Title based off Hannah Montana's song 'This is the Life' LOLOLOL
Sunday 7th June
So today was the infamous BORED day. I didn't play RO 'cause the twins were studying for their exam so like... What on earth did I do? I watched TV, fiddled in RO by myself a bit, drank Pepsi and admired the ice inside fizzing and then fangirled at night. Oh and I experienced emoness due to Fajar too. D;
So today was the infamous BORED day. I didn't play RO 'cause the twins were studying for their exam so like... What on earth did I do? I watched TV, fiddled in RO by myself a bit, drank Pepsi and admired the ice inside fizzing and then fangirled at night. Oh and I experienced emoness due to Fajar too. D;
Monday 8th June
I had to go to the dentist in the morning D: It was at the QP Clinic and I just sat there in the cold waiting area for 1.5 hours from 7:30 'til 9:00 there was only 2/3 other people before us but it took that long! When it was my turn I had to sit on a chair and the dentist took an Xray which hurted. My teeth were fine so I just spent 5-10 minutes there, WTF waste of time much? I then went to school in non-uniform but felt uneasy @__@; I met Griffin who asked about the exam and Parry who said 'Oh Syania nice to see you! Why are you in uniform?!' Apparently the library system was busted so I have to come back next time -__-;; When I got home I think I watched K-ON! and then sometime at 11:30 Umar invited me to play RO so I did and Hamzah was there too. It was liek fun but sadly ended at 1:30. I communicated with Fajar again in RO but exactly half an hour or so after we got in another fight... Word. At night after more ROing with twins I got kinda emo again 'cause of something I found out from Dinda was it? But as usual I get over it the next day.
I had to go to the dentist in the morning D: It was at the QP Clinic and I just sat there in the cold waiting area for 1.5 hours from 7:30 'til 9:00 there was only 2/3 other people before us but it took that long! When it was my turn I had to sit on a chair and the dentist took an Xray which hurted. My teeth were fine so I just spent 5-10 minutes there, WTF waste of time much? I then went to school in non-uniform but felt uneasy @__@; I met Griffin who asked about the exam and Parry who said 'Oh Syania nice to see you! Why are you in uniform?!' Apparently the library system was busted so I have to come back next time -__-;; When I got home I think I watched K-ON! and then sometime at 11:30 Umar invited me to play RO so I did and Hamzah was there too. It was liek fun but sadly ended at 1:30. I communicated with Fajar again in RO but exactly half an hour or so after we got in another fight... Word. At night after more ROing with twins I got kinda emo again 'cause of something I found out from Dinda was it? But as usual I get over it the next day.
Tuesday 9th June
It was a good morning, day, actually. I spent hours despite being dizzy chatting with Hamzah in Facebook whilst checking out freeexampapers.com which had so many weird subjects with weird papers. We took a gander at Music, Psychology, loads. It was extremely amusing and fun. There was Pakistan Studies. I quit at 12-ish and right after began a journey by myself in RO ;D Arya chatted with me today O: But it was short... and by then Umar was already searching for Mistress with me so I was distracted. Hamzah tried to join us but died LOL poor boy. We did that for like 1.5hrs but kept failing and never fought her... Later at 5 me and the twins went to Pyramids/Sphinx but I had to leave at 5:30 'cause I was invited by Farah/Dinda/Indira to play 8D First we tried on Dhea's cool prom dress which did NOT fit on me because of... a private reason... and then we badmintonised outside in the scorching humidity. After Maghrib we talked and bla3ed and when Dinda and Indira had to go home I did too. At night I played RO with Umar again but it wasn't that long.
Wednesday 10th June
Happy Birthday Cania! =D Today was like, the epitome of boredom [I had to Google that word to know what it actually meant]. Since twins had Geo test the next day none of them really had the time to play with me so I did quests in RO which drove me mad but were also so addicting therefore I couldn't stop. Sometimes Umar was active and I talked to him a bit but other than that I was sooooooo lonely. I mostly watched TV.
There are screenshots
5 replies:
i will wake you up before september ends
ahmed lutfi + marc + indrahan were like speculating them in the study room and pretending to understand the language, it was so funny
hlol you screenshot ed me singing aishiteru >_>;;
bs bs bs i dont know what to write but i think i should just do some spamming for your comment spaces hihi
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