I had an awesome weekend [Thurs, Flash Duels & Fri, Random nightage], I'll type about it tomorrow I guess 'cause I need to work on my essay right now, but I wanted to blog something first 'cause I'm desperate.
I was so glad to attend KAIFA today 'cause we worked on posters weee! I was able to conduct the idea I've had for weeks onto paper [top pic] and I gotta say I'm quite pleased with the pose and the flower but I couldn't do the destroyed buildings. It took me like 1 hour to draw the kid, you know? -__-;; S'not as easy as you think.
When I was done, the lesson was over too so I went out to the hall place but there were no girls around. I struck up a conversation with Hamzah I think and then Fajar barged in and he began blabbing on about how hey I can play the guitar now; see look this is D, this is A, and this is C. He randomly pulled up his shirt at me and showed off his accessories -__-;; We conversed some more then he ran off to the guys and I remembered about my poster so I showed Hamzah and then Fajar too; since it didn't look clear on the screen I invited Hamzah to come over to the class to see the real thing but he declined although Fajar was like I wanna see, let's go and so we walked to the emptier class.
Later on I went downstairs and as I waited for Ocha I talked to Fajar again, then me and my family and the twins headed for our cars. However, there was a small crowd gathering around the car in front of mine and it turns out that the person accidentally got locked out. I didn't know why they made such a big deal, but after 10 minutes I looked through the window and realised that there was an infant trapped inside o____o He was very young so he couldn't understand when the parents told him to pull open the door. I was like ohmyGod, worried, but then felt relieved that the AC was on. I wanted to sms Hamzah about it but suddenly I turned around and saw him walking towards us so I told him everything and he was like oAo. The crowd grew as minutes passed by and I think I stayed there for 30 minutes. Nisa and Dhe3's family came later on and there were even police. I sort of found it cool and secretly recorded everything like what Hamzah suggested. Firstly the security and fathers tried to pry open the window with a ruler but then the police and Fadhli was it? came to the rescue with real tools. It was epic; they unfixed the window and the kid was saved, alhamdulillah. Me and Hamzah repetitively mentioned how they should've broken the glass instead 'cause it would be cooler. And easier, of course xD
I bought a 500GB hard disk drive at Jarir. Anyway, the afternoon was a total dramatic turnover from the past 2 days. It was reaaaaaaaaaaally quiet. Silent. I chatted with Matar but it still felt too peaceful. 0.0 Aaaaaah how I hated it all. I like quiet guys but for some reason want noise from them. How weird am I? Actually I like quiet guys who know how to be loud. Oh well, we all needed rest didn't we? I was meant to be doing Carisa's card and my essay but for some reason I wouldn't budge. I wanted to chat with Fajar but I knew he was busy with NLRO. At Maghrib though, noise emerged. Nisa opened up a chat, Fajar asked if I wanted to play NLRO [his PM said he was bored, someone play nlro with me and I knew he was talking abt myself HAHA] and then later on Cania and Adam appeared. Plus, Facebook ws overloaded with comments.
It was impossible to leave the laptop 'cause I had such a profound conversation with ahoushi. It was a really sad one and this time we both poured out everything, except tears. I was so relieved to hear him out, but got hurt in the process. It wasn't just me though. He was hurt too. He told me something about himself which makes me feel like I've been a bad best friend. In the end though I think we settled it evenly but I don't know if I'll stop getting pain inflicts or not. When I look back I wish I never knew about those things he said but curiosity got the better of me anyway. He already reminded me that he doesn't want to tell me because I'd feel 'something2' [aka hurt] and he was right all along. I should've followed what he said and stopped asking; I didn't know he knew me so well, maybe I would've been happier not knowing. Nevertheless, I was too thankful for words to hear him tell me that I'm his no.1 friend, or only, he thinks.
Amongst that deep chat, I had hilarious ones with Adam and Nisa. Adam never intends to make me laugh of course, but the things he say are just too funny, and Nisa showed me a stupid song and a hilarious vid which I kept laughing at. Some Facebook stuff were funny too and I think all that laughing caused me to take the Fajar convo a little less in. Without those smiles I think I would've cried/broken down or something 0.0;; It was nearly my appointed bedtime [9:00pm] but I never started my work, I just chatted chatted chatted. Noise can be shit sometimes. It's now 10:20, huh -___-;; I blogged longer than I wanted to.
I wish I fall in love, I forgot what it feels like
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