So! It's the 1st day of January, 2009.
I don't celebrate New Year because it's not Islamic plus like I said it's just a number, but last night me and the girls and Fadhli went over to Abid's house to have a BBQ :D The Isynas couldn't come due to their personal reasons, but on my way to DnF's I got to walk with Hamzah from Nisa's house to talk about it - I kept saying he never tries. I felt so bad for Khalid because he finished his h/w yet was still unable to go.Well, turns out there were Wakrans, a totally 'asing' company. They looked alay and me and Arya sometimes said private remarks to each other about it haha. XD I was really glad he was there. Me and Icha wanted to watch Wrong Turn but nobody else did ): So we just hung about, ate pasta, played Guitar Hero... then BBQ-ed. I didn't kenalan with any of the strangers because well, I'm just like that. I was sort of nervous slash afraid. The BBQ was quite amusing and the food tasted delicious. I didn't get to help because nobody told me what to do, and I couldn't contribute because I don't know how to BBQ. So I took pictures instead and laid down and looked at the stars. I love stars.
Soon people went to the roof but me, Matar, Indra, Fadhli and Arya stayed downstairs and played Guitar Hero. Icha was inside her room Pet Societising. Then me and Matar went up alone when infact it was Arya's idea to do so but he changed his mind. We got the impression he and Indra wanted to be left alone.
All they did up there was play cards, I didn't join in. Then Abid and the Wakrans moved far apart from us to play their own game, Truth or Dare I think. I heard bad stories about those guys, and got disgusted. Me, Andin, Matar and Nisa went downstairs 'cause Andin had to go home, it was 11. Then me and Nisa heard Arya saying Nisa's name through Abid's room's locked door [toeng], and we started to eavesdrop but they stopped talking ): WE KNEW IT WAS ABOUT MUHAMAD PRIHATNA WAKAKAKA XD
Later on I played Guitar Hero with them weee. And Boey and Ichay came too. And Om Bidin. WUAT?! Why is he here so early?! We all exclaimed. For 10 minutes we had a ruckus of who goes home and bla3, Nisa and Dhea were literally dragging me to opposing sides - Nisa: going home, Dhea: staying 'til Om Ali comes - but I chose Nisa's side in the end. We waited til 12AM before leaving so we could take a group picture with party poppers ;D You know, those , and I was convinced by Nisa to sleepover at her house, so that's what I did =D I got exconfetti things.
DnF and MD stayedtremely sleepy at 1AM-ish though, and was the 1st to sleep after talking together about God knows what, I forgot. Nisa's bed was soo comfortable x) Matar was sick so she slept on the floor. WITH A MATTRESS DUH.
4 replies:
You didn't seem to have fun.
It's like all of you guys are dispersed. some outside th gate, some bbq ing, some guitar heroing, some pet societying, some wtching stars on rooftops DX
bt i wnted 2 b ther. n by wnting 2 go home nisa shows her muslimahness hence her 'no way im not dating'
AHAHAHAHA yea we wer dispersed bt th pet society ws icha's own doing n th stars only i did, n on th GRASS.
i cnt say i ddnt have fun, i sorta did~
i dnt get ur last paragraph
nah it was fun hamzah -kslaps-
no nisa wanted to go home because she was scared her dad would get mad. XD
hey i watched the stars with you too remember T_T
n also bcuz ksian lah om bidin drive jauh2 [actually it isnt] malem2 msa g ad yg ikut sih ckck
u did? i forgot.
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