straight to th point.
i ddnt get detention from griffin even tho i obviously ddnt finish off 2 exercises for th h/w o__O;; oh well. XD in chemistry we wer doin an experiment n i accidentally knockd over a bottle of methyl orange which parry sed ws VERY EXPENSIVE n it went all over th counter n i thot i ws a goner bt luckily mohammed fathy n th afdal lukin guy calld ahmed n majd n sarah who saw th incident ddnt tell me off. XD fathy even helped me get tissue t wipe tht horrible indicator off. it went all over my hands.. also, parry ws too engrossed with th computer so he ddnt hear at all when ahmed isengly sed 'uh oh somebody spilled somethin' a bit too loud or wtever. in free lesson i dropped my chemistry book n then my sharpener.. wts with me n droppin things? in ict haya sed tht i lukd depressed/moody/sad/as if somethins wrong with me. i thot wt on earth, r my facial expressions so obvious? ._. she's not th only one tht has been able t tell how im feelin. anyway inbetween classes n even after school i always see fajar all smiley n stuff with khalid n whoever. n whenever he's alone he dusnt luk my way n neither do i bt i ngelirik a bit. i guess i dnt need t ask how he's doin, from th luks of it he seems fine .__.
tday i FINALLY went home at 1pm insted of 2 n ws cramped in th isyna mobile. on th way ther me hamzah salmaniye ocha n cania bla wer talkin abt salmaniye's spiderwick book. in th car nisa told me her interestin life stories [ th ones in her blog ] whilst we listend t quietdrive songs all th way thru. at home i played RO n we succeeded in lukin for pharaoh whilst hamzah failed at bein a hero *dnt worry hamzah u can be a hero IRL insted ;] when umar sed he aint comin t kempo tday yet i thot of a flat 'boohoo' bt when fajar sed he wnted t skip th 1st day i ws down in th dumps. GAH i dnt wanna care abt him anymore bt evry little thing tht happens concernin tht idiotic boy i always havta ponder abt. its not fair ;___; he is so focused on RO n umar n havin fun so y am i th only one tht hasta put up with th thinkin of us even tho i dont WANT to? im always th one with th heavy burden.. GOD HELP ME!!
anyway bfore i left t go t dnf's for kempo i checkd my msn n fajar's status ws idle n i ws guessin 'maybe he's comin after all' bt then i reconsidered tht n thot 'as if' n i ws rite. when we reached, th kbri ws freakin dark. ther ws boii fariz dll, dhe3 CC errin dnf n me. it feels weird not havin arya appear from th gate shoutin 'assalamualaikum' as he always dd when he ws still here.. in th 1st 30 minutes i kept peekin at th gate JUST INCASE.. u kno.. bt eventually i stopped cz i ws havin a lot of fun with evryone else thus i forgot abt my troubles.
we received certificates n alif's hair got spikier. sensei hadi taught us girls like 3 new techniques n th one with ze kick at th end ws confusin. wt ws it again? oshi uke? ya gtu lah. XD me n dhe3 wer partners for th 1.5hr kyu session n we had infinity laughs abt lots of stupid n random stuff. her legs r too freakin long so we had trouble with tht XD she n i discussed th many ways we can imagine -censored- do kempo. it ws freakin HILARIOUS n entertainin n i kept laughin so hard my throat ws dry n i started t cough n cania who stood next t dhe3 listenin t our bizzare fantasies ws like tutut n wth. when sensei hadi left us t do partner stuff, we sat down n talkd [ bcuz me n dhe3 wer too busy talkin abt uknowt ]after a while of doin it. we then played kotak pos n carisa who ws th loser ws ordered by me t run around in a circle 3x around boii fariz dkk who ws in a huddle XD we wnted t play truth or dare aftawards bt we hadta be taught a new jurus. btw i ddnt forget most of th stuff we learnt bfore th summer ;DD
ther wer so many other things we laughed at bt since they wer too random n sometimes based on th same topic i totally forgot wt they wer. all i can say is it ws such a great start for a new kempo year n i hope even if im always sad n isolated in school, kempo can cheer me up no matter wt, just like tday. =D *amin
Kempo Start :]
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 11:02 pm
Labels: emofajaring, humorous, kemprot, schoolness, youknowho
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2 replies:
what kind of "straight to th point" IS THIS? HAHAHAHA.
its still long. JIM.
i wana do fenciiiiiiiiiiiing !! .
i meant like.. straight to th point wt th day ws XD
go do it them. *jim*
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