LOL I was trying on my friend's high heels.
OK so I remember it was Physics and O'Neil was like 'We're gonna learn about Maxwell's Theory' or something like that and suddenly Moh. Akkad started singing 'Maxwell House' and doing these waving hand gestures and it was SOOOOO DAMN FUNNY and I wanted to laugh so hard but I couldn't because I'd be the only one so all I did was smile to myself; he kept SINGING IT ALL LESSON too! XD Only those who know the commercial would start ROFLing over this like Carisa.Greetings all~ Despite Fajar problems which are supposed to be over by now only due to my cowardiceness and late processing I haven't settled it yet, I had a funny week. They can't really be described chronologically so here goes separate paragraphs...
Another Physics thing; we're learning about the Doppler effect you see, and it's when you hear cars zoom past you and it goes 'NGEEEEEEEEEONG', you know? So anyway, O'Neil showed us videos about that term and everytime the video wanted to show how it sounds like all the boys kept going 'NGEEEEEEEEEEEEONG' and oh my God I kept LAUGHING until I cried. Even when the teacher was explaining they kept making that stupid SFX. xD Hilarious. Oh yeah, if you wanna watch the amusing video about it [which includes random cows] and laugh, go here.
Yesterday in Photography it was only me, Carisa and Hamzah so we went all around school to take pictures of nature, when we got to that volleyball field place Hamzah said 'Ooh grass!' in a non-mocking and ridiculous dumbfounded tone [he was literally oohing] and I burst out LAUGHING and cried 'cause God, it was hilarious. Hamzah was being serious so he didn't get it, and Carisa was too far away to hear. Then we moved on to the Year 3 & 4 playground and took pics of bushes and suddenly Hamzah said 'Ooh a spiderweb!' and 'I hate spiders!' AND THIS TIME CARISA HEARD IT TOO SO WE WERE BOTH BWAAAAAAHHAHAHAAHAHAAing XDXDXD SO FUNNAAAY!
It was the end of Maths and me, Lara and Shaza were the last to leave, so effin Griffin called out 'Have a nice weekend girls' and Lara was like 'You too Sir' or something like that and then I said to her 'Lara I can't believe you're bothered to say that, I hate him!' and the thing is we were JUST OUT THE DOOR when I remarked that so Shaza and Lara were like 'SYANIA HE HEARD!!!' and I went 'So what if he knows I hate him?' LOL. You can't be so sure he heard though, 'cause he's quite deaf you see. And what's he gonna do about it, give me detention?
Oh yeah in that tedious lesson I randomly scratched Shaza's book right and after 5 minutes she finally noticed and tipex-ed it and we started snickering. Then effin Griffin's I-hear-laughter-which-isn't-allowed-in-my-boring-and-quiet-class radar turned on so he went over our desk and saw the tipexness and he grinned and said 'What's this? Frustration?' and I was like PFFT IDIH SOK LUCU AMET SIH and after he left me and Shaza were like 'He's trying to be funny but fail' and 'He's such a stalker'.
In the fun lesson we call Chemistry, we were doing an experiment and Yacout was looking for a boiling tube but he couldn't find one in the rack so Parry was like 'Mohamed, here!' and in a quick flash I heard a CRASH and I looked at the floor to see a BROKEN BOILING TUBE which I realised Parry THREW at Yacout to catch but he failed. Then he was like 'Sir you were too fast' or something like that and Parry went 'It's your fault for having slow reflex, now how much should we charge him?' and Fathy said 'QR120' and Yacout kept complaining and Parry kept blaming and I just wanted to LOL at all that.
Music club wasn't as fun as last week so I shall go bla and say that after I prayed Carisa told me Hamzah handed the keyboard over to my custody and I was like WHAT HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO A GIRL? and rage rushed in me, but in the end Carisa wanted to bring it in order to improve her upper muscles or something so I carried her guitar and Cania's stuff -___-;; [wow that was a long sentence] I then got a phone call and saw the name UMAR and I was gonna faint but I picked it up and he urged me to stay at school 'cause I'm carrying the keyboard so just wait at the gate OK and bla3 concern stuff and when I hung up I went FAAAAAAAINT 'cause hello, it was UMAR?!? And who knew he could say such nice stuff like that? I was literally flying. But then when I went home and told Hamzah he said that... it was HIM. What shattered dreams I had, it was too good to be true. But but but ... Hamzah's voice was cool.
In the car we listened to music as usual and when I turned on Your Guardian Angel Umar started singing those high parts and it was SOOOOO EPIC FAIL so I couldn't help but to grin 'cause seriously... SO FAIL! I can't believe he wasn't embarassed doing that in front of me.
OK I had fun typing all that, the next entry I can assure you will be less delightful HAHA.
4 replies:
LOL MAXWELL HOUSE. lame lyrics n tunes.
btw th vids i find very useful
ngyah i dont get it
LOL is he tht deaf. n LOL HAHA WTH how is frustration got to do with tip ex?
HAHA th athletic n th non. or maybe parry was just acting all cool. but hes a pro javelin thrower so myeah.
u find it very useful bt u dnt get it? WTZEHALL
well idk if he's deaf bt he never hears me when i take out chips from my bag n th plastic goes kresek2
uhh.. dude i ws SCRATCHING.. when ppl get frustrated smetimes they scratch or doodle n stuff..
PFFT u kno tht parry's a pro javelin thrower?! idk yacout's p.e. skills bt i heard he takes AS P.e. so uhh.. yea
i thought you spelt yacout's name yakout... or whatever, it's still yakuut.
yea it is yakout bt for sme reason evryone else spells it yacout.
u gives minor comment u u
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