With my awesome Storm ring.
Today was a great day! I'm glad I wasn't one of those people who hates Wednesdays. As usual, hometime was a turnover but I don't wanna talk about it.
Anyway in the morning I was stressing over my Maths test 'cause I didn't study last night, I was too busy working on an exercise 'til 12:30 AM [which flippin' Griffin doesn't wanna take in yet]. I slept in the car though 'cause I couldn't stand the sleepiness. In fact, in my free lesson I kept taking 5-minute dozes inbetween my last-hour revising. It felt greaaat.
The exam was bull. I know I lost more than 8 marks already. I skipped an entire question - the paper was just too 'challenging' or should I say difficult. I only blame 20% to myself though for not studying.
We had Physics in the library and it was great fun 'cause me and Jana talked about our future inventions. It was such a hilarious conversation, we're too imaginative and dreamy - but have high ambitions. When we grow up we want to be trillionaires and kill Jews and give 10% of our profits to save the hungry children of Ethiopia. Yeah.
Chemistry was pure freedom. God, it was so funny and fun [as usual]. I discovered that Parry got bitten by a cat and was sent to the hospital, so we had no teacher. The boys were wild, they played volleyball with a glove buddy and used chairs for the net. They scribbled on the whiteboard and jumped across tables, and only Ahmed Almeer was the responsible one who wrote down what we were supposed to be doing. They constantly went in and out of the room and hung in front of the window xD Speaking of window, when one of the guys opened the curtain they exclaimed at how the yellow the sky was and everyone rushed over to see. They started talking about aliens or something, but obviously it was a sandstorm. An epic one. Abdu suddenly appeared outside and jumped in from the window. Then the Heads felt responsible and decided to call up MacLeod and the dudes began going YESS YESS and pumping fists. We didn't do our work though. Us 3 girls chatted about TV shows instead for 30 minutes. Aweesome.
After school I blabbed to Hamzah and Cania about the lesson, and Parry. I wanted Fajar to hear but I think he got the impression I was aiming at Hamzah only. That boy really is acting strange now. Carisa showed me Iwan's card and it was soooooooooo damn hilarious, I kept laughing. Then I found out how everyone's going to Music Club so I decided to join too. Plus I'm free.
I hung around with Carisa first but she ended up in the trailer [Hamzah came over too for some odd reason] where it was so hot so I went outside and played with Indira, Ifa and Cania. Then I had an idea to go to the drumshed, I invited Cania and dragged Hamzah to join. It was packed so we went back. I loved the weather - the sky was brown and dark, it was really windy and everything felt great. Sort of.
Umar brought his electric guitar and I thought that I could've died of fangirl hearbeat attack. Well anyway me, Cania and Indira wanted to break open doors so we can go on the roof then found a rolling chair stranded in front of the Tech Block and brought it over to the yard. We wanted to jackass with it but I feared getting in trouble, oh why did I care. Even Iwan commented about that.
Soon I joined in with the boys and remembered that Umar 'cn play fall for you nyhehe' so I asked him to. He finally did towards the end and I watched and listened intently. Everybody left the area already 'cept Cania, Indira and Ifa who stuck around for a minute so it was just me and him after. It felt like he was [secondhand] serenading me and I savoured the precious moment, *dreamy sigh*. He didn't memorise the lyrics though and struggled to get the chords right but maybe he was just nervous :D Me and Cania waited for him to pack up then we walked to the Masjid, just me and the twins. I noticed that Fajar didn't wait for Umar, huh ._.
On the wild, sandy and windy way there I showed that guy a song and he actually asked me questions and bent over to see my mobile *dies*. Waiting for the car took forever so I just conversed with the 3 older Isynas. By the way I talked more with Khalid at school too :D
The car trip was freakishly quiet.
I Created the Storm
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Essay by syania/bs at 7:41 pm
Labels: humorous, schoolness, youknowho
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2 replies:
you know what they say, the calm before the storm.
i put a smiley face at th end for guten tag xD
orele? ure rite.
bt it ws sorta uncalm after th storm too.
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