Greetings bebolz, I am here to type about my 1st 4 days in earth water [tanah air] aka Indonesia, my home country, but not exactly my home. Initially I wanted to type in here about the first 2 weeks and then the 1st week but you all know how much I can drag my descriptions so let's keep it to 4 days, shall we?
Thursday 9th July 2009
Woke up at 1pm but slept at 4am I think so reasonable enough. Stayed at home all day reading comics and was still uber major tired. Today I experienced playing with my laptop on my lap on a bed and it was excrutiating 'cause it weighs at least 10kg probably. Found out that in my dorm I'll be in a single room so no mate. Nor Asian. I wasn't in the mood to sleep yet so...
Friday 10th July 2009
Prepare for another one~
Friday 10th July 2009
... I stayed up 'til 3AM, playing JamLegend, watching K-On! and... watching Sekompond music videos. I had trouble deciding whether to express this or not but well, here goes... first of all when I watched Boys Just Wanna Live, Come Out and Play and Walking Disaster I was grinning and got teary-eyed a bit. But when Shadows and Regrets was played... yeah, I started crying, for like the entire length of the music video which is 4 minutes x___x; Oddest thing was that I kept smiling as I sobbed. So... I don't know if that was tears of joy or sadness at all. It was one heck of a tear shed though. Thank God MD was already asleep >.>;
I went to my driving lesson place today and then ate at Solaria in Plaza Kalibata. The mie ayam was good. I realised how much my hips are expanding so I have troubling buttoning my pants which is so annoying. My cousin's daughter [wtf do you call those anyway?] Dinnar is the cutest girl baby ever. In the afternoon we visited my Uncle's for 2hrs but all I did was sit down and listen to grown-up talk. My grandpa, 91 or something, was there and he told me that instead of studying expensively in the US I should use the money to buy cows. That was funny.
At night the internet welcomed me to its idiocracy. I spent the entire time JamLegending, listening to music and YouTubing [MD found a make-up artist that had interesting videos], battling with patience as stuff had to load.
Saturday 11th July 2009
Went to ITC Kuningan with family excluding dad, obviously. I only bought sajadah, mukena and daleman. The sajadah is blue, thick and so beautiful *-* My Magic Corn also had too much water so that was pretty unpleasant. I ate Bakmi GM for the first time in a year but for some reason get full before 3/4 of the plate is even finished... my mom and older sister really got on my nerves so I was in a pretty emo and horrible mood the entire time. Thankfully at night that was made up by the Marwoto Sisters' Super Junior Frenzy. Basically watched SuJu perfs for hours and stuff. After they went to sleep I listened to 293328 versions of Canon Rock (Y)
Sunday 12th July 2009
I want smses, I started to think. Preferrably from Fajar. But that boy always has reasons... So, at 1-ish we went to Taman Anggrek. I ate Hoka Hoka Bento for the first time ever, t'was beef teriyaki. I even consumed the salad and was proud of myself. My main mission of going to that faraway mall was to find this K-pop cart Dhe3 told me about in Twitter. Once there, I found SuJu goodies but no Donghae pillow. Mother didn't let me buy the gantungan HP of my prince fishy and I was all asdjakjdla. However we did buy their 3rd album (Y) Only it's not the original... In Gramedia I bought an Animonster posterbook /fsh, 6 comics and badges for Hamzah. The store's lacking its Shoujo.... Back at home I drooled at all the posters and started reading my manga - Fullmoon Joker. The main lead is my dream guy. Here are some of the epic dialogue
I went to my driving lesson place today and then ate at Solaria in Plaza Kalibata. The mie ayam was good. I realised how much my hips are expanding so I have troubling buttoning my pants which is so annoying. My cousin's daughter [wtf do you call those anyway?] Dinnar is the cutest girl baby ever. In the afternoon we visited my Uncle's for 2hrs but all I did was sit down and listen to grown-up talk. My grandpa, 91 or something, was there and he told me that instead of studying expensively in the US I should use the money to buy cows. That was funny.
At night the internet welcomed me to its idiocracy. I spent the entire time JamLegending, listening to music and YouTubing [MD found a make-up artist that had interesting videos], battling with patience as stuff had to load.
Saturday 11th July 2009
Went to ITC Kuningan with family excluding dad, obviously. I only bought sajadah, mukena and daleman. The sajadah is blue, thick and so beautiful *-* My Magic Corn also had too much water so that was pretty unpleasant. I ate Bakmi GM for the first time in a year but for some reason get full before 3/4 of the plate is even finished... my mom and older sister really got on my nerves so I was in a pretty emo and horrible mood the entire time. Thankfully at night that was made up by the Marwoto Sisters' Super Junior Frenzy. Basically watched SuJu perfs for hours and stuff. After they went to sleep I listened to 293328 versions of Canon Rock (Y)
Sunday 12th July 2009
I want smses, I started to think. Preferrably from Fajar. But that boy always has reasons... So, at 1-ish we went to Taman Anggrek. I ate Hoka Hoka Bento for the first time ever, t'was beef teriyaki. I even consumed the salad and was proud of myself. My main mission of going to that faraway mall was to find this K-pop cart Dhe3 told me about in Twitter. Once there, I found SuJu goodies but no Donghae pillow. Mother didn't let me buy the gantungan HP of my prince fishy and I was all asdjakjdla. However we did buy their 3rd album (Y) Only it's not the original... In Gramedia I bought an Animonster posterbook /fsh, 6 comics and badges for Hamzah. The store's lacking its Shoujo.... Back at home I drooled at all the posters and started reading my manga - Fullmoon Joker. The main lead is my dream guy. Here are some of the epic dialogue
'Walopun aku g pny kbaikan hati sperti kmu, tpi aku suka dgn kbaikanmu itu'
'Ketua.. ap yg sdang kau pkirkan?'
"Kau yg nangis smpe mukamu brantakan. Jelek!"
"Krna jelek, cptlah brhenti nangis."
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