well2 after 6/5 weeks of bein in yr12 i guess i shall type abt how it is. th next entry's abt tday~
chemistry: i actually understand. n even tho its quite confusin liek most of th time i always ask parry abt it so yea. he teaches a bit too fast tho n he dusnt write notes on th board so we havta come up with th descriptions n stuff ourselves .__.;; evry thursday we have a practical lesson n i think its fun 8DD;; when i first scanned th textbook i ws liek WTF IS THIS bt now im prolly startin t like th subject. i dnt have any friends here sadly bt thers this new girl calld lara n i guess i can talk to her tho =D bsides, i dnt rele need a friend cz th class is already lively with th actual teacher n th stupid guys [ specially mohammed yakout ]. thers even a guy thts mirip afdal :D *irrelevant
ict: gah i hate ict now. i has peachey n watkins n we havta do like 34890 essays.. ALL TH TIME! n we havta make this STUPID e-portfolio with billions of analysis n other buncha crap. *sorry if tht word offends u cania or whoever* i dnt have any friends here bt like in chem thers a new girl calld haya n i talk to her too. shes th kind tht u can say wtever u want to yet not seem as if ure sok akrab. i cant even listen t music anymore cz thers loadsa explanations n stuff T-T o well..
maths: i sit with shaza hurray2 so thers an actual 'friend' . bt th problem this time is NOBODY IN TH CLASS TALKS [ cz most of th girls sit with guys yada2, i cudve ended with tht fate too bt thank God shaza sed t mr.griffin we're not allowed t sit next t guys /gg ]!! so we always havta whisper.. well anyway its gud im with her in maths cz we're always confused n never understand anythin so whenever she asks a question t th teacher i can skalian listen. XD core maths is harder than u think o___O;; n mr.griffin talks way too much. srsly.
physics: O'NEIL isnt as bad as i thot he ws o__O;; still he annoys me bt idk y XD physics isnt rele hard. thers just too much equations n weird units n names t remember @@;; i has jana n sammy for classmates thus its entertainin cz i make fun of sammy all th time [ n with jana too XD ] n we always hav different classrooms.
study periods: we're meant t be studyin or wtever bt in study periods i DRAW. durh, y waste 1hr of a free lesson t STUDY? i do it t improve on wt i wanna do in th future [ which i mite cannot do til i get married bcuz my dad wants me t be an engineer ]. bt i do use it wisely when i ddnt do my h/w th previous day n dcide t do it in th study period. XD *irresponsible me~ o yea i always listen t music n never talk t others.
ok so thts wt yr12 for me is like.. evryday is so damn monotonous so i get bored n moody a lot bt mehh wt can i do? yr12 is different bcuz
a) i can ask teachers all th questions i have in my mind without struggle like in yr11+10
b) i do a hell lotta activities yet they seem lonelier than last year [ no maruku n carisa in primary, no fajar in school mag T~T *bt hey i have fun with cania n marsya n hamzah too ok XD ]
c) for some reason i feel more .. alone than in yr11 which ws meant t be th worst n most depressin year of my life o__O;; when i think abt it yr11 wsnt even tht bad. i had more ppl around me. i wish i can take it back. ):
4 replies:
yur so emo dude.
be gay and the world will be lala land.
because ur asian.
i kno i am emo bt IRL i am quite th normal random person rite?
i wanna be gay bt i cant *jim*
i aint a true asian.
LOOOL u cant sit next to guys? HAHHA
thts such a stupid excuse, funny tho. Bt wth the girls ALL sit next to guys? ckck
i dont like yr 12 too :D
cuz its not as hyper as yr 11
tling2 me n shaza thot of tht excuse tgether. XD yes2 it ws th teacher's idea t put th girls next t guys *jim*
hmmh. yr12 is too serious n study-ish D:
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