So, the week was quite a turnover despite that awesome Friday which can't be repeated unfortunately. At times like these I just wanna read those 2 entries over and over and over again. Drift off into the dream-like past. Yes, the past seems like a dream to me... and the present a sour reality. ):
Saturday - 10th January
It sucked harder than expired lollipops [which Idk how it turns out after its expiry date by the way o__O;;]. KAIFA was a drag, which = weight + upthrust. Lol sorry physics stuff. I expected Fajar to be there wearing all-red like he said, but there were guests over there so he couldn't come. There was a Palestine thingy in Qatar Charity. It was hideously boring and a waste of my time. I could've stayed at home and studied or something, drew, chatted, whatever. The guy was just showing off a droning timeline that had nothing to do with the country except the last 3/4 part. That's all there is to it, really.
I forgot what happened on Sunday D:
Monday - 12th January
I skipped Primary after-school so I can sok belajar, which I didn't do by the way. I accidentally left Nisa at school 'til 2pm when she was supposed to go home at 1. Sorry Nisa. XD Me and Dhea hitched a ride in the Sudarsana mobile 'cause Tante Ita/Tante Lisna was coming in really late and we just wanted to go home and 'study'. Apparently the key to my house was with Tante Ita. In that car we talked about music, marriage and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My phone was calling my mom by itself [Idk how], me unaware, so when she rang she told me she heard something about KFC and Israel and I was laughing. I felt kinda emo in there; personal reasons. Iwan hardly spoke a word. When we reached my side of the compound I had a tough decision whether to stay in front of my house or go into Fajar's. I ended up sitting on the couch of their home watching Disney Channel after much thought. Iwan and Tante Siwi wandered off everywhere but Fajar sat down on a sofa and watched with me. We were dead silent. I wanted to talk but with Fajar I never try to start a convo 'cause good replies all depend on his mood. Eventually it was time to go home and he lead me out the door courteously. I did not study. I don't even remember what I was doing. My mom suggested that I take a day off school tomorrow and I came to the conclusion that I should go to lessons 4 and 5 only. As usual I was worried as to why Fajar wasn't chatting with me/online but when I went to his house to deliver money and he opened the door with a peek and beamed at the envelope and I said 'bukan buat kamu ya' and he talked about how his dad asked him what he wants to buy because of his 4 certificates and he replied that he'll think about it and I said sok banget sih kamu and we said bye with a grin, all the worries were blown away~
Tuesday - 13th January
Skipping school feels great, specially when done in Yr12. I studied from like 7 'til 10AM but slept for 30 mins inbetween. I felt prepared for this exam due to that. On my way to ICT, which was lesson 4 [I came to school right on time], I spotted Fajar going up the stairs but I kept my head down. When I looked up I saw him stopping and waiting for me, and when I was right behind him he asked 'Katanya bolos?' in his uplifting tone. I was about to explain when Abdulla who was in front of us said to him 'She's my friend' and playfully pushed him then Fajar pushed back. That's probably the 2nd/3rd time he asked me something but never got to hear the answer. So, after ICT, which was a waste of time, I went down the wrong stairs. There was Ifa and Indira so I questioned the Photography club. Indira said she was backing out and a lightbulb lit up. Downstairs, I collided with Fajar and Adam, grabbed Fajar's shoulders and whispered 'Eh Fajar bilang ke Adam tuh photography ada 1 tempat' and the boy loudly replied 'dia mmang udh mau masuk koq' *lol I think that's how he'd type it* or something. Then Adam told me something like yea, he's joining. It was a lame sentence. There were only 4 people in my Physics class. How stupid is that? After school me and Hamzah greeted calmly but he suddenly blurted out stories again. Anyway, the Physics exam was shit. I skipped a lot of questions and most of the ones I answered were done hesitantly. There were none that I was confident about, and it scared me. However, I was most enraged at how they hardly had anything I diligently studied for, nor the style of questions I really wanted, like calculations and equations of motions. Everything was explain this, show that, describe so and so. Stupid. In the car I became hopeless. I studied so hard, but nothing good will come out of it. I don't expect a B or A at all. That caused me to look back at my efforts again, numerous that never had positive results even when I tried really really hard. I forced myself to cry but that failed too. When I got home, I made the most emo PM, replied lamely at Matar and didn't bother with my next exam. Even Fajar greeted but he changed his mind and I think it's because of the bad mood I showed. For once I replied 'ap' instead of 'no no dnt say nvm, tell me'.
