It's like a clock ticking slow in the waiting room
It's like a doctor calling but he's got no news
My heart keeps racing, I don't know what to do
You're giving me anxiety
Like a message in a bottle that nobody read
The famous last words that nobody said
Tell me what is wrong tonight
You're giving me anxiety
It's like a doctor calling but he's got no news
My heart keeps racing, I don't know what to do
You're giving me anxiety
Like a message in a bottle that nobody read
The famous last words that nobody said
Tell me what is wrong tonight
You're giving me anxiety
Well well well, what has been going on to me for the past 2 days [Thursday & Friday]? Nothing. I made no progress at anything whatsoever, not even h/w... Which I had so much willpower to do today but threw away due to anxiety...
Yes, for the past 2 days I've been living under confusion, regret, anxiety and worry. I can only blame myself, who I hate. If it weren't for all the above emotions + hesitation I would be having a better home-time than now. But no. I completely ignored Fajar on Thursday despite his 2 attempts to make up with me, and now today he didn't bother greeting at all - because it's my turn now. But, it's 7PM and I've been babbling to Hamzah since what, 1pm, that I wanted to say something to Fajar soooo bad but I haven't. Oh how idiotic I am.
Well anyway yesterday I played Nameless with Carisa and I really wanted to invite Fajar but my feelings were still processing so I couldn't. So then it was 5 and I went to Villaggio with the Space Sisters, I had to leave him .__. I had a blast though. WE LAUGHED SO HARD [I cried and had trouble breathing] in Virgin because of this magazine called 'Abdominals' and its catch-phrase was 'In pursuit of a perfect midsection'. I MEAN COME ON! And then there was this 6 year old kid browsing through the magazines and we were like wtf and I said 'I bet he is in pursuit of a perfect midsection' and BWAHAHAHAHAH we went XD I think we spent 1 hour there, looking at cool expensive stuff and Teen Magazines which had awesome Taylor Lautner and ugly Zac Efron and Jonases.
We were also in pursuit of Jozali 'cause we found Sally Jozali and uhh we looked at the men's side a lot HIEK. There were TOO MUCH Mohawked Arabs HIH. Then we ate KFC of course and found Hamzah's shoe's pattern on some shoes in GO Sport and there was Fayza but I didn't greet. Our last stop was H&M, we stayed there for 1hour and we had this brilliant idea to get clothes we never wanna wear in our entire lives and play dress-up in the changing room BWAHA. You can see the results up there ^. When it was time to go home I boughts Tiramisu 8) It was mighty fun. But I didn't buy any clothes -__-
So today people went to Dukhan whilst me, Isynas and Sudarsanas were stuck in the compound with nothing to do [Museum dreams shattered]. I think it's also too late to ask everyone now to go to there after KAIFA... I ignored all homework and simply spam-chatted with Hamzah and super-hesitated at greeting Fajar. I even came up with a script! Today was a total waste, srsly. Sigh. Now I only has Saturday and Sunday to do ALL my homework. Oh yeah my dad did a talk with me about Colorado School of Mines and I really don't know what to do anymore. ): I... I JUST WANNA SORT THINGS OUT WITH ME AND FAJAR RIGHT NOWWWWW
Later... OK so now it's 8PM and like I said to Hamzah, I kept my swear and greeted Fajar after I prayed. I vigorously typed my script at a speed of 120km/h with flaming cheeks and a pounding heart.. Wtf? I know that sounds weird but it happens all the time between me and him. He didn't answer for like 5 minutes and I thought I lost all hope but oh look just now he answered... I'M TOO SCARED TO OPEN IT! DX Let us leave this entry with a cliffhanger... [apaan sih?]
5 replies:
LAWL Flaming cheeks and pounding heart. Have u been working out? 0.o
oh cliffhanger hangs.
i kno rite.
its anty
Hi sylphiawings. /waves
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