We're friends forever
OK it's official I will not type about the 5th & 6th of February simply because I can has photos and a memory and uhh I ain't bothered to type about a 10 days ago. 'Tis sad, 'cause they were awesome.
Today was a happy day, seriously. Nothing was wrong [well cept in ICT] and it hasn't been like this in a long time so I'm utterly grateful. I was sleepy the entire school day though.
Thankfully enough Shaza didn't bug me about the villaggio thing, she's 16 for God's sake so why would she bring it up anyway. It was time for Maths, Griffin was gonna give our marks and I stepped out the registration class saying 'I don't care if I get a D' to my friends and guess what? When I looked at my test paper I saw a big D on it.
Talk about irony. -___-;; I should've said 'I dont care if I get an A' HAHA. Well it's the destiny and I really don't care [even if my classmates got B's and above]. Instead, I could've performed Sujud Syukur knowing we're missing our 2nd period of Maths due to a Uni Fair. An entire hour of Maths gone! :D
*Cania don't read* Well in free lesson I finished off my ICT essay only to find we have 2 more to do for next Monday. Fuck ICT, curse its shitty essays, I don't even learn any crap in that cunt of a subject. What a way to ruin my long weekend, damn her. I wish to drop or better yet fail it. Anyway this is supposed to be a happy day, so put that aside.
*OK you can read again* All day I kept watching people holding roses and I sort of wished Fajar bought me one 'cause he wanted to but changed his mind, damn you man. There was a Physics test and I finished it in the first 30 minutes so guess what [I love guessing games], I slept for the rest of the hour :D It was awesome. My first time sleeping in class properly.
After school I got out the class too early so nobody was there. Since I was still half-awake, I just sat down against the pole and attempted to doze again, head on my bag. I started hearing my friends coming but they didn't nudge me so I kept at it. I was nearly asleep when suddenly someone poked my shoulder and a distinct voice said 'Why are you being emo' and I gazed up and saw Fajar. Thanks man.
He was holding a familiar-looking paper... OMG it was the drawing I wanted to secretly send to Hamzah o___O;; He and I discussed about it for a while [some Yr12 guy I think was Luay gave it to Khalid but he gave it to Fajar], me panicking and constantly trying to grab it from him [that boy wouldn't let it go] but Umar got the better of me and he pointed the Periodic Table-enveloped drawing towards the sun in an attempt to make out the content - 'It's a drawing... He's giving her chocolate?' or something like that. Hamzah was standing right next to him -__-;; So I made Fajar give it to Hamzah. He started tearing it open, stupidly not knowing how just because the sides are glued together, but people were looking - I could've sworn my face went hot - so I frantically told him not to see it in public.
Then all was random. I asked Andin about her roses, how suspicious of anonymous, and talked to Khalid about things too. I didn't feel like going to IA so me, Khalid, the Year 6s and Fadhli made our way to the back. Me and that 3rd Isyna conversed as if we've been doing so for a long time - I forgot what about but I think it's the rose thing. It felt nice (: In the car we had our music problems, the file manager is annoying -__-;; We commented of Salmaniye's Green Day freakness plus teased Fadhli of his Jason Mraz fan-ness and everyone sang along, srsly.
At home I felt free even though I has 2 essays and Chemistry write-up to do. Well whatever, I wanted to enjoy my day, which I did, 'cause I ate cow-eyed egg and spaghetti and watched America's Next Top Model and got loads of Facebook photo comments and when my parents talked about Universities I didn't get annoyed and Fajar said something that made me go YESSSSSSS! *evil grin* That idiot and me finally chatted for a long time again, from Asar-ish 'til his typical bedtime and I was touched *touched. Towards the evening we had some sort of dispute about looks which hopefully is sorted out now and at night we argued about this Doubutsu Uranai website, he didn't believe me and I kept talking bad about him so yeah. I knew it was over when he suddenly started typing in gibberish and people's names appeared in 'em so I laughed and laughed.
It's 10:30 and I still didn't do my h/w -___-;; Instead I'm just listening to music, chatting with Carisa and webcamming with Adam.
Yes, what a great day. :)
Today was a happy day, seriously. Nothing was wrong [well cept in ICT] and it hasn't been like this in a long time so I'm utterly grateful. I was sleepy the entire school day though.
