my last day of being 16, yo
Well I finally get the urge to type a blog entry! Since Matar already blogged about what we did on my birthday [30th June...] I don't bother describing myself :'D Except that thankfully I didn't get traumas from Mystery 6 'cause I kept covering my eyes, I bought a blue GAP jacket which I very much likey and TGI Friday session nearly killed me [I laughed too hard]. Sleeping on the floor with effective material is also comfortable. Hamzah was my first SMSer like last year [and he was the only one that remembered 'til afternoon I think] at 1:40-ish AM in the morning, followed by Dhe3, Tresa [wow she remembered], Dinda & Indira then MD. Farah wished me via chat and Dhea the next day on FB. I wasn't surprised Nisa [or Umar, who went online the next day] didn't say anything. However I waited for an sms from Fajar like all day and even on the 1st of July. I had a little hope, a little bit of expectance. But nothing .__. I gave up towards the evening 'cause obviously he forgot. Just like last year. But last year he said he lost his phone so he smsed Happy Birthday on the 3rd. I got angry at him anyway, even though it's just a birthday, it's just a number, everything's the same. I just want to hear something from him, that's all. I still have the smses in my Saved Folders. Despite my inner sorrow, I had fun in those 2 days, of course.
I'm sorry I forgot your birthday
I'm sorry 'cause I'm a shit face
I thought it was on a Wednesday
A Monday or a Tuesday
It's all the same to me
So what would make you happy?
Tell me, 'cause I'm sorry
These colors that we bind
Look all the same to me
I'm sorry 'cause I'm a shit face
I thought it was on a Wednesday
A Monday or a Tuesday
It's all the same to me
So what would make you happy?
Tell me, 'cause I'm sorry
These colors that we bind
Look all the same to me
After CC left my household at 4pm, I read mangas. Everytime I read manga there's always a character that looks/reminds me of Fajar the birthday forgetter. That includes on my 17th also -o-; Well, not that I mind. Oh yea, I got added by my future college suitemates too. I'll show 3 of them, Rainey, Kylie and Michaela. Kylie is the friendliest one so far 'cause we wallpost each other frequently. But don't you guys see how much older [and obviously taller] they are? Can you imagine me living in the same roof as them everyday [except when I go to Qatar and Indonesia and wherever on holidays yay!] 'til I graduate [which I think is in 2012/2013]? 0.0 I bet Hamzah would be excited.... but I'm like shit scared. I browsed through the college's Facebook community, read threads and wallposts and like, found only 2 Asians or something. None of them Muslim either. There's only 200-ish members though so I'm sure there'll be more in the actual campus but... I'm still nervous and freaked out. I talked about these people with Matar but honestly really wanted to tell Hamzah too, only he wasn't there of course. I read the future collegemates' messages and they're ALL excited. Of course they are. They don't have Asian-fetish problems [irony much; I love, breathe, live and wanna be with Asians but end up in the West], age issues [cough, just turned 17 here] nor are surrounded by people of a different religion. I hope Allah will make life a looooot easier when I get there, amin. By the way I define: googled 'fetish' and Qtel blocked it, lol. Man, I always have loads of problems in my life. I wonder when I'll be worry-free. A little bit of me is excited about my new future life. But the rest of me wants things to stay the same. Just me and Sekompond. I don't care if there's no spice. I only wanna be with you guys. You know me, I hate change. Especially big ones like this.
p.s. they don't use emotes either which is a HUGE dilemma
p.p.s. the guy:girl ratio is 5:1 no fakin way.
p.s. they don't use emotes either which is a HUGE dilemma
p.p.s. the guy:girl ratio is 5:1 no fakin way.
Yesterday, the 1st of July, I cleaned my desk for the first time since April or something, for 3 hours. It was tough work but I kinda had fun. I was also proud of myself for saving all that paper which Ocha will put in the Recycling bins when she starts school. More people need to love paper like me, seriously. I could cry if I had to throw all that away. During my spree I found some nifty old scraps of memories which I decided to keep, too, like Maths tip-ex art and long lost doodles. Farah goes on at MSN often unlike others and I've been asking her of Fajar's whereabouts and when she said she hasn't heard from him at all I was relieved to tell you the truth. Hamzah went online for a bit as shown by his twits but we didn't chat even though I really wanted to. Jaim mode, on, yes
I watched SHINee Yunhanam and fell even more in love with Jonghyun. Note, Donghae is still my ultimate fandom, OK. Dear Fishy is not easy to be replaced. Overall boring day.
Today [well technically yesterday again 'cause it's just midnight now], 2nd of July was even more boring. I surfed Kpop celeb news and FML for ages, pigged out and ate every meal with chilli sauce and got a huge temper which I held in at night 'cause it related to my dad and Mines [what you call my college]. My printer was also being a femaledog so I'm gunna buy some ink tomorrow; I was meant to be thinking of a comic plot and eating dinner which got delayed 'til 10 and really, I think my idea brain is dead. I can hardly come up with anything. I'll keep trying though 'cause I do have a passion for drawing and stories. Maybe it's just due to my mood >: I do have a basic plot though. Hope it develops.
So CC are in the plane right now as I type this. I will be soon, too, on the 8th.
Who is the first person you think of when you wake up?
Who do you contact first when good things happen?
Whose words do you rely on when bad things happen?
When bored... when playing fun games... when it's good weather outside... when you feel sad because of the rain..
Who do you think?
I can't think of anyone else.
Who do you contact first when good things happen?
Whose words do you rely on when bad things happen?
When bored... when playing fun games... when it's good weather outside... when you feel sad because of the rain..
Who do you think?
I can't think of anyone else.
4 replies:
LOL u end up cmmenting 2x.
wt u cnt survive if thers 2 asians i thot ud love t be surrounded by westerns t2h
happy birthday its july now :D
s'ok, thank u
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