i dcided t put friday n saturday's entries separately so tht viewer's eyes wont get hurt. XD
3 is meant t be my favourite number bt God this friday n saturday sucked like hell for me. btw i dnt expect ppl t read or comment on my pessimistic entries bcuz hey im doin this blog for myself. =p
unlike last friday wher we had a water balloon fight [ i has pix n hamzah&cania described it already so i ddnt type abt it ] tday totally dd not kick ass. D: well in th mornin at 5:30 i went t th large field of somewher t watch men n boys play football.
LOL ABID N IWAN N FAJAR N UMAR *click for larger resolution toeng
ther ws umar fajar abid iwan khalid dhe3 farah indira salma n rania. me rania n indira ran around 1/3 of th field n it ws soo tiring xDD;; th place ws freakin foggy thus causin th grass t be wet u__u bt it ws so soft so i liked sitting on eet. D: well th mornin went on with us watchin n takin pictures of th guys [ btw in one of th matches some of th team members tuk off half of their tshirt XDXDX so their bodies wer half covered half not hiih ] n thts basically it. i listend t music mostly too. nothin special. well.. ther ws.. bt its my secret. =D then from 9:30AM til like.. after maghrib, all i dd ws play RO n pchat with hamzah *RO dominatin most of th 7hrs. me n hamzah dd a wonderful collab tgether bt somebody pressed th bomb button so it got erased T~T i blamed it on ocha bt then i had a feelin it ws fajar cz he ws at umzah's house.. btw th girls wer in villaggio cept nisa, we wer both too lazy t go out. tday i ws especially unwillin t move out of my chair, idk y.
bt then after maghrib-ish i dcided t go t nisa's house cz CC came n all. ther ws only nisa n cania n we watched britain's got talent vids - george sampson. i had no interest in him th previous days bt then after 2hrs or so of bein in tht house i transformed into a fangirl. dhe3 came later after i dd btw n we wer th loudest shriekers. i swear, his dance moves in th semi-final r so SEXY n HOT bt his smile is so CUTE n INNOCENT n LALALLA~!! God we watched tht vid like 98043x. george sampson made me so hyper n smiley. xD th boys came at isya time i think, they watched TV n all n then farah trailed in after. she prefers this pakistani/india group in th show calld signature than george sampson wth. SHE HAS BAD TASTE. anywots we then migrated t th livin room n nisa n cania n dhe3 wer piano-ing. i ws listenin t tht + th TV which wer th boys wer very intently gazin at.
soon after viewin hannah montana we walkd t dnf's house tgether. dk andin n carisa wer makin brownie cake n sushi for iwan's bday thing n of course abid karaoked.. th cake ws gud bt i ate mine so messily compared t hamzah n cania's clean plates bcuz i had difficulty cutting eet. i sang sometimes, sittin bside abid on th armrest, cania on my left n hamzah on my northeast *LOL. we 3 talkd frequently abt stuff which i forgot of *duh. sometimes i glanced at fajar who ws sittin on th floor bsides umair-sama n damn he lukd sleepy. his eyes wer freakin red. i expected him t go home bt he stayed til 10, which ws when th parents finished their pngajian. th end.
3rd Friday
Friday, 17 October 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 9:00 pm
Labels: kompond mingling
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6 replies:
wow this is a long entry yarr? :B
and yet me that has no life has patiently read it all.
ur feelings? isn it also bcz u just cant help wat u feel everytime u write up an entry?
like meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
*lha ko,
@ cuna:- hha yes it is XD well thanks for readin anyway.
@ nisa:- yea i guess so o=
u cant possibly compare my entries with urs XD
karaoke?!? I WAAAAAAAAN T____T
maan he likes to do that now huh?
huaaa miss those times
wait who r u talkin abt.
ooo. he dusnt luk hot at all lah! t2h
our hots r described in different photos XDXDDXD
he likes t do wt? karaoke?
so vaat
noone will actually care or noticed (maybe)
baaah he is SOOO!
huaaa karaoke
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