Wednesday - 14th January
Today was a waste besides Chemistry so I regretted coming to school. I even got a detention in Maths which I really don't care about. Physics was funny but I got upset because everyone thought the exam went great and I was the only one that hated it. In Chemistry we used balloons to portray shapes of molecules and it was highly amusing. The Mohammeds wanted to prove to Parry that when a balloon is hit it lands straight down, no parabolas involved [learnt from Physics]. When they hit it though, the balloon got stuck to the ceiling XD It was too funny. I wish I get to record all my Chemistry lessons. There's never one that doesn't make me laugh. After school I excessively chatted [not MSN] with Hamzah again and I realised that this week is such a Hamzah week. Fajar popped in once to try to poke the balloon I kept from Chemistry or was it because he wanted to interrupt again? but went back to the boys. By the way, throughout the days there were Indra x Kerry moments which we wuoo-ed at. I wanted to tell Hamzah my Adam story yesterday but the sight of the newsletter in Fajar's hands attracted me and I tried to obtain it but that boy kept moving his arms around as I attempted to snatch it away from his hand. It was a playful thing to do, but he didn't even smile or look at me, which I was just aware of that I say that a lot . Usually he would. So anyway my ICT exam started at 3 so I waited from 1 'til then, eating Subway and conducting my Maths h/w. The weather was great. I love school at night, 'specially the buildings. The exam was good but I didn't finish my report which is 18 marks but alhamdulillah I put in quite a few infos. I am so glad my exams are over.
Thursday - 15th January
I shouldn't have come to school today either, except that Chemistry was again important. I sat next to Abdulrahman by force of Parry and it made me remember how we used to talk on the phone and chat together in Year 8 - 9. We did an experiment that enabled us to bend running liquids and it was so freakin awesome. One of the Mohammeds stated 'Bend it Like Beckham' and I laughed. My detention felt like a breeze 'cause effin Griffin i.e. Iffin came in the last 5 minutes of it so for the first 10 I looked at the Year 11 boys' test papers. Iwan got 92% and Abid got 76% lol. As far as I remember, that is. Which isn't much. I began to continue my comic again and one perspective panel took me 50 minutes to finish. On my way out after the last lesson, Fajar and Khalid came in and that boy said to me 'Eh Adam mau main football lho, ikut aja nonton' and I think I replied 'Buat apa coba?'; my head remarking 'So what? I don't care what he does'. I noticed that he wore the p.e. bag I gave him and it made me soften a little. At home Nisa begged me to go outside/to her house. I brought my camera out 'cause the sky was amazing. Hamzah appeared right after I reached Nisa's door, and we took pictures for a while out there. Fajar and Tante Siwi passed by with their car and I later found out he was going to CC to buy his mobile, and I sort of felt upset 'cause he told Khalid and not me. Anyway we were all there besides DnF and the Sudarsanas, designing pins for supporting Palestine and photo-ing. More detail in FB. It was a relaxing 1.5 hours. After Maghrib I went to Nisa's and read her chat log and laughed hysterically XD Sigh, it was fun. At home I became my exaggerative anxious self and after much contemplating and ranting to Hamzah and Carisa, decided to not worry anymore and relax. It worked. Fajar greeted me in MSN at like 9pm-ish asking if I was going to Aspire tomorrow and finally we chatted again *tchd.
That's all.
A Week Down the Drain
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Essay by syania/bs at 11:14 pm
Labels: basic emo, happyfajaring, schoolness
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2 replies:
i attempted to chat with you but msn was being gay.
isnt msn always gay? D:
thank u for reading all.
i kno u do ok xD
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