I ws havin a ball yesterday. actually i kinda forgot y o___O;;
o wait it ws bcuz of school magazine n err RO ws noisy.
in school magazine me n fajar partnered up [apparently, if he ddnt team up with me he wudnt have a job n so he cant join] n talkd abt th SPENDING TIME comic we're gunna do tgether. it ws fun actually just sittin by th corner of a desk doodling things on paper n hearin fajar sniff n laughin abt dumb stuff n talkin abt random things along th hour. at times i conversed with cania n hamzah too bt most of th time it ws just him n i i wont ever forget it
n th stupid thing is idk WHY either T____T
i just feel th need t be upset or angry at somethin
well, i have lots of essays t do too.. n i ddnt even start em T~T wt has yr12 done t my used-t-be diligent self?
btw in 1st lesson aka FREE LESSON i turned on my HP n plugged in my earphones.
n an sms came.
n my joel keep ur hands off my phone ringtone rang.
since i ws wearin my earphones i thot i ws hearin it thru my earphones.
bt then evryone in th room [girls AND guys btw] turned t luk at me
n i realised it ws loudspeakered
HOW MMALUKAN XD bt i ddnt feel anythin~
oh another btw, somethin happened in 1st break [ pls note i used pseudonym (nama samaran; fake name) cz th material below cud be offensive to th actual individual XD ] n i shall tell u abt it now.
I ws using face paper on me face. it ws very oily apparently. i probably had t use like 2.0x10^3 sheets.. well anyway, afterwards dhea n carisa started t talk abt th brminyak boys - mr.hair, egg and jenggot. i then remarked tht egg isnt brminyak-y anymore n th 2 replied tht he formerly ws. anyway after tht i totally forgot how th convo flowed in chronological order so i shall ngasal2 put these bullet points:-
- we imagined tht egg wud need more than 4 sheets of face paper t wipe off all th oil on his face. then i sed tht he wud need an A3 sheet insted n me dhea n carisa LAUGHED UNCONTROLLABLY LIKE HELL ampe me n carisa cried.
- with th excess oil in the sheets, egg is able to PERES IT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN FRESH OIL XDDXD THEN HE MAKES A COMPANY CALLED EGG PETROLEUM BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA XDXDXDXDDX *me n carisa laughed gila at tht too.
- i then sed u kno th way my dad goes t dukhan t drill oil from th ground? well in EGG PETROLEUM, th employees simply use face paper n peres their minyak trus djual XDDXDX *WE LAUGHED AT THT TOO [ah we laughed at evrything]
I THINK THTS ENUFF. XD me n carisa laughed th most altho she ws th only one tht turned red. cz i cant do tht.
EDIT AS OF 8PM: GREAT IM IN AN EVEN WORSE MOOD NOW THERFORE I DNT BOTHER DOIN ALL MY ESSAYS!! GOD WT DO I DO? am i always th one tht has to deal with such sadness + difficulty in such a limited time?
7 replies:
thx :DDDD
and nice templateee ^^
How embarrassing tchtch
keep your hands of mae phone 8D
MG YOUR PHONE RANG??? that's scary. if i was you i would've just ran XD
LAWL tht ringtone is so funneh. the ahh hah part is gay lol. n u actually bothered to upload jim n put bolds n italics n such t2h botherpants
@ cania:- THT WUD BE MORE EMBARASSING BAKA. *slaps* @ hamzah:- no its not gay! its sexy. KKHEKEIKHE well if u ddnt KNO, my dA journal had bolds n italics too t2h
oh alot of things JRENG < thts th onion/panda emote
duh u dont cuz i keep secrets from other people jim
my thots shall scare j00 n no im not mean, im just...expressing meself
n i like propper grammar n spelling oho
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