Friday 19th June
It was really boring and lonely, I watched Soul Eater in the morning and Niffed with Cania and Umar but then got in a bad mood I think in the evening and so was really lazy to go to the Unocal meeting at Dhe3's house but I went anyway. In that place we ate delicious food compromising of bakso, macaroni scuttle and pudding and basically fangirled, watched videos and then at the end Matar talked about HSM fanfics which made us both and MD crying [literally] with so much laughter 'cause I laughed at the HSM fanfic idea plus when Matar said the real people's names 'Lucas' I went 'Who's Lucas? Ryan?' then when she said them as the character's name 'Chad' I went like 'Who's Chad?' IT WAS SOOOOOOOOO FUNNY SRSLY!! I had uber fun, thank God. However MD's leaving to Indonesia so I had to go home early, I didn't get to anter her 'cause Ocha was already asleep. By the way in the car I suddenly started reminiscing and as usual Fajar dominated most of the time so I nearly cried.
Saturday 20th June
In the morning I played RO with Umar but he was watching The Guild also so I ended up watching it too and in the afternoon I played with him again but stopped after a bit. Afterwards Hamzah told me of Umar's brilliant idea which was to have a Skype conference while playing RO which was obviously inspiration from The Guild. Me and the twins tried it first and it was SO COOL and practical and great 'cause I get to hear their voices; Cania joined us after a while, however at about 4 Cania and Hamzah went so it was just me and Umar but it was mostly silence although we said stuff to each other sometimes. When it was his turn to have music lessons me and Hamzah had a 1-on-1 voice call and talked about stuff, apparently at 5:30 Cania and Farah invited us to play outside and we we were both stuck whether to go or play RO and I heard in the background Umar going you playing RO? and Hamzah saying yea kinda but we decided to play outside and then the latter was like Nvm we're going out or something. Outside the Isynas 'cept Khalid and I were like not playing tennis with the rest of 'em so we just stood there lol. But then we played cards (Y) At home I forgot what I did.
Sunday 21st June
I amazingly woke up at 6AM and immediately blogged and waited for people to come online and the twins did so at near to 9, we started RO/Skyping [Cania appeared too] from then 'til like 1pm whoa, it was a lot of fun. Sadly we're unable to like save the convos, it would be nice if they had that function ): Then from 1pm 'til like 5 me and Hamzah chatted massively in Skype [we're weird] and talked about chicken and how we chat in 4 different places including that wonderful program; it was a loud and funny convo and I named us Psychotic Hungry Boredists 'cause we were so bored. And hungry [well we always are]. I forgot if I was ROing or not. Well anyway at 5 we went outside to play 'cause we were bored and when I stepped out the house I saw Umar cornering against the fence between the pool and tennis court inspecting something on the groundlolwut. Nisa showed me her superhero art homework which was wickedly cool and I touched it accidentally and when we collided into Hamzah at the alleyway he/Nisa were like why is your krudung green and turns out it was from Nisa's drawing noo~ We all mingled in front of the Ulumuddin household, Fajar was nowhere to be seen but Farah arrived later on. Umar, Salmaniye and Khalid were playing cards, Fadhli was being iseng with his watergun and the rest of us were just talking. Nisa then brought her laptop outside which was when everyone huddled to speculate a video of Super Junior dancing to a segment of Tunak Tunak Tun and that was hilarious, God. I forgot how but we then began searching for old Spanish dramas openings like from Rosalinda Amigos, bla3. It was amusing (Y) At night us girls went swimming but mostly played around and talked and the water was colder than I thought,. The floor was covered in sewage which stank and Dhea accidentally slipped on it LOL. when I got home I discovered my hearing got damaged like what usually happens when I'm in water but it was really bad. Everyone was offline so I decided to blog, I think.
Sunday 21st June
I amazingly woke up at 6AM and immediately blogged and waited for people to come online and the twins did so at near to 9, we started RO/Skyping [Cania appeared too] from then 'til like 1pm whoa, it was a lot of fun. Sadly we're unable to like save the convos, it would be nice if they had that function ): Then from 1pm 'til like 5 me and Hamzah chatted massively in Skype [we're weird] and talked about chicken and how we chat in 4 different places including that wonderful program; it was a loud and funny convo and I named us Psychotic Hungry Boredists 'cause we were so bored. And hungry [well we always are]. I forgot if I was ROing or not. Well anyway at 5 we went outside to play 'cause we were bored and when I stepped out the house I saw Umar cornering against the fence between the pool and tennis court inspecting something on the groundlolwut. Nisa showed me her superhero art homework which was wickedly cool and I touched it accidentally and when we collided into Hamzah at the alleyway he/Nisa were like why is your krudung green and turns out it was from Nisa's drawing noo~ We all mingled in front of the Ulumuddin household, Fajar was nowhere to be seen but Farah arrived later on. Umar, Salmaniye and Khalid were playing cards, Fadhli was being iseng with his watergun and the rest of us were just talking. Nisa then brought her laptop outside which was when everyone huddled to speculate a video of Super Junior dancing to a segment of Tunak Tunak Tun and that was hilarious, God. I forgot how but we then began searching for old Spanish dramas openings like from Rosalinda Amigos, bla3. It was amusing (Y) At night us girls went swimming but mostly played around and talked and the water was colder than I thought,. The floor was covered in sewage which stank and Dhea accidentally slipped on it LOL. when I got home I discovered my hearing got damaged like what usually happens when I'm in water but it was really bad. Everyone was offline so I decided to blog, I think.
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