tday oddly enuff i ws more smiley than yesterday. maybe its th magic of tuesdays? *my birth day teehee
anyway i feel like typin abt my school day. yea2 i kno its not interestin liek all of urs bt hey ive had my happy years too.
so it ws th glorious free lesson 1st. i had chem h/w i ddnt do yet so i spent like 20 minutes on tht when i ws supposed t be studyin for maths >__>;; *whilst listenin t music like i always do of course. in th end i ddnt get t study much n maths ws next lesson so .. i hadta brace for questions i wont be able t nswer.
griffin ws already blabbing as i entered th class n sat down n dkun [ doni2 ] sat next t me gasp. i rele like it when he talks :'D he has such a nice voice even tho he stutters a lot. i remember when me ocha n nisa used t spy on him in 2004-2005 so we can hear his voice HAHAHA. bt now i can do it freely. happy2 days.
th math test lacked questions abt curved graphs which ws wonderful cz tht ws th topic i ddnt study well for. BUT, ther wer so much questions abt factorisation n they wer all SO LONG.I also have trouble completin th square D= i skipped 2 questions bcuz of those things n they wer worth 6 marks altgether. bahh im sure t lose 12% already >__>;; he shudda put more graphs actually khikeheik
anywots it ws chem 3rd lesson n i had a nice time. i like chemistry now =D i have no idea how. igcse chem sucked n i detested it bt now i dnt mind at all. btw this month marks parry's 20th year teaching ohemgaii o__o when one of th boys do somethin stupid parry dusnt yell, he just scolds them bt in a funny way so in th end evryone always laughs~ tday we wer doin hess's law diagrams n i who already understood it t2h had no inquiries.
on th other hand, th boys had a lot of questions. when parry nswerd one of em i think mohammed yakout went OHHH n parry started writing a heading 'Ooh' on th board n added a tally mark underneath it n he sed 'if i get 5 OHHs this lesson ill have a day off tmorrow' XD it ws so funny when he dd it XD *scuse my bad describing
th lesson went on happily with me beamin at my perfect nswers n i kept laughin whenevr somebody sed OHH n parry adding another tally. XD at th end of th lesson he got 6 o__O;; n we ddnt do em on purpose honestly. they wer reflexes! oh how well tht teacher teaches ampe dpet 6 OHHs. XD ther ws also a time when a dude sed 'AHH' n then th 20-yrs-experienced chem teacher sed somethin of approval n he inserted a new heading 'AHH' into th board n he got 2 of those. XDXD
ict ws quiet as usual. watkins or peachey, evryone in th class is always silent cz ther aint any noisy ppl ckck. also we're too busy with our transactional websites so.. yea. he allows us t listen t music now =D so my mobile earphones blared thruout th hour.
physics ws also normal. i ate tamtam loudly in th class n ws used for an experiment tht failed cz we hadta use trolleys n o'neil ws scared tht someone wud fall n get hurt, me n sammy exchanged sad fates n school mag duties n i got so confused with newton's stinkin laws.
afta school me andin dhea n carisa talkd with iwan abt pr0m which is still so far aweh n unlike yesterday's heart-shattering afternoon [ err i cried bt nobody seemed t have seen cept carisa n sammy who i ws talkin to ] i had a wonderful one tday. it ws school mag of course so y shudnt i have been random n cheery? evrybody hadta go into group discussions of their chosen jobs bt i who had 3 jobs [ lil bit of layout, lil bit of photography, lil bit of ads ] ws utterly confused as t which one i shud go t so i popped up in evry single discussion ther ws XD i sticked with th advertising one longest =p bt then me eman rawan n cania escaped t take pictures /gg
we tuk pix of boys' football TOENG, girls' basketball n tried t luk for th detention room n got caught by parry starin at us from his office when we wer hangin round th boys block XD we failed at tht.
it ws such a random session XD i get along quite well with th yr10 n yr11 girls.
then it ws all bla3.
normal entry eh? =D
+ Inertia
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 7:45 pm
Labels: humorous, schoolness
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7 replies:
HLOL. when we run around randomly looking for pics is kinda funny :D and good thing that you can interact with mii friends. :D
lol wth OHH
yes2 cania.
s'tht all u havta say hamzah? lame.
so u talk to him a lot?
LOOL hahha
tsg too i think. o__O;;
NO we dnt talk to each other AT ALL
i just hear his voice when he nswers th teacher toeng
u guys sat next to each other, but dont talk!? =0=
*i just rmmberd tht i HAVE a blogger acc xD
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