Hello again, today was the day of the TP2B concert but that wasn't 'til 6PM so for the other 12 hours before it I suffered great boredom.
I had a really awesome dream. I only remember that I actually knew how to play the drums and the guitar but the most idiotic thing was that I played a single drum, not the actual set. I was part of Matar's band Masquerade too and we had to play after school one day at 2pm. Sadly enough I lost my guitar-playing skills [drum ones vanished] on the day of the gig and I had to revive it asap. Weirdly enough the concert was held on that centre grass field in front of the Secondary blocks, we were 2nd to come up so I had some time. Apparently I went up to Dagher's classroom where I used her computer to search for chords to practise with o__O; The name of the song I played was something to do with Light or whatever and it sounded nice. But, my guitar was like rectangular and the tuning part and some of the neck was CHOPPED OFF! What a stupid guitar... But it felt so good to be able to play an instrument even if it was just in a dream TT-TT I hurriedly ran downstairs just in time to perform but since it was 2PM already THE CROWD DISAPPEARED which was sad, really, and only our friends and some other people stuck around. Another sad and dumb thing was that I didn't get to perform with the band at all even with my skills rebirth. Instead I headed over to the Boys Block to chat with me mates but Umar was like, interrogating me [will never happen IRL, thanks for reminding me, dream] and his face was like 2 rulers apart from mine ajkldsakldjas. Dream ended there.
So, I woke up at 6AM to find MD [she arrived just this morning] talking to my other family members and I entered the bathroom sleepily. When I stepped out she was walking towards me so, surprised, she yelped 'OMG SYANIA YOU LOOK SO CREEPY' or something like that, and about how I look like Tarzan just because my hair was so messy but still, I didn't look that bad even though my hair wasn't at its best. I was actually pretty insulted by her remark 'cause she said it a few more times but I didn't let it show.
Well anyway after encountering with my older sister I watched some Super Junior dramas but couldn't go on 'cause of parental wanderings [we all hate that don't we?] so I decided to play RO. However it was like the most alone session I've had in weeks, 'cause for once Umar wasn't there for me to talk to and I had no idea where Hamzah was. I was like, questing, furious to get it finished and after so much money and EXP loss I did, at 3 or something. I then had some fun with Morph Thing, decided to use a picture of Fajar I thought was the only front-faced pic I had and morphed him about. But, I can honestly say his original face is a lot better looking than any of the morphs... Duh.
Finally it was 5:30 and time to go to the concert! Me, Nisa and MD I think reached Mariott Hotel where the event was held on a grass field o___O; I was imagining concrete you know. Plus a bigger lot... It was smaller than I thought [hurray rhyme-age]. It was as hot [look another rhyme] as hell. We just mucked about for a bit before Maghrib came, which was when only me and Cania out of all the girls that were there searched for a place to pray. We entered the hotel after much approval from the security and wudhu-ed in the bathroom [duh, where else?]. However there was nowhere for us to pray so we inquired the people at the front desk but they had no answer either =\ Then we started walking towards the elevators and that's when Cania had the brilliant idea to pray on one of the room floors ;D
We prayed there, cool no? It was so quiet but right when we were on the last raka'at we heard people coming this way 'cause their voices got louder and louder. We salamed and like quickly packed up our stuff so we could run away in huge panic and fear but THE MOST STUPIDEST THING was that they entered the room before the corner of the hall XD Like, EXACTLY the room next to the hallway we were on, so they didn't see us. It was fun, you know.
Both of us returned to the field where thankfully the bands didn't start jammin' yet and I saw the twins in the distance. We failed to surprise them and I immediately asked about their other siblings but they decided not to come. I was so hungry already but nobody ever wanted to eat with me plus I discovered later from Nisa a freakin hot dog was 20-30QR D; Rip off! Mentang2 bikinan hotel haaaah?
Us girls sat down together with the Isynas behind us but soon we moved forward to see and take pictures better. Dinda and Dhe3 appeared after Liquid Sunshine played - they were greeted with horrible vocals. I say that Masquerade was one of the pleasant ones to hear along with that Jive Turkey which I thought was Jive 30 and the acoustic dude who performed much later and I so believed looked like Warrilow. Basically we sat down and I kept commenting to Dhe3 and Cania too whilst taking some pictures, the former and I laughed loads due to them. Later we were finally suggested to stand up and everybody did. There were disturbing shirtless guys and for hundreds of times people with long hair kept doing those head-shaking and bopping moves; I found that amusing.
