Saturday 18th July 2009
Stay-in day. Basically read manga... Lots of 'em. Then before bed I designed some characters for a comic I SUPPOSEDLY wanna make. Fajar greeted me in MSN in the morning and thought I was angry; I smsed him I ain't and was still sleeping tdi but nothing else happened for the rest of the day.
Sunday 19th July 2009
2 weeks left 'til I go West. Still waiting for a phone call. Today me and Fajar were supposed to meet at Tante Esti's wedding which I think both of us didn't attend in the end, so we didn't. Instead moi and ma famille went to Melawai where I ate Bakmi GM for lunch and died of boredom due to my mother stopping at 209329023 jewelry, bag and clothes stores [I was intrigued by pearls though]. The roads were empty - creepy but pretty interesting and rare to see. I kept singing Don't Don and seeing Boys Before Flowers everywhere -__-; At home I was angrier at my overheating laptop than usual, read Soul Eater I think and typed 9283 blog entries. Fail day.
Monday 20th July 2009
Before going to ITC Kuningan, me and my sisters loled very hard at SuJu's MV Twins (Knockout). Therefore the entire day I sang excerpts from that song and others - it was so annoying and addicting. I bought 7 mangas which one I read whilst mom and MD spent 9023328 hours looking at fake bags [in the end they bought 2]. We had A&W for lunch and that's when I marvelled at how Onion Rings are onion + tepung di goreng but it still tastes awesome. At home I observed that Fajar was online 'til night but none of us greeted each other, Farah wasn't chatting with him either so she suggested it was prolly Om Agus, which is... logical but unlikely. I felt so so so so lonely and decided to read comics, when I was on the brink of mental breakdown I suddenly watched Super Show I DVD on my laptop [from a download] with my sisters. It lasted approx. 2.5hrs and we had fun and laughed loads. Grease!bum was seen and I kept insulting him throughout (Y) At one point Donghae jerked his jacket opened revealing his bare chest and if my life is a manga [too bad it isn't] I would've nosebleeded like hell 'cause it was sex. There was Kibum fanservice and I was like DO NOT WANT. I kept squealing at Sungmin and Kyuhyun's cuteness and the epic EunHaeness. The concert was from last year and I wish I attended D: I am sooo excited to see Super Show II DVD x) Before going to bed me and MD looked at my SuJu pics folder [consisting of 5k+ pics but we didn't see all duh] which wasn't satisfying so I oughta collect more. Fangirling is happiness~ Temporary.
Tuesday 21st July 2009
Sunday 19th July 2009
2 weeks left 'til I go West. Still waiting for a phone call. Today me and Fajar were supposed to meet at Tante Esti's wedding which I think both of us didn't attend in the end, so we didn't. Instead moi and ma famille went to Melawai where I ate Bakmi GM for lunch and died of boredom due to my mother stopping at 209329023 jewelry, bag and clothes stores [I was intrigued by pearls though]. The roads were empty - creepy but pretty interesting and rare to see. I kept singing Don't Don and seeing Boys Before Flowers everywhere -__-; At home I was angrier at my overheating laptop than usual, read Soul Eater I think and typed 9283 blog entries. Fail day.
Monday 20th July 2009
Before going to ITC Kuningan, me and my sisters loled very hard at SuJu's MV Twins (Knockout). Therefore the entire day I sang excerpts from that song and others - it was so annoying and addicting. I bought 7 mangas which one I read whilst mom and MD spent 9023328 hours looking at fake bags [in the end they bought 2]. We had A&W for lunch and that's when I marvelled at how Onion Rings are onion + tepung di goreng but it still tastes awesome. At home I observed that Fajar was online 'til night but none of us greeted each other, Farah wasn't chatting with him either so she suggested it was prolly Om Agus, which is... logical but unlikely. I felt so so so so lonely and decided to read comics, when I was on the brink of mental breakdown I suddenly watched Super Show I DVD on my laptop [from a download] with my sisters. It lasted approx. 2.5hrs and we had fun and laughed loads. Grease!bum was seen and I kept insulting him throughout (Y) At one point Donghae jerked his jacket opened revealing his bare chest and if my life is a manga [too bad it isn't] I would've nosebleeded like hell 'cause it was sex. There was Kibum fanservice and I was like DO NOT WANT. I kept squealing at Sungmin and Kyuhyun's cuteness and the epic EunHaeness. The concert was from last year and I wish I attended D: I am sooo excited to see Super Show II DVD x) Before going to bed me and MD looked at my SuJu pics folder [consisting of 5k+ pics but we didn't see all duh] which wasn't satisfying so I oughta collect more. Fangirling is happiness~ Temporary.
