Wednesday 15th July 2009
My driving is improving but the teacher suggested I take 5 more lessons which basically means I still suck... whatever. I went to PGC with Mom and Mbak Pit, bought Magic Corn which ended up tasting horrible 'cause the corn was small and unwholy plus the sambal wasn't SAUCE. That business oughta be sued. My mom offered me to eat KFC and lots of other food when we stopped by at Plaza Kalibata but I declined all of 'em 'cause I was in a really, really bad mood. Major angst. Because of my smsage with Hamzah. Will not go into detail, but basically it's to do with Dufan/HP6 plans this Friday and him not being able to attend. From when I reached home 'til dinner, I just lied down in bed having a Soul Eater Marathon, not expecting more but quality time doing my own thing.
At near-Maghrib Icha, Abid, Afif and some friend of theirs came but I only greeted Icha. The presence of the stranger made me hold back from saying hi to the brothers. They and MD soon left to eat out and I was left with Ocha in the room continuing what I was doing [plus getting super upset with the going out plans in Twitter]
...Until my phone rang and I saw 'Tnte Siwi Indo calling' on the screen. At first I couldn't believe my eyes but I picked it up and slowly said
Hello? Hello. Hello. How are you doin'? Bad, you? Bad. What have you been doin'? Looking at girls. ...What? Nothing. Did you say looking at girls? Nevermind, nevermind. Tunggu! Who said tunggu? What? Me. REALLY? [couldn't believe it was him 'cause he sounded extremely manly] My friend's askin' me to play. Y udh, main aj sana. No, I wanna talk to you. It feels nice. HAHAHAHA, you sound like you just got back from the toilet! Gross... Oh yeah, happy birthday! What? You remember? Yes. Yeah right. It's on the 30th. Of? Of June. Of what? Oh. Thanks... why didn't you sms? I told you, I have no number! Well what about FB? I tried! That was in chat, you could've wallposted.. Oh yeaaaaa, wallpost! Anyway I have to go now. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. OK, bye! Bye.
That obviously wasn't the entire convo [the topics we discussed were Iwan, Tnte Esti's wedding, going out plans, bla3] ... I can't memorise that much -__-; We talked for 12:26 minutes. I was the happiest person ever. God gives miracles when we least it expect it, guys. Because of that incident I had to ignore the chat Hamzah was having with me but I was also possible to casually tell him 'forget about it' in sms.
Before going to ZzzZZ I read mangas by Chiba Kozue :'D Her works are all conceptual but SHORT and therefore rushed. Nice and cute stuff anyway (Y)
At near-Maghrib Icha, Abid, Afif and some friend of theirs came but I only greeted Icha. The presence of the stranger made me hold back from saying hi to the brothers. They and MD soon left to eat out and I was left with Ocha in the room continuing what I was doing [plus getting super upset with the going out plans in Twitter]
...Until my phone rang and I saw 'Tnte Siwi Indo calling' on the screen. At first I couldn't believe my eyes but I picked it up and slowly said
Hello? Hello. Hello. How are you doin'? Bad, you? Bad. What have you been doin'? Looking at girls. ...What? Nothing. Did you say looking at girls? Nevermind, nevermind. Tunggu! Who said tunggu? What? Me. REALLY? [couldn't believe it was him 'cause he sounded extremely manly] My friend's askin' me to play. Y udh, main aj sana. No, I wanna talk to you. It feels nice. HAHAHAHA, you sound like you just got back from the toilet! Gross... Oh yeah, happy birthday! What? You remember? Yes. Yeah right. It's on the 30th. Of? Of June. Of what? Oh. Thanks... why didn't you sms? I told you, I have no number! Well what about FB? I tried! That was in chat, you could've wallposted.. Oh yeaaaaa, wallpost! Anyway I have to go now. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. OK, bye! Bye.
That obviously wasn't the entire convo [the topics we discussed were Iwan, Tnte Esti's wedding, going out plans, bla3] ... I can't memorise that much -__-; We talked for 12:26 minutes. I was the happiest person ever. God gives miracles when we least it expect it, guys. Because of that incident I had to ignore the chat Hamzah was having with me but I was also possible to casually tell him 'forget about it' in sms.
Before going to ZzzZZ I read mangas by Chiba Kozue :'D Her works are all conceptual but SHORT and therefore rushed. Nice and cute stuff anyway (Y)
Thursday 16th July 2009 - Happy 47th Birthday Mom! Sorry I forgot D:
Fajar called me 2x this morning at 9-ish but I didn't pick up 'cause I had to go to driving lesson. I found out the name of that song I liked which was Jangan Menyerah by d'Masiv. 'tis awesome :'D 30 minutes before Zuhur he called again and I picked up.
