I started typing zees at 10:44pm [9th] n continued it like th next day at Zuhur [10th] n th next day at asar :D [11th]
[ btw i edited th wednesday entry talkin abt 1st break so go read it if u havent ]
sorry for th long entry i made a blog mostly for myself t remember stuff tht happened in my sometimes depressin sometimes excitin life. btw this entry is meant t be entertainin~
Well i finished my peachy essays at around 3:15am, i still ddnt do some paragraphs bt my dad ws wakin up for sahur so i HADTA go in my room n sleep for only 2hrs.. i succeeded in not getting caught keh2 *bsides i dont think dad wud care
school ws boring n normal altho i PWNd th chemistry titration experiment [ mr.parry sed my results wer PERFECT tling2 ] n th break times wer normal too [ nothin gud happened like yesterday ]. inbetween lessons i ddnt see fajar so i had nobody t talk to as i walk [ he's th only one i talk to durin school hours *bsides girls at break ] n so tht ws another lonely factor too ~__~;;
afta school i walkd t th back with carisa n hamzah n fajar n cania trailin behind altho i wsnt rele payin attention t her cz fajar ws askin me abt some problems i had yesterday n he kept bumpin into me so it made me feel more annoyed altho he tried t make me feel better by smilin a lot.
i ws told t go into th isyna mobile n sat at th front, i hadta wait like 10 MINUTES for nisa n ocha n bla3. tht rele wasted my time cz i wnted t rush home. th car ws very full n ali n salmaniye kept fighting n nisa n ocha kept laughin bt i ddnt rele understand y so i just listend t music n stared out th window daydreaming of music videos of a certain secret someone ;]
ther ws indra in iwan's house n th boys intended t swim n th girls made cupcakes bt i ws just at home playin RO until 4pm arose n i decided t go t dnf's. ther, th older guys wer assisting th cupcake making wth o__O;; me n frh went t my house t wrap a gift n it ws quite fun XD then i checkd my RO n saw tht umar n fajar wer talkin abt goin t villaggio, n i ws d-ajaked or somethin so i thot YESS I WANNA GO TOO! for i feel like surfin around virgin - its not like i buy anythin ther i just like wt th store has n wt it luks like XD th aura is enticing u see. me n frh finished wrapping n thts when fajar left with th isynas [ turns out his main reason t go t villaggio is virgin too just like me XD *hi5 bro~! ]
i grew worried cz i wnted t go n meet up with them [ plus i ddnt wanna stay ther too late cz id be sleepy T~T ] so we rushed t dnf's t see if md or dhea or nisa wud like t participate, bt they dont. we spent like 45mins ther fussin abt who shud antar, if md shud go or not, bla3. i ws panicking so hard in my head thinkin 'God i dnt wanna go ther when they leave' so when FINALLY evrythin ws settled i rushed home t change. turns out md n icha wnted t go too so yeaa thers another reason for mom t take us *she ws too tired t do so first - on th phone i actually NAGGED her 'mom pls take me t villaggio i hardly ask u t antar me t places cz i dont go out a lot bla3 it wont be long' - all this for virgin n leavin house boredom n t be able t jln bareng with them o___O;; we left at 6:30 or somethin n i actually smsed hamzah sayin if he leaves when we reach im gunna whoop his a** xD
WE REACHED! my destination virgin [ tht sounds wrong ] ws just a few metres out of reach. inside i lgsung went t th other merchandises side [ u kno th one with shirts n band brands ] bcuz i wsnt interested in any books rele. i remembered tht fajar wnted t go t virgin so apparently i tried lukin for him whilst browsin thru ALL-OVER-QR-100 shirts.. they lukd so nice T~T i wnted t buy one tht had a red tie n pocket motif bt WTH QR 119? mom wud KILL ME if i buy another shirt.. specially for tht much cash! *mom hates th fact tht i wear shirts all th time
anyway it ws around 7 already n i ws abt t give up searchin for th boys in sheer sadness [ u wudnt believe how many times i shifted my eyes around th store ]. we saw th coolest headphones ever n ther wer simpsons shirts tht had interestin pictures on em. then when me n frh wer abt t go t th book section, I SAW FAJAR! he lukd like a lost kid. i probably thanked God unconsciously by bein quite speechless n idk y bt my legs started shakin n i ws a bit nervous as i tugged farah n sed LUK FAJAR IS THER LETS SURPRISE HIM!! n so we dd. we hid behind a shelf of CDs n when he appeared we went HI! *well thts wt I sed. he ddnt luk tht surprised, just lost. XD
we 3 started walkin around th place tgether n fajar ws talkin abt his time so far in villaggio with th isynas - turns out they just ate n he ddnt jln2 here yet so i thot YAY =D his presence cheers me up i guess.. his eyes wer red so i thot he ws sleepy bt its just bcuz of th swimming. we lukd at nintendo DS cassettes tgether n he chose some random one he never even heard of, altho i offered high school musical as another option. icha n md wer still browsin shirts n iphone cases bla when they met up with us for a bit n wandered off on their own. F3 then lukd at shirts for a bit n fajar bot his game as me n farah peeked at th book place for a bit. we got bored ther n dcided t go t carrefour cz farah wnted t buy a rubber XDDXD it ws a stupid discussion - we sed how we go t a mall just t go t carrefour n buy 1 object xp i ws also expectin t meet th twins ther bcuz they wernt in virgin with fajar. he sed if we're msih lama n i sed nah not rele probably til 8:30 n he sed he wud liek t go home with us ~
so we ventured off t carrefour very stupidly tgether. fajar kept goin on abt how he's th only guy n once when we lewat an arab man he sed 'i bet tht bpk2 is sayin ckck nih laki2 sndiri' or somethin like tht bt then i remarked 'well pretend we're ur sisters =D' also, whenever i saw a gud lukin guy i point it out n go kyaa. n when thers somethin cool or cute or interestin i point at it n shout out my opinions XD i bet it ws annoyin bt i hadta do it cz i ws in a gud mood =] MAKE TH MOST OF IT DONG! i am not often in a gud mood for long.
