Friday 17th July 2009 - SUPER SHOW II STARTS DD:
Ocha: we are nothing without you
Me: i am somethin without anyone
Cania: you are jam without bread.
Fajar: u r chicken nuggets with out sauce
Ocha: i am toast without blue band
Fajar: i am KFC without the K
Umar: i am a woman without the wo
-everybody explodes laughing-
Umar: y do ppl sell taming items so expensive?? WTS HAPPENIN TO TH WORLD??!! FINANCIAL CRISIS
Umar: wt do u wannabe
Me: i wanna be a comic author =\ nice of u t ask
Umar: no
Me: or an animator btw :D
Umar: so i shall ruin ur business
Whatever, I still like it when guys ask me stuff weee
Me: anita sholat anyway
Umar: wths anita???
Me: u dont kno?!
Umar: y wud i want to?
OK enough RO logs. Today was the infamous bombing day which made me kinda scared to go out anywhere but it was also the day I watched Parry Hotter? Happy Rotter? Rappy Hotter? Rettop Yrrah? Hatty Rorrer? Roppy Hatter? Harry Potter, yes, with Dhe3 and CC.
I left the house in emo [well not really 'cause Umar said my real name in Twitter] because... because... 'I wish the phone would ring like before and I pick up to hear a nagging guy wanting to talk cuz it feels 'nice''. However thankfully I got cheered up when I met up with CC in Plaza Senayan. We bought the tickets then transferred ourselves to Food Court-san to eat. I was a pig, ate Ocha's fries and some of her steak and then ordered KFC crispy strips [Cania's influence]. When we were done we watched Carisa play this Princess Dancing game on her new DS, t'was so funny (Y)
Finally at 5:15 or whatever we met up with Dhe3 in the cinema toilet. There was a creepy Suster Ngesot or something poster at the end of the hallway and I really wanted to take a pic with it but didn't lolz. The movie ended at 8, gasp. I thought it was really good. I know, too bad there wasn't a lot of action but it was J.K. Rowling's choice to make it like that and romantic, OK?? Besides I liked those scenes /gg
Afterwards Dhe3 started blabbing to us about her PIM chronicle and I was extremely giddy and how do you put it... fangirly?? IDK. We ate dinner together [me Donner Kebab *c*] as she continued her story and Carisa started her own which was also giddy and fangirl worthy towards the end. Oh how I wish one day I could experience a tale like theirs D; amin. Sadly at 9 we had to part and I hugged those 3 goodbye. Dhe3 twice. SO SAD, AGAIN I SAY I'LL MISS YOU DHE3 -insert heart here-
At home, 10:00pm-ish, I peeked at MSN before praying and saw Fajar freakin online. I was pretty glad but in another way disappointed 'cause that means we won't be phone calling anymore right? Well anyway he started a chat but something about him was different, he seemed quiet and that made me kinda anxious so I blurted out anything in my head. One of them included someone's name, which he got... I don't know... at and started complaining?? But anyway that ruined the chat 100%. He left at 11pm and since I wasn't replying he thought I was mad, but I wasn't. Sigh.
Fajar: y ru keeps following me carisa
Me: LOL matar correct his english plz, its so g enak t read
We're just friends you know.
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