Sunday 26th July 2009
I had suuuuuuuuch weird dreams. The 1st one was that me and Fajar were sending letters to each other. He invited me over to his house in Bekasi on the 2nd of August. The 2nd one was so weird, therefore hard to explain - but it involved us being friends with Western people and me getting mad our friendships were getting worse because of them LOLZ. There was also Yesung and his girlfriend... and a huge but cute spider which Hamzah fought with xD I took a cold but refreshing shower. Disadvantage of village life no.3 - no warm shower water. Later on it was off to granny's where I saw my Year 8 cousin Dian's Naruto figurines collection - he had like 50 or something all neatly put on racks. I just sat down and drew my character I call Kuro. It took FOREVER to draw his hair. My 5/6/Idk year old cousin was watching me and asked 'ko d hapus mulu mbak?'. It's 'cause drawing is shit hard T~T After a while I went back to grandpa's. We decided to turn on the TV and when Yugioh appeared I laughed like a hyena, seriously, 'cause his hair was RIDICULOUS. I never noticed until that moment. Basically all the characters are ugly. I made fun of all of them 'til I cried from laughter. Here is Ocha's commentary on Yugioh: 'they don't do anything they just throw cards'. When the LOLfest was over I observed Conan which was good until he explained the crime - I didn't understand a single word. At 3-ish my cousin's son was having a 6th birthday party so we went there but all I did was sit and draw 'cause I had no other business. I felt lonely and again wanted Fajar to call. I've been smsing him but he never replies .__. Well anyway at 5 dad took me and Ocha on a motorcycle ride around the village which totally refreshed my body and soul [lebay]. At that moment I wished I could drive a motor like hell. The mountain and sky views were so beautiful T__T I didn't bring Steve [my DSLR] sadly - my parents kept telling me 'fotografer tuh sharusny bawa kmera kmn-mn', meh. I got my thing at night. Bad timing. Since I had nothing to do I lied down in bed and started smsing people. MD told me Icha invited us to Dufan so yeah. Fajar finally replied but there was something weird about how he typed. I forgot what we smsed about but I got really mad and didn't wanna care about him anymore [which won't happen, blame that kinda thinking on the period]. I slept in emptiness, sigh.
Monday 27th July 2009
Monday 27th July 2009
All I did today was eat soto and finish drawing Kuro. And go really depressed at the news Matar gave me which was that she can only go to Dufan on Sunday. Whereas Fajar can only go on Saturday. I was so torn. I wanted to meet Fajar to death but again for the 392808902nd time I'm unsure if he still cares about me or not so choosing him might not be a good idea. But I still wanted to see him. On the other hand, Dufan won't be as fun without my favourite pair of sisters. Ahh, at that point in the day I felt like curling up and dying. Then I suddenly felt better [stupid period] according to Twitter but after observing my old smses from the 27th I don't know why. In the evening I learned how to drive a motor but I became too chicken to try by myself right after I got the knowledge. Surprisingly me and Umar actually had a round of smsage today. He typed a lot. Real lot. It makes me wanna keep the smses somehow but sadly in the US I'll be using a different phone. Another sadly, he ran out of credit to continue. With nothing else to do I decided to go to bed at 7. My 8 year old cousin was having fun with a nyamuk zapper and it was funny. When she was done with that she gave me an English quiz LOL. I couldn't sleep so when Fajar smsed me saying to watch Opera Van Java I turned on the TV. It wasn't on so I ended up watching Fight Club, only I didn't finish 'cause I was so sleepy. The movie's really good (Y) However I got an sms from Hamzah with bad news. So my night ended in anger and frustration.
Tuesday 28th July 2009
I woke up at 10AM and stayed in bed watching TV, thinking of how idiotic it is to have a commercial promoting water. Me and Ocha found a gameshow in TPI called Grand Prix Del Verano and decided to watch it 'cause there were people in penguin costumes. And then carrying large ice creams. And other hilarious stuff. IT WAS THE FUNNIEST GAME SHOW I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. I laughed and laughed and laaaaaaaughed, so hard, so much, so long. I haven't laughed like that since God knows when. You guys should seriously watch it, they have the show on YouTube lolz. There's also an iklan that goes 'Segernya pol!' - we laugh at that too. At one point, when I was drinking water, I stared at the dinner table, only to find 2 flies doing it. I simply watched them on top of each other and was like ...this is interesting... Thank God it wasn't graphic. On TV I saw this ad about a football competition on the 1st & 2nd of August which the latter is exactly the date Fajar has his and I was stupid enough to sms him asking if the competition he's attending is the one on TV. The conversation didn't end well. At 2:30pm we headed off to the airport which is shiny but small. Inside the plane me and Ocha had a funny Super Junior karaoke and dance session which had to end when my ears started getting pressurised which REALLY HURTED. Back at the ungreen civilisation that is Jakarta I utilised laptop-san [it's been 3 days] and immediately watched Happy Shares Company version Eunhyuk. Then Unbelieveable Outing, one of the top funniest programs SuJu appeared in (Y) I slept at 3am but I forgot what I was doing.
Tuesday 28th July 2009
I woke up at 10AM and stayed in bed watching TV, thinking of how idiotic it is to have a commercial promoting water. Me and Ocha found a gameshow in TPI called Grand Prix Del Verano and decided to watch it 'cause there were people in penguin costumes. And then carrying large ice creams. And other hilarious stuff. IT WAS THE FUNNIEST GAME SHOW I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. I laughed and laughed and laaaaaaaughed, so hard, so much, so long. I haven't laughed like that since God knows when. You guys should seriously watch it, they have the show on YouTube lolz. There's also an iklan that goes 'Segernya pol!' - we laugh at that too. At one point, when I was drinking water, I stared at the dinner table, only to find 2 flies doing it. I simply watched them on top of each other and was like ...this is interesting... Thank God it wasn't graphic. On TV I saw this ad about a football competition on the 1st & 2nd of August which the latter is exactly the date Fajar has his and I was stupid enough to sms him asking if the competition he's attending is the one on TV. The conversation didn't end well. At 2:30pm we headed off to the airport which is shiny but small. Inside the plane me and Ocha had a funny Super Junior karaoke and dance session which had to end when my ears started getting pressurised which REALLY HURTED. Back at the ungreen civilisation that is Jakarta I utilised laptop-san [it's been 3 days] and immediately watched Happy Shares Company version Eunhyuk. Then Unbelieveable Outing, one of the top funniest programs SuJu appeared in (Y) I slept at 3am but I forgot what I was doing.
Why do you still use that name
p.s. somewhere in these village nights I cried a lot because of one person. I'm just reminding myself
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