People were mingling near the stage but we kept our distance. There were times when people actually got tossed around and that scared me o__O; I mostly talked with Hamzah who was spamming pictures... After a long while Adam and Arif hung around with us and the former was sweating like hell or maybe he poured water all over himself. The boy whipped me with his towel and it hurted ;___; Once I ranted to Hamzah about how he should be taking pictures of his friends instead of strangers 'cause when he looks back he won't be seeing us in the photos, but people he never knew, and bla bla bla. Umar was next to him when I did that and Cania was next to me, apparently Umar said something to Cania and Cania was like yada yada and when they were done I dragged her over and hissed What did he say to you? and she said Oh Umar was just asking what you said to Hamzah and then I whinged Why didn't he ask me instead?
It was 9pm when Nisa suddenly said her parents were there and we had to go home. I wanted to stay a bit longer, but we couldn't lah. I walked away dragging Dinda who was holding my arm or hand and we were like byeeeee and I could've sworn I saw somebody look...... As me, MD and Nisa walked to the front of the hotel [which was tiring], the Isyna mobile drove past us. In the car I got quite upset due to the sms Hamzah sent to me but I put that aside when I somehow suddenly thought about Fajar, weird huh? I miss that guy, really. I didn't want to get even more sad so I decided to sleep. When I woke up I smelled KFC but I dozed off again, and when I really had my eyes opened and walked inside the house MD was holding a KFC bag XD The Ulumuddin parents bought 2 snack boxes for us o___O; I only ate 1 chicken obviously. It was 10pm and I discovered That's So Raven on MBC3, episodes I've never seen before *-* I actually watched 'til like 11 or something. Alright, that's all for this entry. Damn why do they always end up so LONG?
Us girls sat down together with the Isynas behind us but soon we moved forward to see and take pictures better. Dinda and Dhe3 appeared after Liquid Sunshine played - they were greeted with horrible vocals. I say that Masquerade was one of the pleasant ones to hear along with that Jive Turkey which I thought was Jive 30 and the acoustic dude who performed much later and I so believed looked like Warrilow. Basically we sat down and I kept commenting to Dhe3 and Cania too whilst taking some pictures, the former and I laughed loads due to them. Later we were finally suggested to stand up and everybody did. There were disturbing shirtless guys and for hundreds of times people with long hair kept doing those head-shaking and bopping moves; I found that amusing.
People were mingling near the stage but we kept our distance. There were times when people actually got tossed around and that scared me o__O; I mostly talked with Hamzah who was spamming pictures... After a long while Adam and Arif hung around with us and the former was sweating like hell or maybe he poured water all over himself. The boy whipped me with his towel and it hurted ;___; Once I ranted to Hamzah about how he should be taking pictures of his friends instead of strangers 'cause when he looks back he won't be seeing us in the photos, but people he never knew, and bla bla bla. Umar was next to him when I did that and Cania was next to me, apparently Umar said something to Cania and Cania was like yada yada and when they were done I dragged her over and hissed What did he say to you? and she said Oh Umar was just asking what you said to Hamzah and then I whinged Why didn't he ask me instead?
It was 9pm when Nisa suddenly said her parents were there and we had to go home. I wanted to stay a bit longer, but we couldn't lah. I walked away dragging Dinda who was holding my arm or hand and we were like byeeeee and I could've sworn I saw somebody look...... As me, MD and Nisa walked to the front of the hotel [which was tiring], the Isyna mobile drove past us. In the car I got quite upset due to the sms Hamzah sent to me but I put that aside when I somehow suddenly thought about Fajar, weird huh? I miss that guy, really. I didn't want to get even more sad so I decided to sleep. When I woke up I smelled KFC but I dozed off again, and when I really had my eyes opened and walked inside the house MD was holding a KFC bag XD The Ulumuddin parents bought 2 snack boxes for us o___O; I only ate 1 chicken obviously. It was 10pm and I discovered That's So Raven on MBC3, episodes I've never seen before *-* I actually watched 'til like 11 or something. Alright, that's all for this entry. Damn why do they always end up so LONG?
4 replies:
well i couldnt either.
You has written about this cruel night in a very thorough way.
LOL it wsnt tht cruel.
after you left i ajak dinda and dhe3 there too XD
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