Hello? Hello~ Sorry Fajar I need to eat, call me later. What? Whyy? I need to eat lunch! BUT I WANNA TALK TO YOU! I'm so lonely! ...Hey you know that song - Jangan Menyerah? Yeah, that one! It's so nice~ Yeah I know I like it too. ... Sorry, I'll sms you when you can call. I hate to sms. I said I'll sms when you can call! OK? OK... Bye.
Within the conversation MD who was listening commented 'Poor Fajar, he wants to talk to you' and I was biasa2 aj 'cause there's still lots of time for us to chatter... But before I knew it, my watch showed 1:40pm and I regret what I did. I wanted to sms him for him to call me but then I thought, well... what if he isn't lonely anymore? what if he doesn't wanna talk on the phone anymore either? I was gengsi/jaim again.So I just told him that I'm busy and did my own things. Boring things...
Suddenly at 5:45 he called and I was all excited when he straightforwardly asked 'Hey can you give me my mom's number?' and that's what the convo was all about really. I was hoping he'd call again later to talk about something proper but he didn't...
Since I was ngambek and remorseful and emo because of my own fault, I looked at RO screenshots which Cania suggested me to do 'til 2AM. And I'm so glad I did 'cause they cheered me up 89% (Y) PREPARE FOR SPAM!
That's all folks!
I'm sorry... you were lonely but I didn't keep you company
Within the conversation MD who was listening commented 'Poor Fajar, he wants to talk to you' and I was biasa2 aj 'cause there's still lots of time for us to chatter... But before I knew it, my watch showed 1:40pm and I regret what I did. I wanted to sms him for him to call me but then I thought, well... what if he isn't lonely anymore? what if he doesn't wanna talk on the phone anymore either? I was gengsi/jaim again.So I just told him that I'm busy and did my own things. Boring things...
Suddenly at 5:45 he called and I was all excited when he straightforwardly asked 'Hey can you give me my mom's number?' and that's what the convo was all about really. I was hoping he'd call again later to talk about something proper but he didn't...
Since I was ngambek and remorseful and emo because of my own fault, I looked at RO screenshots which Cania suggested me to do 'til 2AM. And I'm so glad I did 'cause they cheered me up 89% (Y) PREPARE FOR SPAM!
Cute things are stupid, that's why wizards are noobs
-Thinking of a name for Fajar's character-
Fajar: ahh ad siomay dirumah~
Me: -Siomay-
Fajar: David Siomay
Fajar: kan2 ad orang yg jualan siomay namany david
Made me lol HARD.
Fajar: or2 Jackie the Vegetarian
Me: y jackie?
Fajar: cz2 thers tukang jualan sayur2 namany Jackie n theres another one called Rosalinda
That too.
Me: poor umar.
Cania: your daily 5-min death?
Me: no2 hes not dead.
Umar: im pro "Aeiri", i dont 'DIE"
Cania: what did umar say.
Hamzah: how sad. ppl ddnt buy burgers [SO RANDOM]
Me: umar dusnt die?
Umar: yes. I AM PRO!!!
-and then afterwards a monster killed him -
Fajar: umar
Umar: wt
Fajar: train me
Umar: ntar ah
Fajar: skrg lah
Umar: pr
Fajar: ketek, jgn pe-er mulu
-me and Hamzah debating about celebs and cool guys-
Me: me n dhe3's sense of coolness is th same
Hamzah: i no wts cool n wts not
Me: our cool guys r ur gay ones
Umar: im gay??
SO BIGHEADED/PEDE GOSH XDXDXD but that's what makes him interesting (Y)
Me: ANYWAY celeb guys r gay, most of em
Hamzah: pff
Umar: im not
Me: umar ure not a celeb
I SPIT AT THAT. couldn't stop laughing
Ocha: sakato returns with an even uglier color
Cania: umar that looks more hideous than before.
Me: umar i liked ur colour bfore
Umar: wtevr
Me: it ws never pretty in th first place.
Cania: ...
Me: kidding cania. ure as beautiful as kfc.
I'm lame and awesome
*wondering who KEVJUMBA is*
Me: maybe its fajar's made up name
Me: marjumba
Umar: wt
-all laugh- HAHAHAAHAHA akljsdsklajdsadj
Umar: rele im not laffing at all
Cania: hey guys :D
Fajar: go away
Cania: ...
Fajar: =D
Cania: XD
Me: umar is in kokomo beach dying. is he dying i wonder?
Umar: gfo die urself
Back then I wasn't intimidated but when I read it today I was FREAKED OUT. btw gfo means get the fak out
-Umar & Cania niffing together, Cania fails-
Umar: wts ur lvl anyway??
Cania: 83/50
Umar: same as me... but u still suck
ah, the gentleness of a lad to a lady
Umar: bs y don u play an instrument, like a flute or clarinet n be like squidward
That's all folks!
I'm sorry... you were lonely but I didn't keep you company
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