Thursday 23rd July 2009 - I get my SIM
I woke up at 5 to go do my driving test. I've NEVER seen Jakarta that early in the day. It was nice. I had a dream that we were somewhere and I passed Fajar who wasn't talking to me and he suddenly blurted 'Ah I can't stand it anymore' and greeted me. Then I said 'I wish I could hug you but I can't' [WHICH I DON'T THINK ABOUT IRL OK] and in an instant he hugged me real tight haaaaaahahahaha... When people started walking towards us he let go really fast so I fell down -__-; and that was all I remember. Anyway my Uncle and mom dropped me off. The jemput person was supposed to come at 6 but he was late for more than 30 minutes so I just stood outside... FML... the car trip took an hour so I slept. There was an adorable toddler sitting in front of me but his mom was like... gaul o___O; she calls her kid with LU and instead of saying 'mama' she says 'gue'.. weird. Inside the SIM-dealing place I did my theory test which had answers on the 1st page, right. I hardly knew how to answer nor understand the stuff. Anyway since I was the 2nd last to leave the room I had no idea where to go so I went back outside only to find the others weren't there [we were a rombongan]. Panickingly I rushed inside again to search for my people and thankfully found them heading over to the PRACTICAL TEST. I was like oh God no I don't wanna do this, 'cause people watch you. After the dude explained traffic laws bla3 [he was funny] it was off to the test. However weirdly enough all we did was get in the car, have 1 person drive 50m forwards and in reverse for us and THAT WAS IT. Didn't even take 5 minutes! 0.0; Then the dude said we're gunna get our pictures taken o___O; After that was done I went to the waiting room, and after 10 minutes they called my name and I GOT MY SIM. JUST LIKE THAT. But I was soooooooo tired T__T [and I look drunk in my photo] I slept on the way back. T'was 12:30pm, so basically I spent 6.5hrs doing the entire SIM obtaining process. I really wanted to go home. Buuuuut, my mom asks for my grudges towards her 'cause she wanted to spend some time in PGC which was across the road. My entire body was aching 'cause of my sleeping position in the car and I was fakin exhausted. And angry. But I remembered that patience is a virtue so I calmed myself down. Thankfully at 3 I returned 'home'. All I did was sort my videos and later watched Kids' Choice Awards on TV then Goong T which was hilarious. Done.
Friday 24th July 2009
Friday 24th July 2009
My laptop fell to the floor for the 1st time ever today. The AC Adaptor plug is now bent and I'm scared it'll break. I picked up my dad from the airport at 3:30. The trip took 3 hours no shit. Back in the house I watched Jihwaza feat. Donghae which was SO FUNNY. I kept laughing 'til I cried (Y) Again chatted with Nisa, it was hilarious and crazy, filled with laughing emotes as usual. We discussed of Super Junior's Zhou Mi and Henry =D She gave me interesting links like Blog Gaul and other really unpopular forums. Then I surfed SJ-World and found ARABIC E.L.F.s and discovered that the majority of them live in the UAE and are attracted to HEECHUL LOLZ. I think that's cool. Suddenly I got in a KyuMin frenzy and looked at every page of their thread and even went to LJ communities dedicated to them HAHAHAA~ I was about to read a fanfic but g jdi. Since my attention span is short I moved on to some Donghae sex and switched back to KyuMin after some minutes.
Kyuhyun: Once I think of Sungmin hyung, I can't do anything at all.
Kyuhyun: Sungmin can't continue living if he does not have me.
HOW OTP AND AWESOME IS THAT??????????? Sometimes I wish my OTPs get married but I totally don't support gay so... I just like boy x boy friendships to the max (: After excessive fangirling I ZzzZzz-ed at 1:30AM.
Saturday 25th July 2009 - Village Life
I go to Boyolali today. The weather was cloudy, very nice. That's why we had turbulence in the plane - small ones alhamdulillah. Honestly they were fun .__. 'cause right after it was over we reached a clear blue sky so I knew it was alright~ So beautiful~ When we went in the car after reaching at 4pm, the radio had Sorry Sorry on O____O; 99.6FM. I was surprised. The highlight of pulang kampung is to eat soto so that's exactly what we did. At grandpa's place I spent my time outside taking in the breeze and other fresh natureness 'til Maghrib. I also played with sticks and rocks with my cousin's kids who are below 9yrs of age. Ah, the weather there is the best~ Anyway, I was gunna wudhu so I went to the bathroom only to find a HUGE FLYING COCKROACH ON THE DOOR. Disadvantage of village life no.1 - excessive bugs. After someone killed it I decided to go back in there only to find ANOTHER FLYING COCKROACH!! AND THEY'RE BOTH BIG-ASSED, REALLY. I was gunna weep. It was early, 8pm or something, but I felt like sleeping so I tried BUT there was NO KIPAS in the room so I sweated like hell. Disadvantage of village life no.2 - no AC. To make myself fall asleep I listened to iPod-san and it worked. At 10pm-ish I woke up by the sound of my dad bringing a fan into the room; I felt the cool air rush to my skin and it was aaaaaaaaaaaaawesome. I slept like a baby.
Kyuhyun: Once I think of Sungmin hyung, I can't do anything at all.
Kyuhyun: Sungmin can't continue living if he does not have me.
HOW OTP AND AWESOME IS THAT??????????? Sometimes I wish my OTPs get married but I totally don't support gay so... I just like boy x boy friendships to the max (: After excessive fangirling I ZzzZzz-ed at 1:30AM.
Saturday 25th July 2009 - Village Life
I go to Boyolali today. The weather was cloudy, very nice. That's why we had turbulence in the plane - small ones alhamdulillah. Honestly they were fun .__. 'cause right after it was over we reached a clear blue sky so I knew it was alright~ So beautiful~ When we went in the car after reaching at 4pm, the radio had Sorry Sorry on O____O; 99.6FM. I was surprised. The highlight of pulang kampung is to eat soto so that's exactly what we did. At grandpa's place I spent my time outside taking in the breeze and other fresh natureness 'til Maghrib. I also played with sticks and rocks with my cousin's kids who are below 9yrs of age. Ah, the weather there is the best~ Anyway, I was gunna wudhu so I went to the bathroom only to find a HUGE FLYING COCKROACH ON THE DOOR. Disadvantage of village life no.1 - excessive bugs. After someone killed it I decided to go back in there only to find ANOTHER FLYING COCKROACH!! AND THEY'RE BOTH BIG-ASSED, REALLY. I was gunna weep. It was early, 8pm or something, but I felt like sleeping so I tried BUT there was NO KIPAS in the room so I sweated like hell. Disadvantage of village life no.2 - no AC. To make myself fall asleep I listened to iPod-san and it worked. At 10pm-ish I woke up by the sound of my dad bringing a fan into the room; I felt the cool air rush to my skin and it was aaaaaaaaaaaaawesome. I slept like a baby.
Fangirling keeps my mind off of you, now that I'm laptopless it's back to thinking about the usual
Loving someone is hard
Loving someone is hard
1 replies:
(sorry can't caps on iPhone -or idk how anyway)
I thought it was literally a name at first then I realized she's calling her child YOU
then GUE HAHaH
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