Thankfully enough Shaza didn't bug me about the villaggio thing, she's 16 for God's sake so why would she bring it up anyway. It was time for Maths, Griffin was gonna give our marks and I stepped out the registration class saying 'I don't care if I get a D' to my friends and guess what? When I looked at my test paper I saw a big D on it.
Talk about irony. -___-;; I should've said 'I dont care if I get an A' HAHA. Well it's the destiny and I really don't care [even if my classmates got B's and above]. Instead, I could've performed Sujud Syukur knowing we're missing our 2nd period of Maths due to a Uni Fair. An entire hour of Maths gone! :D
*Cania don't read* Well in free lesson I finished off my ICT essay only to find we have 2 more to do for next Monday. Fuck ICT, curse its shitty essays, I don't even learn any crap in that cunt of a subject. What a way to ruin my long weekend, damn her. I wish to drop or better yet fail it. Anyway this is supposed to be a happy day, so put that aside.
*OK you can read again* All day I kept watching people holding roses and I sort of wished Fajar bought me one 'cause he wanted to but changed his mind, damn you man. There was a Physics test and I finished it in the first 30 minutes so guess what [I love guessing games], I slept for the rest of the hour :D It was awesome. My first time sleeping in class properly.
After school I got out the class too early so nobody was there. Since I was still half-awake, I just sat down against the pole and attempted to doze again, head on my bag. I started hearing my friends coming but they didn't nudge me so I kept at it. I was nearly asleep when suddenly someone poked my shoulder and a distinct voice said 'Why are you being emo' and I gazed up and saw Fajar. Thanks man.
He was holding a familiar-looking paper... OMG it was the drawing I wanted to secretly send to Hamzah o___O;; He and I discussed about it for a while [some Yr12 guy I think was Luay gave it to Khalid but he gave it to Fajar], me panicking and constantly trying to grab it from him [that boy wouldn't let it go] but Umar got the better of me and he pointed the Periodic Table-enveloped drawing towards the sun in an attempt to make out the content - 'It's a drawing... He's giving her chocolate?' or something like that. Hamzah was standing right next to him -__-;; So I made Fajar give it to Hamzah. He started tearing it open, stupidly not knowing how just because the sides are glued together, but people were looking - I could've sworn my face went hot - so I frantically told him not to see it in public.
Then all was random. I asked Andin about her roses, how suspicious of anonymous, and talked to Khalid about things too. I didn't feel like going to IA so me, Khalid, the Year 6s and Fadhli made our way to the back. Me and that 3rd Isyna conversed as if we've been doing so for a long time - I forgot what about but I think it's the rose thing. It felt nice (: In the car we had our music problems, the file manager is annoying -__-;; We commented of Salmaniye's Green Day freakness plus teased Fadhli of his Jason Mraz fan-ness and everyone sang along, srsly.
At home I felt free even though I has 2 essays and Chemistry write-up to do. Well whatever, I wanted to enjoy my day, which I did, 'cause I ate cow-eyed egg and spaghetti and watched America's Next Top Model and got loads of Facebook photo comments and when my parents talked about Universities I didn't get annoyed and Fajar said something that made me go YESSSSSSS! *evil grin* That idiot and me finally chatted for a long time again, from Asar-ish 'til his typical bedtime and I was touched *touched. Towards the evening we had some sort of dispute about looks which hopefully is sorted out now and at night we argued about this Doubutsu Uranai website, he didn't believe me and I kept talking bad about him so yeah. I knew it was over when he suddenly started typing in gibberish and people's names appeared in 'em so I laughed and laughed.
It's 10:30 and I still didn't do my h/w -___-;; Instead I'm just listening to music, chatting with Carisa and webcamming with Adam.
Yes, what a great day. :)
2 replies:
LOLWT!? Cow-eyed egg? XD
Bullseye sounds kewler. B-)
0.o Tht drawing? Ws it the one tht started tht argument? Or... No, I guess nt. That argument started leter rite? -_-;
cow-eyed egg is telur mata sapi xD
i dnt rele kno th name for it BWAHA
tht drawing ws th one he wnted t rip, bt th argument started bfore it
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