How you people doing? If there is anyone... It's been 2/3 days since I've blogged but I don't have anything to say, really. On the 3rd of July I finally got to chat with Hamzahヽ(´ー`)ノ but he disappeared after 2hrs or something. At 4-ish me and Ocha went to Jarir and I got to buy printer ink which costed 89QR yaaay~ After that we went to FFC where we just randomly browsed everywhere 'cause Mom was still at Landmark( ̄□ ̄;)There was a random, adorable bule toddler that stood in front of me once and said 'Mama?' and I was like 'Oh you need to find your mom?' or something but I had to leave him 'cause we were checking out [as in, paying the stuff]. He was soooooo cuute and me and Ocha felt so sorry for him as he waddled across the store. That day I was watching an Indonesian film called Suka Ma Suka which was about pretend gays. The acting srsly WAS gay but not that bad I guess. It entertained me anyway (Y) I went to bed at 10pm but stayed up 'til 1AM 'cause I was reading Glek! Pucho and talking to Ocha. We kept laughing 'cause of various stuff but I don't remember what. She slept at 12-ish so I had company for the 2 hours.
Today was the day I had to pack up my clothes and other stuff I shall bring to the Mines. Mind you, cleaning the closet feels good even though it takes a while. I discovered that I have tons of clothes I hardly ever wore which should go to charity or Ocha. Whenever my mom spoke of throwing them I got mad at her. I got a bit emo 'cause I couldn't find the Kipling wristband I lost last year but God gives us miracles when we least expect it, 'cause when I was dumping my long-sleeved shirts from my wardrobe to the carpet the wristband suddenly fell down with the pile. I was so happy to see it. T-T I decided to take a break so I looked at my laptop only to find Fajar greeting me in Facebook 10 minutes before with a hoi hoi hoi. I was disappointed but oh well. So, to my dorm I'll be bringing The Dice, The Cow, ICG comics, Drawing folders, Nisa's closet gift, Wooden Dummy + Hand, Bag, Yearbooks and papers and other junk. What else is there to bring? The rest of my life is in the laptop.
Today I woke up at 7:30 but decided to snooze again 'til 12-ish. The dream I had was so weird, it involved gift baskets of chocolate, my Year 12 classmates, giant rolling tsumos, a picnic on the field watching a performance by the tsumos, trees and horses on fire, running away from them, hiding in this random long chain of shacks and finding Adam and Arif hiding there too. So random. The creepiest thing was that Adam was half bald but the hair on top of his head was spiked. Creepy.
oh yes, 2.5 more days 'til I go to Indo!
2 replies:
I laughed at grass.
And baldadam.
and wtf are tusmos.
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