Well this was last year's xD My vanderful but failing team~ Sadly I didn't know Indira or Dinda well enough yet to stick around with them.
Since I didn't do a Study Leave entry yet I prolly didn't mention that the people in my Red Team were Carisa, Salma, Dhia, Khalid, Bams, Abid, Jihad, Salmaniye, bla3.
So my family reached at 7:45 or something and I was already raided with a stomach ache [I've been getting them a lot this week] so I went to the bathroom but the girl's one was locked and it seemed like nobody was in there so... I went to the guys'. HARHARHAR. When I got in the hall place there were some people already and it felt so good to see everyone. I saw that Umar wore the bracelet I gave him for his birthday woo (Y)
When everybody collected we had to go to our team's area and Red's was next to Yellow's and Green and Blue's were like waaaaaaay over on the right. Noooo~ The intro took forever so we read over our yell and some girls and I went to the bathroom. Apparently the other teams had flags and pompoms, even the Blues had face painting [I was so surprised to see Umar actually having some on him o___O;;]. We had to senam and it was SO FUNNY and Abid was our source of entertainment. And maybe some Om Bangun too.
It was finally time for the yells, I thought ours was good but the kids wouldn't follow along so it's mostly us big kids. When I saw the other teams', theirs were so much better compared to ours -o- Whatever it didn't matter. Ours was based on Balonku and Sorry Sorry and it merged into Balonku Sorry XDXDXD
Soon the games started and that's when we aaaaaall shuffled about and did many random things like telling people so many ciamik jokes which I absolutely loved [you know my lame joke adoration]. Farah dominated the book which was owned by Juju so I followed her around when she asked some victims. It was entitled 750+ Tebak-tebakan Ciamik. God they were so funny. Frequently the Blues and Yellows came to our side of the hall and we united like we haven't in ages; well I haven't. I don't know why but me and Fajar didn't talk. Since it was the kids doing the competitions we were free to do whatever but I watched too. Videos may describe. Sometimes the boys played football at the corner... Weird.
There was a time when me and Farah found a joke which was like 'Kenapa why bla3 awal tapi but bla3 akhir'; the answer was 'Karena because itu that' and we were totally puzzled. So I decided to ask Umar who was the only close 'English-pro' around [I don't know whether we asked anyone else or not] of its meaning and then Hamzah appeared to look too but couldn't figure it out. We were all holding the book but then Farah and Hamzah left so it was just me and Umar doing so; I didn't let go and I don't know why. We just stood there in front of each other, me waiting for him to decode its meaning and it lasted like 6 seconds or something. He looked so intent and serious doing it. After those 6 seconds he took his fingers off the book and said 'It's the translation' at me before walking off. I think he said it with a proud smile, or proud eyes. I looked at the joke again and it made a lot more sense. That kind of scene is totally not recordable.
The first game us big kids did was that annoying Dragon thingy where it looks 100% wrong. It was such a painful thing to do, I mean my arms hardly reached the ground and they were gonna break. WHY WAS THE DISTANCE SO LONG?! I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt the physical torture. After that it was Tug-o-War which the Red girls failed badly on. And the Green guys too (Y) Well there's videos for that. Peoples then began to gather by the chairs near the stage as others did Sarung Volley which I must say is quite amusing. When I got back to the area I heard the girls were gonna do a prank and I was very impressed but it backfired miserably and so Hamzah had nothing juicy to shoot with his awesome camera. Before we knew it it was time to eat lunch which was Ayam Bukhari. Other TPAs were having competitions. Amongst the games and bla3s, we did plenty of things which can't really be described 'cause they're random. After a while they gave out class awards gifts stuff; Farah, Salma, Metha, Umar and Khalid got one.
At around 1 or something people already left but us Sekompond people were still hanging around. I tooks [note Yoochun Purple Line English there] random photos and drew a nice picture for Indira 8D I remember standing next to her talking and stuff and a certain person was drawing on a paper and I think the person looked at me or my direction, whichever. I asked 'What are you drawing' and the person stopped and said someone's name and pointed but when I saw the card later on it didn't seem to be that. So mysterious. Farah and Hamzah diligently picked up trash and for once I did not which was weird 'cause I'm meant to be an uber-environmentalist. After leaking out Umar's reading-manga-on-his-HP fetish and whatever else I can't remember it was time to go home.
At the Marwoto household I felt dead. Really, really tired. Wasn't in the mood to do anything but twit, I think. But at night I felt so energised 'cause I'm sure it was the night where I speculated old videos [well from 2009 I mean] and posted them on Facebook. They were sooooo amusing. Good times, good times.
