LOL I know this is epicly late but uhh Sunday the 22nd is worth talking about for there are no photos so here's an entry about it!
So I woke up at 6-ish 'cause Fajar wanted to play outside but then he smsed saying he wanted to wait for Umar so I slept again and at 7:20 I jolted up and got ready, left the house at 7:40 but they weren't there. I was too late -__-;; Pissed off, I went back inside and did normal laptop stuff and discovered that they were all [besides Hamzah 'cause he's an individualist like myself - or is he?] in the clubhouse 'cause Fajar uselessly smsed me. Meh, I didn't feel like going there ['specially as the only girl and with no activity], but that boy literally told me to 7x. Behold...
(09:33) | . T r e n t .: just come
(09:39) | . T r e n t .: come here
(09:43) | . T r e n t .: come here
(09:46) | . T r e n t .: get here then
(10:05) | . T r e n t .: get here and ask
(10:42) | . T r e n t .: so come here
(10:59) | . T r e n t .: rnt u gunna come heer
(09:39) | . T r e n t .: come here
(09:43) | . T r e n t .: come here
(09:46) | . T r e n t .: get here then
(10:05) | . T r e n t .: get here and ask
(10:42) | . T r e n t .: so come here
(10:59) | . T r e n t .: rnt u gunna come heer
OK I find it pretty funny now but I still really appreciate it. Anyway Nisa finally came alive and we decided to go there, I brought my laptop in hopes I can get some ICT done [which I didn't]. Upon arrival, the idiot totally ignored me -__-;; He just talked to Nisa and the guys, ugh. I set up my laptop near Umar's and was totally reluctant about it - he knew about the dream I had yesterday and bla3. When I wanted to unplug the ... plug... thing, the socket made sparks and I got freaked out so I think I said to Umar/the guys, 'I'm scared, can any of you be a man and unplug this for me?' and that guy made no signs of generosity but Fajar casually plugged it off without a word glek. Cold kindness. Huzzah, Hamzah came afterwards and he set up his laptop next to mine and we tried to get connection and he succeeded and I failed in mass amounts - but I kept trying. CC came at around 12 and just hung about and me and Carisa speculated videos and I did something I thought would be unnoticeable but Fajar noticed and it lead to him having a scary PM along the lines of 'u sed all tht thru th internet.. n now IRL?' and a hideously bad mood which we talked about when us girls went to my house. Alhamdulillah the argument didn't last long 'cause I surrendered but he surrendered too and I knew all was good when he, I and Carisa played Nameless together 8D Our names were .Guardian Angel., Devil Protector and Vigilant Being respectively and I found it to be tons of fun in the sun OK ignore that part.
Later at 4:30 or something we made our way outside to the brilliant fresh air consisting of wind and ... brilliant fresh air! Awesome! =D All was random I guess. Everybody was there, srsly. We played with Ocha's chicken [threw it and tried to catch one leg with our fingers] and weeped at the poor Lego Box that was thrown away and kicked balls and messed about. We also talked but I forgot of the subjects, although the future was one of 'em... Well whatever. Suddenly Fajar invited me to play Badminton despite my commentary of the air conditions and as he made his way to the door Carisa made this HILARIOUS weird noise and we 3 burst out laughing. After obtaining 2 rackets me and Fajar played against each other with Carisa being our net. The boys were footballing and kept aiming at Carisa whilst Cania, Nisa and Hamzah discussed Hamzah's life. I was looking at him, mesmerised, as the wind blew on his hair and then I said 'Your hair blows nicely against the wind' and he snapped 'I'm talking about my life here!' and my compliment turned into something of a joke I laughed so hard at XD The Badminton game was unfair 'cause the wind resulted in the shuttlecock flying south east. I had more running to do than Fajar who mostly just STOOD THERE when he hit. It was a fun game :D
Back at my house me, Carisa and Cania mingled 'til around 8pm laughing hysterically at Hooskanoonan aka Huskanenen or however you spell it and that was practically it. I expected a good school week :)
8 replies:
What kind of chicken WAS it? 0.0
OH and THAT'S the day where u got that 'I'm talking 'bout my life here' bit. XD
Glad no argument broke out. =.=
it ws a squeaky toy chicken xDD
anyway yea, glad, bt nt anymore cz we got in another one on friday -__-
TUT x100
Well, you guys always find a way to get back together...
Hang in there. D:
hehehehe amin :D
dnt worry i am hanging on.
theyre copied cds!! lots of important files
wat did u do to it??
important! yea rite, if they wer ud take em with u!
i dd nothin
most of them i have it here, theyre back up -_-
why is it a mess then??
bcuz i ws seeing if any of em wer empty
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