Mehh i just thot i shud post this.. its pretty bloggy anyway n sums up tday's feelings
I live: in a place i dont think i belong in anymore .x.
I work: bcuz its th only thing worth doing for something
I think: abt only 2 things evry single hour of my life as of now, th rest r occasionally
I smell: bcuz i have a nose.
I listen: t my head more than my heart i think..
I hide: from hiding, cz i am not afraid t show myself
I walk: quite quickly so as t not waste time n it feels better like tht n th Prophets walk fast too
I write: very small, close tgether n in large amounts abt anythin in my mind
I see: tht u are so much happier without me ):
I sing: in a low voice so i wont be heard by others cz my voice sucks
I can: try
I watch: somebody who never luks at me
I daydream: abt realistic things tht in th end turn out as fantasies
I fall: n have stopped rising
I want: t go t heaven cz its th only place wher i can rise
I cry: for its one of th few things tht can comfort me
I read: lots of quotes n song lyrics n comics~
I love: Allah SWT
I rode: tnte ita's car this afternoon in sheer silence
I sometimes: wonder wt im supposed t be doin for my future
I fear: Allah SWT, dying n someone leave
I hope: tht my future will be brighter *amin
I eat: in little amounts cz i hardly have an appetite now
I drink: cold water a lot
I play: more than i work which is bad
I miss: yr11 n yr10 n *cough*
I forgive: .. idk
I drive: my head into walls with my stupid actions
I lost: a piece of myself
I dream: tht my dreams will come true again
I kiss: shrugs
I hug: ppl in my imagination
I have: started slackin more often since yr12
I remember: th things i want t forget
I don't: kno wt im supposed t do... cz maybe im not meant t be doin anythin T~T
I believe: tht its all 1-sided
I owe: lots of drawings t ppl x___x;;
I know: tht i will never be th same again
I hate: a lot of things
I wish: tht ud show me urself
Maybe I should: start my ict h/w n review maths then sleep
People would say that I'm: very emo bt i prefer th words sentimental/sensitive/moody kthx
I don't understand: y nothing's happening
Life is full of: things tht always reverse ur mood at th wrong times
My past is: 3485430% happier than my present
I get annoyed when: ppl assume things at me n wont listen t me
Parties are: things id like t go to
Tomorrow: will be like any other day unless somethin changes
Never in my life have I: felt this abandoned
When I was younger, I: hardly had t worry abt anythin
When I'm nervous: i can totally feel it
When I was 5: idk cz i dnt remember anythin in my life bfore i ws 6yrs old
My life is not complete without: u n happiness
If you visit my hometown: u may find it very homely
I once dreamt that: u wer th one tht came over when i ws hurt
The world could do without: super rich celebrities
If I ever go back to school: *which i still go to* then ill just go on with my days as normal
And, by the way: yes i am a very sad person.
I, Aku, Saiia, Me
Monday, 20 October 2008
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2 replies:
sigh t2h ur so emo n yet bothered 2 do these things u_u
n im not bothered 2 read em all ;P
COUGH i sed i prefer t be calld moody/sentimental/sensitive than emo >___>
of course im bothered.
bcuz moody ppl like t express their moody feelings D8 n these kinda stuff is th best way =D
yea2 i kno ure not cz ure so happy lalala
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