr urs
wooooh i thot it ws abid's idea
heh heh, when it comes t me thers never any time
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