well anyway we wer passin tht cafe in front of virgin when SUDDENLY we saw HAMZAH! he ws walkin in th open air so blindly [ as in, he ddnt see us at all ] n so we turned n RAN - i actually pulled fajar's jacket sleeve n literally dragged him t th body shop with farah doin somethin idk wt. he ws stumblin as he tried t turn around xDD;; anyway we isengly n sneakily stalked him from behind, watchin him enter virgin n lukin around at th book place [ AS IF FAJAR WUD GO THER!!! ]. we even hid behind a tree i think [ U CANT SEE US, WE WER BLENDIN IN JUST LIKE A PINE TREE *nigahiga ] . so we finally ran in th store n hid behind th counter [ ddnt care tht ppl wer watchin xDDD ] n as hamzah ws just standin around th bookshelves [ which turns out he ws lukin for BRISINGR as mentioned in his blog ] we appeared from th side n sed BAAAAAA or wtever it ws. i totally forgot t2h [ this para had lots of sidenotes ]
apparently he ws not surprised. us former fantastic four friends stood n discussed th fact tht th isynas wer goin home so wt abt u fajar r u goin with them? me n frh sed we will stay a bit longer so if u still wanna jln2 go ahead n join us bt its ur choice bla3. he dcided t be with us thus hamzah went off altho we antar-ed him bcuz it wud be more courteous n friendly like tht [ t protect our image lah ] *bsides we wnted t go t carrefour ddnt we?~
turns out his famileh ws already outside *LAUGH* so he went out n we went in carrefour. at th supplies section we lukd for farah's rubber bt me n fajar's eyes wer attracted t th FLEXIBLE RULER i currently own n have not lost yet. so he tuk it. then after gettin farah's ruler we went t th chocolates section cz mom ddnt buy me 4 boxes yet so i havta do it >: it ws 8 riyals.. GAH wt a waste of cash. farah also bot her share of goodies too.
after th check out we wondered as t wher we shud go. so we walkd t th food court [ fajar obviously refused t enter H&M; he sed tht jln2ing with us is like jln2ing with mothers - tho wt u expect we're girls! ] bt on th way i saw haagen daz which i never saw bfore n i ws so hungry n fajar's legs wer freakin tired [ JUST LIKE A FATHAR IN A MALL ] so me n frh ordered some ice cream n us 3 sat tgether on th SPINNING CHAIRS THT LUKD LIKE BEAN BAGS =D *one other reason i wnted t go in ther i bot tiramisu ice cream n it ws sooo gud x] we tried t narcist bt epic failed only ther wer 2 tht wer decent enuff.. altho fajar ddnt smile - i told him to mumpung2 we're bein happy. btw fajar seems t like th clothes in hip hop shop *LAAAAUGH* n we offered t go inside bt we ddnt.
afterwards we walkd t th food court [ found quite a few gud lukin guys ] wonderin wher r we goin exactly? so fajar sat on a chair again. then farah told me abt this large photo of a man or somethin over ther n i sed ok lets go! n fajar ws like wher r u guys goin? n i sed over ther cz ive never seen it bfore. u can sit down if u want n we'll come back later bt he dcided t join us n gud thing he dd or else he wudnt be laughin so much over somethin ill describe soon enuff.
