So, another boring day, except at night. Basically I watched like 4 or 5 Soul Eater episodes 'til I got tired which was at around 3 or 4 or something. When Maghrib arose, me and Matar were having difficulties of whether or not to join that dinner in Movenpick [all sorted in Twitter and then MSN] 'cause Tante Cathy believed only ITB kids were allowed although that rule never existed. So in the end both of us didn't go. Instead we planned to play RO so I turned on that game and apparently Umar was online; we had a chat that lasted from after Maghrib 'til Isya [although with silences inbetween as usual].
Sakurai Kito : umar umarauraruamruamraurma
Sakato : bsbsbsbsbssb
Sakato : yes?
Sakurai Kito : r u going to th aparment promotion?
Sakato : wts tht
Sakurai Kito : th dinner thingy ur family is going to
Sakurai Kito : promotion for el medina residences (Y)
Sakato : o rite
Sakato : no
Sakato : no im not
Sakurai Kito : oook
Sakato : too bad huh =p
Sakurai Kito : uhh.. y?
Sakurai Kito : o__O
Sakato : hha just messin
Sakato : so ur nt coming
Sakurai Kito : isnt messing fun?
Sakurai Kito : no im nt coming cuz im afraid ill be bored
Sakato : bt..?
Sakurai Kito : i already stated th reason.
Sakurai Kito : pluuus ...... carisa isnt comin
Sakato : ur staying home?
Sakurai Kito : yes i am, isnt tht great news for u?
Sakato : i dunno
Sakato : is it?
Sakurai Kito : luk beyond wt u see
Sakato : is om ali coming?
Sakurai Kito : ohh , u askin om ali or dhea/farah here? ;)
Sakato : uh oh uh wink wink nudge nudge
Sakato : checking if th parents r going or nt
Our names are so similar it's confusing to read @__@
It was in that convo I discovered that people were gathered at DnF's 'place' about to watch a movie so we both decided to go after Isya, which we did, only I arrived sooner. There was MD, DnF, Fajar, Iwan and Abid. We had to migrate to Yuzie's 'cause the film wouldn't work on Dhea's laptop or was it because the screen's too small? In there, the girls raided Fajar's room and I went in a little bit and that orange-lit place was so tidy and nice. From afar I could see the wristband I gave him next to his laptop, I was touched of its presence. Feeling uneasy, I transferred myself to Iwan's messy and not-as-sightly-as-Fajar's room. Then it was finally time to watch WOLVERINE. Seriously that name reminds me of Salmaniye all the time. I sat on the chair in front of the door with MD at first but then I won it over 'cause she moved to the middle. Just a few minutes into the movie someone rang the bell and I opened it to find Umar, tararara~
It was only the first 5 minutes when we found out that Umar watched this before and we were like Oh Umar dah sampe mana? and he was like Disini and me, MD and Farah were laughing I think, only I laughed the hardest 'cause srsly, it was funny to me. If you don't get what's so funny, it's because he watched only the first 5 minutes of the movie. Plus he said it in the plain way an Umar speaks. Since Farah was in the premises she kept commenting about various things which I constantly laughed at. The movie was uber cool but we couldn't make out the speech at all due to us talking and perhaps low volume. By the way Iwan was in his room. At the end of the movie where an epic quote was said, Abid kept repeating it in SUCH a funny way that sent us laughing but me and MD laughed the most and me the longest. God, I laugh so much but there's nothing wrong with that right? That dude wouldn't stop quoting XD 'til MD told him off or something. Once there was a phone call and Fajar picked it up and suddenly he walked over to me and said 'Bs' and it was my mom blabbering away about Ocha being alone in the house. He said my name, aaaaaah T____T It made me sad.
The movie was finally done at 10:15 or whatever and we could've watched another but speculated Hannah Montana instead. Fajar was already falling asleep, his eyes were red. We watched that for a bit 'til we decided to go home 'cause of the poor boy. I left the house after Umar not on purpose alright and spontaneously said bye and I don't know if he said anything 'cause I only saw him do this gesture... and waved, I think. When I got home I realised it was just Saturday [and Nisa's birthday only I didn't see her], time's going pretty slow, which is good.
The movie was finally done at 10:15 or whatever and we could've watched another but speculated Hannah Montana instead. Fajar was already falling asleep, his eyes were red. We watched that for a bit 'til we decided to go home 'cause of the poor boy. I left the house after Umar not on purpose alright and spontaneously said bye and I don't know if he said anything 'cause I only saw him do this gesture... and waved, I think. When I got home I realised it was just Saturday [and Nisa's birthday only I didn't see her], time's going pretty slow, which is good.
"His brain may heal but his memories won't grow back."
that was the quote. XD
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