There's only one way two say three words four you : I love you
Plain White T's - 1234 [ it's such a cute, feel-good song :) ]
Well anyway this entry is basically about school from the 23rd to the 25th. It was a very happy week but unfortunately nothing special enough and out-of-the-ordinary happened to be listed here. All I remembered was that Parry threw another test tube at Yacout and this time it hit the wall and all the bits of glass fell into into innocent Abdulrahman [who I used to call Abdy]'s bag and he spent some time clearing it all up xD Me and Hamzah had Primary as usual and in Photography club we did a lamez topic: Doubles then me and Carisa stalked someone HAHA. Everyday's 12:45pm-1pm session were very joyous too for I mingled with Fajar yayayay :D He talked about braces and kept forgetting to bring his phone's USB cable -__- The Parisians returned on Wednesday and Farah made a large deal out of the prank she did on Fajar and to be honest it annoyed the hell out of me. In Music club I talked with Fajar and Khalid for 15 minutes or so then resided with the girls - there was Arif and Adam. In the end when I was walking with Hamzah with Fajar and Umar in the front and Khalid much further something very interesting happened 0.0 But it's confidential ;D Someone was also being very cold to me, but it's been like that since the start of the week ._.Well that's it, short eh? I lived in all those 3 days though.
O'Neil wrote this LOL. Do you get it?
7 replies:
Aww the Plain White T's was cute.
It sounded happy. 0.0 U sed u were gonna post one sad one in FB tho.
AND WOW THAT WAS SHORTER THAN UR USUAL STANDARD! XD I wanna know the interesting thingy. TT.TT
Tho I dnt get it.
th song is even cuter 8D
yes2 i am gunna post a sad one bt after 2 more happy ntries XD wt, u wnt sad stuff?
AHAHAHA th interesting thingy is secret.. n sigh, i guess th whiteboard joke isnt easy t cmprehend.
i don't get teh whiteboard joke for i am lame.
send me the song it sounds nice :D
NOOO nobody gets it!
only me n my classmate jana -o-
something very interesting happened
tis t do with khalid
thts all th info im giving out >D
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