Monday 15th June
Today was like the boringest day ever. All I did was twit and watch Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging and watch Star King episode 27 which was pretty cool.
Tuesday 16th June
I had to go to the Dentist in the morning, she cleaned my teeth again and I believe put Hydrogen Peroxide on 'em o___O;; Then I bought McDonalds KKEHEHKHEKE and waited for Mom and MD for ages next to an escalator... I also heard that Swine Flu has arrived in Qatar, that freaked me out. Since people were still having their exams nobody could play with me and all so I had a Soul Eater Marathon. I watched like 9 episodes in total 8)
That's Death the Kid the character I like most, not just because he's cool but because I find him very amusing.
At night I got kinda disappointed at Umar a bit for his Swine Flu being epic remark but in the end he managed to make me type HAHAHA which I haven't done in hours. I downloaded this Prototype game which is 7+GB and Rated 18+. Then I browsed my wonderful Chinese Donghae Forum and after doing band stuff I went to sleep.
Wednesday 17th June
aka THE DAY I GRADUATEEEEEEEED~ It's nothing to be happy about really. But it's something to be proud of =P
In the morning I tried to play Prototype but I had no idea how so I downloaded another version but the same problem occured. Since I was bored I decided to open RO and do excessive exploring. I ditched Grad Rehearsals too (Y) Sometimes I chatted with Umar but like, he said something that made me upset so I went all moody. Then Matar introduced me to JamLegend and I had loads of fun with that. Finally at 6 me and my family went to the Intercon~
In the morning I tried to play Prototype but I had no idea how so I downloaded another version but the same problem occured. Since I was bored I decided to open RO and do excessive exploring. I ditched Grad Rehearsals too (Y) Sometimes I chatted with Umar but like, he said something that made me upset so I went all moody. Then Matar introduced me to JamLegend and I had loads of fun with that. Finally at 6 me and my family went to the Intercon~
When I reached it was Maghrib already so I was like stressing to find a place to pray but eventually I asked Dad and dragged Icha with me~ That was like the only problem I had, besides discovering that Kearns changed the stupid line order. I was apparently walking next to Marc. The hall was quite big and there were spare seats! Plus nobody cared about the invitations. CC could've come ToT There were obviously technical difficulties [QIS is a jinx] but after that we got to speculate Majd's video which was funny. The Year 13s' didn't work.
It was then time to walk, I was so nervous of screwing up and I kinda did although it wasn't my fault 'cause I was told to walk with Marc but when it was our turn some other girl suddenly barged and 'took' Marc away and I was like what? what? but thankfully Mahjabeen behind me stepped back and Akkad walked forward and we both ended up stepping across the aisle together woo~
When we got on the stage all we did was sit down and listen to like 3 speeches [Majd's was funny and I had a bit of difficulty understanding Hana Shiraz's accent] and people calling out Award winners. Kearns pronounced my name wrong and as I walked past the dudes I could hear some Mohameds whisper the correct proNUNciation, hehe. It's OK though. The certificate looks pretty nice but with typical Caddick calligraphy. Finally at 8:45 the ceremony was over and I was one of the girls who threw their hats in the air. Then we went off to take pictures and eat. The turkey sandwiches I ate were so yummy *-* Saba and Iman came, Shaza left too early and basically I talked with Lara and Madusa. Oh yes I got to speak with Parry too. That's all really.
Back at home it was already 10 or something but I was too busy playing JamLegend 'til Midnight and apparently Matar and Umar were too.
It was then time to walk, I was so nervous of screwing up and I kinda did although it wasn't my fault 'cause I was told to walk with Marc but when it was our turn some other girl suddenly barged and 'took' Marc away and I was like what? what? but thankfully Mahjabeen behind me stepped back and Akkad walked forward and we both ended up stepping across the aisle together woo~
When we got on the stage all we did was sit down and listen to like 3 speeches [Majd's was funny and I had a bit of difficulty understanding Hana Shiraz's accent] and people calling out Award winners. Kearns pronounced my name wrong and as I walked past the dudes I could hear some Mohameds whisper the correct proNUNciation, hehe. It's OK though. The certificate looks pretty nice but with typical Caddick calligraphy. Finally at 8:45 the ceremony was over and I was one of the girls who threw their hats in the air. Then we went off to take pictures and eat. The turkey sandwiches I ate were so yummy *-* Saba and Iman came, Shaza left too early and basically I talked with Lara and Madusa. Oh yes I got to speak with Parry too. That's all really.
Back at home it was already 10 or something but I was too busy playing JamLegend 'til Midnight and apparently Matar and Umar were too.
Haven't chatted with Matar nor Hamzah properly this week D;
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