Tuesday 21st July 2009
I'm typing this on the 2nd of August LOL so I don't have an overall commentary yet. OK so I read mangas which made me angry 'cause they were so typical. But here's an epic quote: 'Pangerannya cukup seorang saja. Karena itu, kamu jadi putrinya ya' OHOHOHO LOVE~ Uhh after that I did boring stuff. I chatted with Nisa crazily, as usual... and watched loads of SuJu videos... I also started loving Super Junior T - Don't Go Away (Y) That's all about my boring Tuesday.
Wednesday 22nd July 2009
Today I went to PIM with Mom and Ocha, who the former is meeting up with an old friend. Little did I know that she brought her daughter [who I found out later is MD's age] along. You should all know I really dislike meeting new people ESPECIALLY if it's only for a short period of time so I just salam her and then ran off with Ocha to sholat Zuhur. And after that I kept twitting from my phone. in. extreme. boredom. Since I was just with OCHA I thought, 'what the fak should I do?' so I simply walked around everywhere. I kept begging God to make Fajar call me 'cause I'm jaim/malu/gengsi to do so first. Such loneliness and boredom could easily be wiped away with just a small talk with him. However when we ate lunch I was pretty amused 'cause Ocha started building this KFC Island with her steak plate and my cola cup which had Colonel Sanders pictures. I has photos but too lazy to transfer x__x; Finally at 3:30pm after seeing every floor and corner of PIM we went home. I kept cursing my life throughout. At night I was SUPPOSEDLY blessed with a sms from Fajar but he was using bhs Sunda or something and did it for iseng purposes. I who was freakishly worried and waiting for his smses/calls for days got pretty angry 'cause of his carefreeness .___. I asked him why he hasn't been contacting me lately and he said he's been busy and I started ranting in my head, I'm your best friend right so why not spare some time for me? Then God knows why he started bringing someone's name up but yeah, that sms session ended bitterly.
If you read all of the above I'm really sorry that you just wasted your time reading about my horrible life
Wednesday 22nd July 2009
Today I went to PIM with Mom and Ocha, who the former is meeting up with an old friend. Little did I know that she brought her daughter [who I found out later is MD's age] along. You should all know I really dislike meeting new people ESPECIALLY if it's only for a short period of time so I just salam her and then ran off with Ocha to sholat Zuhur. And after that I kept twitting from my phone. in. extreme. boredom. Since I was just with OCHA I thought, 'what the fak should I do?' so I simply walked around everywhere. I kept begging God to make Fajar call me 'cause I'm jaim/malu/gengsi to do so first. Such loneliness and boredom could easily be wiped away with just a small talk with him. However when we ate lunch I was pretty amused 'cause Ocha started building this KFC Island with her steak plate and my cola cup which had Colonel Sanders pictures. I has photos but too lazy to transfer x__x; Finally at 3:30pm after seeing every floor and corner of PIM we went home. I kept cursing my life throughout. At night I was SUPPOSEDLY blessed with a sms from Fajar but he was using bhs Sunda or something and did it for iseng purposes. I who was freakishly worried and waiting for his smses/calls for days got pretty angry 'cause of his carefreeness .___. I asked him why he hasn't been contacting me lately and he said he's been busy and I started ranting in my head, I'm your best friend right so why not spare some time for me? Then God knows why he started bringing someone's name up but yeah, that sms session ended bitterly.
If you read all of the above I'm really sorry that you just wasted your time reading about my horrible life
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