i dcided t put friday n saturday's entries separately so tht viewer's eyes wont get hurt. XD
3 is meant t be my favourite number bt God this friday n saturday sucked like hell for me. btw i dnt expect ppl t read or comment on my pessimistic entries bcuz hey im doin this blog for myself. =p
tday ws freakin horrid. i stayed up after 5:30AM n nobody went on til like 6 somethin. ther ws kaifa tday n i ddnt feel like goin bt well i hadta. when me n dnf reached sekompond wer talkin tgether by th stairs. i leaned against th railing n just stared down - even if im afraid of heights i still do tht tho idk y o__O;; i had no idea wt th others wer sayin cz i wsnt payin attention t them. i ws so sleepy [ i slept in th car ] so i ddnt feel like engaging in convos. bsides, fajar ws talkin t th girls so.. i ddnt. we wer then told t go in our classes, th boys' ws next t us =p
all we dd ws read th Quran, get t kno each other n plan our future lessons. i ws horrified by th fact tht th courses will be extended til zuhur. i thot of how thers also kempo at 5:30pm. i wud only have 5hrs t do h/w n play RO or wtever lah. thts when my mood started t drop D=
when all ws done i walkd t th usual gatherin place by th counter tht luks like a hotel's. i only saw th isynas. if u all read my previous entries u shud obviously kno who i ws lukin for. hamzah ws hangin at tht place n we both talkd abt who came n who those guys at th stairs wer n bla3. then we went home n i slept in th car again.
at home i had such gudwill t do my h/w bt i ddnt. i ws in too bad of a mood t do anythin cept open RO n stare at it cz nobody else ws playin. well ther ws athrun of course bt hey i CANT play with him. neverthless, me n hamzah chatted for quite a long time n tht ws entertainin enuff t keep me at th laptop. *ckck bad me. he told me of a story tht happened in kaifa n my mood got worse. then all of a sudden fajar started a chat with me n gave a utube link. i had no idea wt it ws [ guessin it ws a song ] bt it turned out t be a KHR episode >__>;; bt then i saw tht it had tht funny xanxus thing he i n cania discussed once bfore weeks ago. i wondered t hamzah y on earth he's givin me tht video n i frantically askd him wt i shud reply n bla3 *yesterday i ws askin him for guy tips btw XD n i think i dd th rite thing.
it ws mnjelang maghrib n i ws mortified when i heard tht fajar ws joining our car t go t kempo tday bcuz tht means i havta chat with him t discuss stuff u kno. i ws keen on seein th isynas kempo tday so i ddnt let tht bother me too much. he sed 'bsbs2' n asked abt wt video us girls wer watchin last nite n i replied lamely n gave him th link [ later on in kempo he agreed tht george sampson is cool ]. bfore we left t th KBRI somethin happened n i cried bt i wont tell u y cz its awfully embarassing x.x;;
in th car me n dnf wer havin fun talkin abt th petroleum company thing n th music we wer listenin to from my HP. fajar ws sittin at th back n i cud hear him play with th badminton racket i left ther n iwan ws at th front bein very quiet. he quit kempo bt he came anyway t study chemistry?! they wer runnin when we arrived.
th isynas came rite when we wer doin ridiculous stretches n khalid ws wearin shorts HESAHUIRGS. th warm up tuk up a lot of time. soon it ws th drinkin session [ gasp ] n i ws sad as i tuk a glimpse of fajar n elang attached t each other with cania n farah talkin so freely with them. God he lukd so happy unlike myself. while them 4 wer at it me dhea carisa n dhe3 wer wonderin abt th cartwheel juruses. they practised it bt since im still unconfident abt doin one i stood n watched. then i heard a 'bs, bs' n figured it ws fajar bt i thot i ws mistaken only he sed 'bs, bs' again so i turned around not knowin wt he ws gunna say. he sed elang wnted t ask somethin n i sorta sank. bt elang went all no no n fajar ws goin on abt somethin t do with dinda n FS n all i sed ws 'yea' n i diverted my attention t elang n sed 'mau tanya ap?' bt he ws nvm-ing. how cud he say my name so easily with such a loose grin T_T? i ws unconsciously wishin tht he wnted t talk abt somethin else, not abt elang's message.
we then shifted ourselves t th isynas n fadhli [ whoops forgot t mention him ] n they bgan walkin away as if they wer gunna LEAVE! which they dd after several discussions of them havin t learn with th kids so they went no effin way n so ther. i ws so disappointed T~T well i knew hamzah aint interested bt we then talkd abt how khalid ws so i felt sorry for him. hopefully next week they can consider it again >.<>an tht word be used in this context? ] .. which ws gud cz i felt so lame n moody. i ws behind dhe3 again like on th far left with trent on th far rite n gah i felt like we wer so far away even if ther wer only 2 ppl between us n it ws just for a short while. he n elang wer next t farah n cania too x.x we revived th tenchiken[g]s n bla3. after drinkin n searchin for a wind source dhe3 dcided t move us next t fajar n elang. sometimes he talkd as if he ws directing it at me bt dhe3 ws th one who kept nswerin so yea. he also brot up th im-goin-t-indo-this-december-so-who-wants-t-titip-somethin? topic n inside i ws .. idk. so upset. i dnt want him t go t indo this december .__.;; bt heck i cant do anythin so leave it. he'll haffun ther anyway. btw we learnt tenchikeng dai san tday =D
when th unexciting-unlike-thursday's session ws over we all sat in a circle n talkd abt khalid n wt he does with his life. it sounds funny when i type it here XD we talkd abt how khalid dusnt chat n stuff so wth dus he do? n then fajar explains how om hanif scolded him t get a hobby [ laugh tht sounds like get a life ] so he bot tht boy a canvas t paint on. XD it sounds childish bt its funny XD then he went on t th indo subject again. he ws th one tht talkd most in th ntire circle so i just kept quiet..
in th car fajar sat at th back, me n dnf n tnte siwi in th middle n iwan n om agus at th front. at first i ws listenin t music very loud cz dhea who ws next to me ws able t hear my earphones blarin so i stopped. i totally forgot y bt then th ntire car attenders [ cept iwan n om agus ] started talkin abt marriage o-o or future on th whole. i told em abt my garden marriage n how i planned it once in RO n fajar from th back remarked somethin like 'knp g sma bunga/pohon sakura aj' or somethin. at one time i turned around t luk thru th seat head's gap t see wt he ws doin n i thot i saw his neck bt then after i turned back i had a bad feelin he ws lukin rite thru th gap at me too o____O;; well anyway we talkd abt other stuff n i tried hard not t nswer wt fajar sed bt in th end when we passed th isyna household i nswered 'engga ko' when he asked 'umzah beli mobil baru?'. turns out they dd >__>;;
btw u guys shud probably have realised tht my blog contains more of my feelings than wt happens t me cz i wanna see how i change over th years~
3rd Saturday
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Essay by syania/bs at 10:59 pm
Labels: boredays, emofajaring, essay entry is essay-ish, kemprot
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