we walkd t a part of villaggio I HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN BFORE xcept in afif's FS photos only i had NO IDEA it ws new! o___o;; th place ws so beautiful n tall n filled with flowers n columns n it ws th prettiest part of a mall ive ever seen.. fajar calld it a sanctuary XD i rekam-ed th scene bcuz takin pix wud be norse *NO CANIA N HAMZAH NOT MYTHOLOGY. th place ws full with merek-ed stuff e.g. D&G, burberry, n me n fajar wer talkin abt how we shud never tell ibu2s abt this place or else theyre gunna be too excited n talk abt it 24/7 n bla3. it ws dumb
we sat at a pretty water fountain n wnted t take pix bt g jdi. soon it ws abt 8pm n we sorta wnted t go home so me n frh went into th most BEAUTIFUL TOILET ENTRY I HAVE EVER SEEN n i calld icha in ther after attemptin t take a pic of of th place [ n epic failed of course ] n fajar soon trailed in. i mean come on even th bathroom entrance is like a sanctuary?! btw th phone callin ws epic fail too cz i got no signal XD
so afta tht we walkd back n on th way .. oh God fajar n farah loves this part.. anyway [ we always walk in a line often me in th middle ], while we wer strollin ther ws a group of orng items tht wer walkin past in our direction n then .. th one tht stood on th edge closest t us lukd at me n started doin KISS GESTURES WITH HIS MOUTH LIKE MORE THAN ONCE!!!!!!!! LIKE THIS >
GAAAAH IT WS HORRIBLE!!!!!! after they passed i lukd down in PURE EMBARASSMENT n started ranting stuff like 'OMG DD U SEE THT HE WS MAKIN KISS GESTURES AT ME' n 'I ATTRACT ORNG ITEMS MORE THAN I ATTRACT MY FRIENDS/TH PPL AROUND ME' n i kept SOBBING n SOBBING!!! farah n fajar on th other hand wer laughin so hard n so much ;_____; specially fajar.. he ws sleepy bt he laughed long >.>;; then i told them th story abt how when i ws in yr3 an item friend of mine told me t close my eyes n when i opened them he ws standin rite in front of me doin kissy gestures too as a way of teasing!! tht made farah n fajar laugh even more, specially th fact tht i commented after 'I ATTRACT ORNG2 ITEM' DDX then i mentioned somethin abt how ive gotten kissy gestures 2x already bt th next one aka 3rd time, 3 bein my fave. number, shall be from my FUTURE HUSBAND!! i sed it with such hope wth how sad of me. XD bt i gotta hand it to ya it ws probably th highlight of th night.
soon we walkd t wher icha n md ws bcuz i already calld mom tht we wnted t go home n apparently it ws 8:30pm.. rite on schedule. they wer in bershka choosin a jacket [ md used my 150 riyals *twitches eyes* ] bt dad ws already outside so F3 went t th car first n md n icha appeared latar. in th car we talkd abt stuff bt i forgot wt they wer so yeaaa. back at th kompond iwan n indra n nisa wer still in dnf's so md dcided t go back ther bt i thot uhh maybe ill just stay home bt then fajar sed come on bs lets go ther later so i sed ok fine y not. me n md emerged from th house at th same time bt i walked slower cz i needed t go t th bathroom bt when i walkd back fajar ws walkin twards me so i g jdi n walkd with him t dnf's insted.
btw ther ws a party in th clubhouse - they wer playin those techno songs so loud u cud even hear it from my house n th place ws actually dark n i cud tell ther wer teens in ther dancing.. dnt th neighbours find it disturbing?! n we heard mahmoud ws a part of it or somethin o___O;; on th way both of us saw a cig on th floor n fajar who ws walkin on its path suddenly hissed 'sh**!! f*** u' at th cigarette, jumpin a bit [ apparently th butt *ujung* of th cig which ws probably still hot rubbed against his toes? ]. i ws utterly shocked at wt i heard n i got upset. i sed 'fajar y dd u swear? stop sayin bad words .. ddnt i tell u tht? dont be like ur brother.. pleaase stop it' *altho not in one go ok- btw i rele ws upset- then he started sobbin 'im sorry, im soo sorry' [ NOT in a mock tone ] then he rubbed my back n dd those consoling stuff then i started puttin my fists in front of my face like this
anyway in dnf's all we dd ws see nisa n iwan finish th cupcakes with MASSIVE AMOUNTS of M&Ms n some of us ate em. we hung around a bit n i saw fajar's new DS game n it lukd so 3D n bla. then at 9:30 or somethin we went home..
tht concludes my thursday! XD hopefully th next entries wont be as long as this.. this is even longer than my deviantART journals o___O;; i think.
4 replies:
what was fajar's DS game btw? XD
-this has certainly made my day in a lighter mood. :D
uhh i have no idea i totally forgot XD *DUH!! u shall ask him urself. [ HA I KNEW WRITIN THT NORSE SIDE NOTE WUD BE USEFUL ]
NO2 NOT FACES, JUST WITH HIS MOUTH U KNO. i put th RO emoticon t jelasin it for God's sake.
ahh im glad u read all of it n tht it made ur day lighter ^__^
i ddnt read th word norse until after i red th cania n hamzah it aint no mythology. i do tht sometimes :"D
wow ur racist cuz u dont likr to attract blax nyeh2
LOL I THINK IVE GOT KISSY GESTURES TOO bt i think its their culture t2h
@ hamzah:- well wud U like t attract INDIANS?
oh btw im glad u read th entire entry. XD hope it ws entertainin even tho its long o___O;;
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