Tell me why, does it have to be like this? When so many need somebody, we don't give a helping hand
You can burn our mosques and our homes and our schools but our spirit will never die. We will not go down, Ghaza tonight
You can burn our mosques and our homes and our schools but our spirit will never die. We will not go down, Ghaza tonight
Well anyway it was quite the hectic weekend. I shall explain each day in brief [my kind of brief is different than yours kthx].
Uh seriously I was not fond of today. The weather was still awesomely stormy though but so was my insides. Parry came back and Chemistry continued its amusingness. I talked to Adam 3x today concerning Carisa's card and in 2nd break also about FAJAR. He is acting weird. I talked to that boy after school asking what's wrong and all that but he only shook his head and said no, grr. I was pissed off. I went to badminton and the participants decreased in number. I can has played with Carisa, Farhan, Indra and Kerry. Hamzah was the last man standing; the space sisters got to be with Umar and I was like.. D: Mau jugaaaaa. Bonnar put weird background musics and we laughed at 'em several times.
Hmmh, at home I sorted things out with ef ay jay ay ar. But to my surprise, he ignored me all night. It's hard having a good-looking person do that to you. Everyone was rehearsing for the Palestine thing so I felt far away, but I'm not complaining OK. I got really bored. Walked around everywhere frequently [it was cold but I liked it], Anty and Ocha especially o___O;; I didn't eat dinner either. 'Til 11 we stayed in the clubhouse doing stuff. Huh, it was quite boring basically.
Ohemgii today sucked tooo. I woke up at 10:30 after having a weird dream and my entire body ached, it felt like I fell on my behind. I was meant to go to villaggio with my school mates but I cancelled it 'cause I was moody x__x;; It got the better of me as usual. I ended up going to the Gladi Bersih though at around 5, 'cause well, I don't wanna miss anything.
Came early with Nisa and the Isynas. She went in but I stuck around in the hall admiring the posters and conversing with Dasa. Yeah I spent most of my time with that cute kid, if only he's a teenager I think we could be really good friends. I talked to Khalid a lot too *sparkles. And Hamzah, but that's normal. Weeell, what can I say, they rehearsed, I watched and recorded, mingled with others but at the end felt like sitting alone listening to music. Fajar ignored me agaaaain. Oh, and I got to meet Hamzah's new piano. He should give it a name.
It's so weird how today was awesome but Fri and Thurs wasn't yet last week Saturday sucked but Fri and Thurs rocked o___O;; *still didn't type about it yet! How opposite, haha. Well anyway I've got videos and photos to explain everything so I'll just mention how I was standing around watching a performance when suddenly Fajar said hallo but I didn't know at who but he was standing next to me. Then he said look at all my pins and pointed at his pants and shoes. I just looked at him for a second and kept quiet being the un-bigheaded person I am. After that I took care of a stand with the boys and he was strangely enough sitting beside me watching me work whilst conversing with the lads and he brought up pin man to me. That's when I realised he's talking to me again, I knew he couldn't stand it HAHA *bighead now?
From then onwards, I had a lot of fun that I was able to capture even when my video memory got full and my camera battery was dying. Didn't expect anything good from this weekend at all, but I got 'em anyway, alhamdulillah. When the panitia were the only ones left me, Dhe3, Nisa, CC and the Isynas talked about school and all that stuff - well, I just listened, as usual. Oh and Umar was too preoccupied with his guitar. Leave his awesomeness be.
At home I felt too free to do my work, I have free lesson anyway. Got accepted to Colorado School of Mines and got chicken to tell my dad. He was too enthusiastic about it .__.;; I don't even really wanna go there. Put all that aside, I really did have a great day and I think I feel fine now. Fajar feels fine too so all is good (:
Semoga sekolah mendukung juga? Haha, amin! :D
3 replies:
so..bothered to type all that...
but way shorter than the usuals nonetheless
this isnt 'all tht' at all, u type this much too . o___O;;
s'just cz my font is smaller.
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