So my family reached at 7:45 or something and I was already raided with a stomach ache [I've been getting them a lot this week] so I went to the bathroom but the girl's one was locked and it seemed like nobody was in there so... I went to the guys'. HARHARHAR. When I got in the hall place there were some people already and it felt so good to see everyone. I saw that Umar wore the bracelet I gave him for his birthday woo (Y)
When everybody collected we had to go to our team's area and Red's was next to Yellow's and Green and Blue's were like waaaaaaay over on the right. Noooo~ The intro took forever so we read over our yell and some girls and I went to the bathroom. Apparently the other teams had flags and pompoms, even the Blues had face painting [I was so surprised to see Umar actually having some on him o___O;;]. We had to senam and it was SO FUNNY and Abid was our source of entertainment. And maybe some Om Bangun too.
It was finally time for the yells, I thought ours was good but the kids wouldn't follow along so it's mostly us big kids. When I saw the other teams', theirs were so much better compared to ours -o- Whatever it didn't matter. Ours was based on Balonku and Sorry Sorry and it merged into Balonku Sorry XDXDXD
Soon the games started and that's when we aaaaaall shuffled about and did many random things like telling people so many ciamik jokes which I absolutely loved [you know my lame joke adoration]. Farah dominated the book which was owned by Juju so I followed her around when she asked some victims. It was entitled 750+ Tebak-tebakan Ciamik. God they were so funny. Frequently the Blues and Yellows came to our side of the hall and we united like we haven't in ages; well I haven't. I don't know why but me and Fajar didn't talk. Since it was the kids doing the competitions we were free to do whatever but I watched too. Videos may describe. Sometimes the boys played football at the corner... Weird.
There was a time when me and Farah found a joke which was like 'Kenapa why bla3 awal tapi but bla3 akhir'; the answer was 'Karena because itu that' and we were totally puzzled. So I decided to ask Umar who was the only close 'English-pro' around [I don't know whether we asked anyone else or not] of its meaning and then Hamzah appeared to look too but couldn't figure it out. We were all holding the book but then Farah and Hamzah left so it was just me and Umar doing so; I didn't let go and I don't know why. We just stood there in front of each other, me waiting for him to decode its meaning and it lasted like 6 seconds or something. He looked so intent and serious doing it. After those 6 seconds he took his fingers off the book and said 'It's the translation' at me before walking off. I think he said it with a proud smile, or proud eyes. I looked at the joke again and it made a lot more sense. That kind of scene is totally not recordable.
The first game us big kids did was that annoying Dragon thingy where it looks 100% wrong. It was such a painful thing to do, I mean my arms hardly reached the ground and they were gonna break. WHY WAS THE DISTANCE SO LONG?! I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt the physical torture. After that it was Tug-o-War which the Red girls failed badly on. And the Green guys too (Y) Well there's videos for that. Peoples then began to gather by the chairs near the stage as others did Sarung Volley which I must say is quite amusing. When I got back to the area I heard the girls were gonna do a prank and I was very impressed but it backfired miserably and so Hamzah had nothing juicy to shoot with his awesome camera. Before we knew it it was time to eat lunch which was Ayam Bukhari. Other TPAs were having competitions. Amongst the games and bla3s, we did plenty of things which can't really be described 'cause they're random. After a while they gave out class awards gifts stuff; Farah, Salma, Metha, Umar and Khalid got one.
At around 1 or something people already left but us Sekompond people were still hanging around. I tooks [note Yoochun Purple Line English there] random photos and drew a nice picture for Indira 8D I remember standing next to her talking and stuff and a certain person was drawing on a paper and I think the person looked at me or my direction, whichever. I asked 'What are you drawing' and the person stopped and said someone's name and pointed but when I saw the card later on it didn't seem to be that. So mysterious. Farah and Hamzah diligently picked up trash and for once I did not which was weird 'cause I'm meant to be an uber-environmentalist. After leaking out Umar's reading-manga-on-his-HP fetish and whatever else I can't remember it was time to go home.
At the Marwoto household I felt dead. Really, really tired. Wasn't in the mood to do anything but twit, I think. But at night I felt so energised 'cause I'm sure it was the night where I speculated old videos [well from 2009 I mean] and posted them on Facebook. They were sooooo amusing. Good times, good times.
So I think this year's Sports Day was better than last year's =p
It was such a good way to see my beloved friends again.
One thing didn't change though.
It was such a good way to see my beloved friends again.
One thing didn't change though.
6 replies:
AND I NEVER KNEW DINDA EXISTED WHEN WE HAD IT O_o AND LITTLE DID I KNOW (that you were romeo and you were throwing pebbles) THAT SHE WAS ON MY TEAM OMG.
omg such piercing last sentence (Y)
AND JIHAN (staht her name?)
actually i ddnt kno dinda ws ther too til i lukd at th picture xD
oo how do u find it piercing.
well its juts so cold u knoh so contrasting
OO ure rite, damn im awesome
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