Oh hay gaiz, I know this is late but Saturday and Sunday rawked better than Thursday and Friday [which didn't, except Villaggio] so I have to type about it .
Saturday, hmmh. Well there was KAIFA in which the Space Sisters did not attend so I sat next to Nisa. Tante Lina subbed for Bu Fajri and the lesson was finally FUN. I miss having her as our teacher ); She talked about Ithar or something like that, it's to do with sacrificing yourself to help others. When I got out of the class I immediately talked to Hamzah and watched as Fajar totally ignored me despite last night... Oh well. He left early so it was just me and the Isynas, Nisa was with Dindor. I told Hamzah my Umar dream concerning fireworks and practically fangirled. I kept my voice to a minimum in hopes nobody heard.
[ Beware Cania ] Well at home I was very eager to do my Maths homework so I did. But in the process, I saw my idiot friend open up a chat - God, I was so tempted to reply but if I didn't endure it my work will never be done. So I just swore at Hamzah occasionally when I got really fucking stressed with the questions. THEY WERE SO HARD AND ANNOYING!
When I finally finished at 5, Hamzah and Nisa told me to go outside. Fajar was offline too so I thought he was with them, therefore I rushed but as I reached Nisa's house I found out he wasn't. It was just Nisa and Hamzah and they were looking at each other's DT folders. We laughed at Hamzah's SKY logo and I marvelled at Nisa's range of designs and colours. At Maghrib-ish I thought about Kempo 'cause Fajar smsed me but after a few minutes he suddenly appeared from behind me and looked at Nisa's folder in which he was told to choose from purple/yellow/red or something. He chose purple and we made a big deal out of it :D We talked as if we never had a fight for 5 days. 20 minutes passed with us talking and stuff; Fajar went home to pray and I to Nisa's. We Facebooked but then I suggested a movie 'cause Hamzah was being lame and couldn't go outside.
I looked at my MSN at home whilst getting movies and saw Fajar's nickname coloured PURPLE AHAHAHA such an idiot xD He told me it's his new favourite colour. Anyway back at the Ulumuddin household we began watching Harold and Kumar 2, I told Fajar to hurry and come over and he did - it was just us 3. Ahoushi kept fiddling with my phone and said he lost the other half of the human chain -__-;; I also speculated his Ben 10 watch toeng. Anyway, OMG the movie is soooo funny [we all laughed out loud of course] but suddenly a really rude part appeared 1/3 of the way so we had to exit, padahal it was nice D: Fortunately I had backup movies! :D Shoot 'Em Up was freaking bloody actionish but so funny especially when the guy shot neon lights spelling 'FUK U' and the enemy shot more lights and it spelled 'FUK U TOO', we 3 LAUGHED AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED at that. But then ANOTHER rude scene came in and Fadhli was behind us soooooo yeaaaaah -__-;; Bye2 movie #2.
Thank God we already exited 'cause Tante Lisna came home [XDXDXD] and Fajar transferred himself to Fadhli's room but at 8:30 he went home 'cause he felt sleepy, although after 5 minutes he opened up a chat to say he can't sleep and wondered 'bs msi dsitu?' like 4x. He wanted to come back but his mom already locked the door, right. So me and Nisa watched The Haunting Hour and there was Jake Ryan and boy, we LOLed at that guy A LOT. Nisa kept saying 'lol Jake Ryan' and 'Peace on you Jake Ryan' in a STUPID accent and I kept rolling over laughing because of them XD He was cute in the movie *-* but Nisa had something against him xD Anyway it was such an unscary movie so we laughed a lot at the lameness - it was generally entertaining nevertheless. I went home at 9:48 after much LOLing.
This entry came out longer than I expected o___O;; Sunday shall be next.
I looked at my MSN at home whilst getting movies and saw Fajar's nickname coloured PURPLE AHAHAHA such an idiot xD He told me it's his new favourite colour. Anyway back at the Ulumuddin household we began watching Harold and Kumar 2, I told Fajar to hurry and come over and he did - it was just us 3. Ahoushi kept fiddling with my phone and said he lost the other half of the human chain -__-;; I also speculated his Ben 10 watch toeng. Anyway, OMG the movie is soooo funny [we all laughed out loud of course] but suddenly a really rude part appeared 1/3 of the way so we had to exit, padahal it was nice D: Fortunately I had backup movies! :D Shoot 'Em Up was freaking bloody actionish but so funny especially when the guy shot neon lights spelling 'FUK U' and the enemy shot more lights and it spelled 'FUK U TOO', we 3 LAUGHED AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED at that. But then ANOTHER rude scene came in and Fadhli was behind us soooooo yeaaaaah -__-;; Bye2 movie #2.
Thank God we already exited 'cause Tante Lisna came home [XDXDXD] and Fajar transferred himself to Fadhli's room but at 8:30 he went home 'cause he felt sleepy, although after 5 minutes he opened up a chat to say he can't sleep and wondered 'bs msi dsitu?' like 4x. He wanted to come back but his mom already locked the door, right. So me and Nisa watched The Haunting Hour and there was Jake Ryan and boy, we LOLed at that guy A LOT. Nisa kept saying 'lol Jake Ryan' and 'Peace on you Jake Ryan' in a STUPID accent and I kept rolling over laughing because of them XD He was cute in the movie *-* but Nisa had something against him xD Anyway it was such an unscary movie so we laughed a lot at the lameness - it was generally entertaining nevertheless. I went home at 9:48 after much LOLing.
This entry came out longer than I expected o___O;; Sunday shall be next.
2 replies:
SNICKERS. Jake Ryan. xD I thot it was scary or sumthing.
Anyways HE sounded sweet there somehow MUAHAHA. I observe...
0.0 So basically, Saturday was a movie night?
jake ryan makes it funny HEHE.
n yes2 HE dus. :D
anyway it ws movie night indeed, n it ws fun yes
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