Another entry? Yes, sorry.
I had like the saddest dream ever. All of us were gathered somewhere, in front of me was this large door or something with lots of decorations. Apparently I entered the dream at its climax, because I could already hear myself talking to Fajar sadly. Turns out that the door thing was his birthday present from last year. Since we're not talking right now I wanted him to accept this year's present, which was a better version of the door. But, Fajar didn't wanna accept it - I actually never heard his voice in the dream but he was speaking - and I started doing my rants. I was saying things like Fajar we've been close ever since we met, I was the only friend you ever needed, I'm leaving this year so why can't you accept this? Do you really want to end our friendship? you get the point. Towards the end I started crying really bad, I could've sworn I was crying in real life [but when I woke up I wasn't, prolly dried up already...]. I sobbed so hard I was incapable of continuing @__@; Then, my face buried in my hands still weeping, Fajar started hugging me but nevertheless after a while walked away with the rest; the present was still rejected T__T I turned around to find myself in Masjidil Haram, but in a different layout. It was so weird. Cania passed by and I wanted to talk to her about something but she snapped and it seems that she didn't wanna be my friend anymore 0.0 I then went to pray on top of a random hill and when I got in the hotel the scene immediately changed to some make-up place... Stupidly enough I was a candidate for some Top Model show. What a way to end a horrible, horrible dream...
I woke up and had Jelly and Chocolate Crepe for breakfast and did lame stuff 'til 12-ish where I had to go to school for Graduation Rehearsals. The yearbook was out it seemed but the cover sucks like hell and I regret not drawing one. I talked with Lara and Madusa before entering the hall at 1:30. It ended at 3pm, all we did was get ourselves sorted and practise the walk and how to receive a damn certificate. The aisle-walking song is 6 minutes and 11 seconds gleeek wth @___@; The steps take ages. It was very nice seeing everyone though. (Y)
So, after that we spent some time looking for Madusa's phone which we ended up concluding as lost [by the way I flipped through the yearbook and found the twins' class picture amusing] and got in a fancy taxi which costed like 32QR just to go to CC. RIP OFFFFFF. Just because the car is nice and not Karwa, bleh. When we reached we met up with Iman and Rodha and since my stomach was playing death metal I had to buy KFC Crispy Strips Light Meal and eat. The movie was starting soon so I bought like a large cup of Magic Corn for snackage. Such a gluttonous skinny person I am.
We were watching The Uninvited, apparently. I wanted to watch The Last House on the Left but this one was really good in my opinion. I thought the story was very smart and ironic, like, twisted you know. I recommend you watch. It's not that scary but it may surprise you. Because the music was always so creepy I kept thinking something major frightening will appear so I was always huddling next to Shaza on the HUGE chair [we sat right at the back] which I don't think any of you has seen before and continously covered an eye of mine with my fingers. But, nothing scary really happened. Well it WAS scary but not like usual horror movies. Damn why am I typing about such a thing at 11pm...
Aaaaaanyway, to more pleasant thoughts, we had a walk around the mall for a bit. We're weird so we ended up at the bookstore and spent like 10 minutes there before moving on to the uber goth and manly store with a circle door which Madusa really hates 'cause they're so ugly. Then at the Xtreme Food Court place I was tempted to buy Happy Ice Cream. Turns out Lara has never seen such a creation before and was thoroughly intrigued at her mixed flavoured concoction. OH AND YOU KNOW, she never ate Magic Corn too and she loved it when she bought some. Basically I introduced her to new mall food LOL. She was thankful you know.
So, after that we spent some time looking for Madusa's phone which we ended up concluding as lost [by the way I flipped through the yearbook and found the twins' class picture amusing] and got in a fancy taxi which costed like 32QR just to go to CC. RIP OFFFFFF. Just because the car is nice and not Karwa, bleh. When we reached we met up with Iman and Rodha and since my stomach was playing death metal I had to buy KFC Crispy Strips Light Meal and eat. The movie was starting soon so I bought like a large cup of Magic Corn for snackage. Such a gluttonous skinny person I am.
We were watching The Uninvited, apparently. I wanted to watch The Last House on the Left but this one was really good in my opinion. I thought the story was very smart and ironic, like, twisted you know. I recommend you watch. It's not that scary but it may surprise you. Because the music was always so creepy I kept thinking something major frightening will appear so I was always huddling next to Shaza on the HUGE chair [we sat right at the back] which I don't think any of you has seen before and continously covered an eye of mine with my fingers. But, nothing scary really happened. Well it WAS scary but not like usual horror movies. Damn why am I typing about such a thing at 11pm...
Aaaaaanyway, to more pleasant thoughts, we had a walk around the mall for a bit. We're weird so we ended up at the bookstore and spent like 10 minutes there before moving on to the uber goth and manly store with a circle door which Madusa really hates 'cause they're so ugly. Then at the Xtreme Food Court place I was tempted to buy Happy Ice Cream. Turns out Lara has never seen such a creation before and was thoroughly intrigued at her mixed flavoured concoction. OH AND YOU KNOW, she never ate Magic Corn too and she loved it when she bought some. Basically I introduced her to new mall food LOL. She was thankful you know.
Iman had to go home already so it was just us. They dragged me over to Applebee's where I wasn't in the mood to eat but the Mushroom Soup Shaza ordered SMELLED SO GOOD [I totally disturbed her] so I decided to order it before running off to Sholat Maghrib. When I came back the beautiful bowl was already there and at the first sip I was already in love. PURE DELICIOUSNESS. I recommend you guys to try it, seriously. I don't regret not buying it (Y) When I was done Rodha told the people to sing happy birthday to Shaza and they brought ICE CREAM AND CHOCOLATE CAKE but I couldn't eat them, of course not. The girl was so embarassed, 'cause face it the song the staff sang did sound pretty stupid.
There's mushrooms in there, they just sank XD
It was like 7:30 already. I had to go home so I walked all the way to the center of the mall. I found Jozali, Osama Sherif and Khalid Selim waiting for a ride beside me and when they passed the Head Boy smiled and said Hi Syania and the latter 2 greeted me too xD In the car my parents pointed out like 3 policemen writing tickets to vehicles parked in the wrong area LOL. It was funny 'cause they were like kinda huddling ish. At home I did... stuff... I couldn't eat another bite of food.
If you didn't realise, the words I coloured blue symbolise all the food I ate today
which was basically junk
which was basically junk
6 replies:
LOOOOOOOOL your dream is so meaningful. like a phrophecy or some sort.
n major lol age at the food. magic corn isnt junk D<
didnt say your farewell since you wont be seeing them ever? :O
oh wait i forgot you had your grad..
i kno rite. n i never knew wt prophecy rele means -googles- ooo it cud be ;D
magic corn isnt junk? o___O;
nods yes we had it bt tht wsnt proper much either xD
and the way it ended at you being a top model made it more confusing.
SOUL EATER i'm just gonna finish Gundam 00 S2 for now
ook do wt u want (Y)
i think its the after effect of watching top model things.
but seriously that dream, is very bad.
if we were telepathic i would enter the dream bring a radio that would have the nanana music
quite an interesting day that is (y)
I can even imagine Lara's food comments with that accent of hers xD
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