excuse th fact tht this entry will have fajar agung dewantoro's nicknames n name all over bcuz we have just baikan-ed on sunday n i wanna type abt th stuff tht happened durin th course of 2 days. *jim* -altho this entry's abt monday
im meant t be doin my h/w bt i shall conduct them in tmorrow's free lesson t2h [ dnt take example of me pepols ]
monday. a happy yet normal day. i ws goin t physics in th girl's block n i saw aho-ushi [ stupid cow in japanese ] comin n i grinned a bit n wnted t say hello bt he started first by shovin a piece of paper in my hands n sayin '--------' *im not supposed t tell~
then on th way t ict upstairs we talkd a bit abt th paper bt then khalid ws sayin 'lgi ngomong ap sih?' n aho-ushi sed 'ngga2 secret' or somethin like tht then i sed sorry n all he dd ws nod.. he is always with khalid now so we dnt get t talk much anymore T~T
well afta school ther ws a pizza sale n he calld my name n bot me a piece even tho i offered t pay myself. i then gave him another paper n tricked him ampe dia deg2an bt .. yea XD
afta school me dhea n frh went outside t take a walk [ th sky on th way home ws soo pretty ] n ther ws iwan playin ball so we talkd t him n then fajar appeared n we talkd tgether abt wt t wear for tmorrow's QIS themed non-uniform day. i ws explainin abt how th boys shud bring a Quran n wear an Ihrom [ -IMAGINES A CERTAIN SOMEONE- ] or a Sarung n then bring a Sajadah XD after tht me iwan dhea n frh [ fajar went home ] played in th tennis court for a short while.
at home me n fajar continued playing nameless RO tgether - bt this time we ddnt train. guess wt we did toeng [ hamzah knows cz we talkd abt it at school tday ]
it ws his idea. he chose a flower ring tht costed 1500z whilst i got a diamond ring tht ws 45000z n i went WTF get me a better ring than THT man then we went into soo much trouble as t which charas of ours shud get married n in th end we chose our assassin crosses [ aka sinX ] XD
th weddin process ws so easy bt CHEESY n STUPID i tried t hold my laugh in bt i released it anyway. it ws such a funny n useless n unforgettably stupid moment XD ahh th stuff u do with ur friends. lemme show u th screenshots *click to enlarge~..
i am now syania tifani dewantoro. HAAHAHAHAHAH AS IF
*entry abt tuesday next~
Monday, 27 October 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 9:19 pm
Labels: happyfajaring, humorous, RO, schoolness, youknowho
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2 replies:
god finally you and fajar made up. it'll make me go berserk if you guys didn't. =.=
we wer wearin battle clothes insted of weddin ones for guten's sake.
wth me n fajar fought for 2 weeks n u ddnt even berserk at all HAU
of course u do dear.
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